wolfthewizard / WireBoids

3d game written entirely in canvas 2d context.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




3d game written entirely in canvas 2d context.


3d rendering

All drawing on screen is done by canvas 2d context. To obtain 3d wireframe graphics, a series of transformations is done in Context3d.mapPoint method. This results in series of lines drawn on screen that generate a sense of space.


Game runs smoothly regardless of performance. Due to utilization of deltaTime in GameEngine, all actions on screen are scaled to elapsed time from last loop execution. This means that playing in 5fps doesn't give an edge to a player, compared to gameplay in 60fps. Frames are capped at 60fps, but that can be configured in GameEngine.


Structure of the game is split up into few sections. GameEngine handles game logic, time flow and coordination, while classes in 3dContext.js take care of rendering when asked. There is also GameWorld class in model.js that stores information about objects in the game.

Cube generation algorithm

To provide interesting gameplay, a custom algorithm for generating cuboids was created. Obstacles are generated in groups of random size in given bounds. There is a minimum and maximum distance between cuboids in a group. The same goes for distance between groups, but this distance is bigger. If the cubes bounds were random, the player could exploit the algorithm and fly on the border. To prevent this, cubes are sometimes generated out of bounds and clipped to game space.


3d game written entirely in canvas 2d context.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 93.2%Language:CSS 4.1%Language:HTML 2.7%