wolfejw86 / sourced-repo-arc-dynamo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sourced Repo Arc Dynamo

EventSourced entity repository pattern implementation - uses the following

@Architect - https://arc.codes

Uses Sourced for model / entity development Sourced - https://github.com/mateodelnorte/sourced

Working implementation is based on the source-repo-mongo repository implementation for MongoDB - https://github.com/mateodelnorte/sourced-repo-mongo


Because building with event sourced models is easy and really robust.


  • implement full repo API as shown in sourced-repo-mongo
  • document the API thoroughly
  • provide alternate impl to not be dependent on Arc - possibly remove dependency on @architect/functions entirely
  • show example project of heavy pattern leveraging to make it obvious how to use this package
  • finish test coverage
  • add integration tests against dynamodb in a docker container


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%