wolf43 / OS-X-and-iOS-keychain

Basic introduction to keychain

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Keychains are a secure storage containers provided by Apple for OS X and iOS. They are the recommended way of storing sensitive information like passwords, private keys, certificates and other information an application or user wants to protect.
Keychain services are built on top of CDSA(Common Data Security Architecture). The keychain API also provides some funcitonality to interact with native CCSM structures. Most developers can get everything done just by using keychain API.

Differences between iOS and OSX keychain

  • iOS only has one keychain : OSX has one keychain per account by default and user/applications can add more
  • Apps in iOS can only access its own items in keychain : Users in OSX allow access to keychain items to apps
  • Keychain only exists in one(unlocked state) in iOS : There are 2 states in OSX, locked and unlocked

Using keychain

There are 3 main ways to access keychain API on OSX:

Listing available options

security h or just security

Listing keychains

security list-keychains

Adding a keychain

security add-keychain
This will not show up if you run security list-keychains, you have to add it to search
This stackoverflow answer can help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20391911/os-x-keychain-not-visible-to-keychain-access-app-in-mavericks or you can open key chain access, click file->add keychain, select keychain_you_created.keychain(it will be in the same location as the login keychain - your_user/Library/Keychains)

Adding entry to keychain

security add-generic-password [-a account] [-s service] [-w password] [options...] [-A|-T appPath] [keychain_to_add]

Retriving entry from keychain

security find-generic-password password_to_find keychain_to_search

Removing entry from keychain

security delete-generic-password password_to_find keychain_to_search

Deleting keychain

security delete keychain keychain_to_delete

Additional reading material

Keychain services programming guide - https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/keychainServConcepts/01introduction/introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000897-CH203-TP1
Keychain concepts - https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/keychainServConcepts/02concepts/concepts.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000897-CH204-TP9
OSX keychain services tasks - https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/keychainServConcepts/03tasks/tasks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000897-CH205-BCIHAAGG
iOS keychain services tasks - https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/keychainServConcepts/iPhoneTasks/iPhoneTasks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000897-CH208-SW1
CDSA definition - https://www.techopedia.com/definition/10244/common-data-security-architecture-cdsa
CDSA reference - http://www.opengroup.org/security/cdsa.htm
SANS doc on CDSA - https://www.giac.org/paper/gsec/578/common-data-security-architecture/101346


Basic introduction to keychain