wokwong / kubectl-tools

Some handy tools to improve productivity

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Some handy tools to improve productivity.

Here is a list of tools which used to simplify daily k8s administration works.

  • krew: a plugin manager for kubectl
  • kube-ns: list and switch namespace
  • kube-context: list and switch context
  • kube-enter: enter a given pod with command /bin/bash
  • kube-events: list events related to given resource
  • kube-ps1: add context and namespace info to prompt strings

By imitating the code style of kube-ns, kube-context, kube-enter, kube-events are created.

When you find that the daily operations with kubectl are cumbersome, you should consider simplifying the works with plugin.

You can first look at the krew plugin list. If no plugins can meet your requirement, then you can do it by yourself. The official document has given you a good example.


Some handy tools to improve productivity


Language:Shell 100.0%