wojciech12 / talks

List of my talks, workshops, and trainings.

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Talks & Workshops

My talks and workshops.


Secure and effective GitOps and Infrastructure-as-Code with OpenTofu
11 June 2024, Code Europe, Cracow, Poland - slides

O infrastrukturze, IaC, OpenTofu i Spacelifcie [PL]
26 May 2024, Taby i spacje — video podcast, Wrocław, Poland - recording

10 OpenTofu best practices for Naver Cloud Platform
19 March 2024, NCUC 제 5회 Online MeetUp, Seoul, Korea - slides & demo

O ścieżce inżyniera i lidera zespołu od budowania platform
11 Marca 2024, Cloudowski - podcast, Poland - recording

10 najlepszych praktyk dla OpenTofu/Infrastructure-as-Code [PL]
31 January 2024, SysOps/DevOps Wrocław Meetup #16, Wrocław, Poland - slides & demo

10 najlepszych praktyk dla Infrastructure-as-Code na przykładzie OpenTofu/Terraforma [PL]
20 October 2023, Microsoft Azure UG Poland Wrocław #22, Wrocław, Poland - slides & demo

The OpenTofu initiative - past, present, and future goals
16 October 2023, AWS User Group Wrocław Meetup, Wrocław, Poland - slides & demo

Jak HashiCorp zatrząsł licencjami: awantura o Terraforma - podcast [PL]
8 September 2023, CTO Morning Coffee #41, Poland - recording

Monitoring for Golang App with Prometheus (and Grafana)
15 June 2023, GoWroc #48, Wrocław, Poland - slides & code

10 najlepszych praktyk dla Infrastructure-as-Code na przykładzie Terraforma [PL]
12 December 2022, Architektura i Kontenery - slides

Adding policies to your Golang App with Open Policy Agent
28 September 2022, Cloudyna, Katowice, Poland - slides & code

Wprowadzenie do Policy-as-Code z Open Policy Agent
23 September 2022, bITconf, Bydgoszcz, Poland - slides & code

Add policies to your Golang Apps with Open Policy Agent
7 July 2022, GoWroc #42, Wroclaw, Poland - slides & code

Intro to Open Policy Agent
30 June 2022, Software Circus June Edition, Amsterdam, Netherlands
slides & code

Adding policies to your Golang Apps with Open Policy Agent
28 June 2022, Prague Golang Meetup #8, Czechia
slides & code

What a developer should know when building Golang Services for Kubernetes?
21 April 2022, GoWroc #40 - slides & code

Co każdy programista powinien wiedzieć budując serwis dla Kubernetesa? [PL]
17 May 2021, Architektura i Kontenery - slides

Kubernetes Intro
31 July 2020, Indian Company Internal Meetup

How to start with Kubernetes go-client
28 October 2019, Golang Warsaw Meetup, Poland

From RPA do Cognitive Automation with SMACC.io and Hypatos.ai
24 September 2019, AutomateNOW Meetup Warsaw, Poland - slides

Best Practices for introducing Kubernetes and CN
20 September 2019, bITconf Bydgoszcz, Poland

Kubeflow Introduction
9 September 2019, CloudNative Warsaw Warsaw, Poland

Golang. What did it teach me and what was next
16 July 2019, Golang Warsaw Meetup, Warsaw, Poland

Keynote GopherCon Poland 2019
27 June 2019, GopherCon 2019, Gdańsk, Poland

DevOps - what I have learnt so far [PL]
23 May 2019, ship.it Meetup Warsaw #4

Zero-downtime Deployment Strategies with Kubernetes and CloudNative
8 April 2019, 4Developers Warsaw
slides | demo | recording

Wprowadzenie do CloudNative i Kubernetes
26-27 March 2019, Warszawskie Dni Informatyki 2019
slides on github

Observability: Logging with EFK for Golang service
13 March 2019, Golang Warsaw Meetup #24>
slides and demo on github

Observability: Start with Monitoring! How to monitor your Golang App with the Prometheus stack.
13 February 2019, Golang Warsaw Meetup #23>
slides and demo on github

AWS Lambda with Serverless in Golang
24 January 2019, Serverless UG #4: Warszawa (FB)
slides on github

How to start with AKS, what to expect, what ahead of us - Istio
21 January 2019, Microsoft Azure UG Wrocław
slides on github

Effective Platform Building with Kubernetes
18 December 2018, Cloud Native Talks #2 (Online) Meetup
slides (also on github) | recording

Zero-downtime deployment strategies with k8s. Examples of Golang and .Net Core implementations.
27 November 2018, DevOps Wroclaw at Ocado Meetup, Wrocław
slides | demo

Effective Kubernetes. Keep it Simple [Ignite Talk]
20 November 2018, DevOpsDays Conference, Warsaw - slides

Effective Platform Building with Kubernetes. Is K8S new Linux?
15 November 2018, Cloud Native & Kubernetes Warsaw Regular Meetup at Google HQ, Warsaw

Zero-downtime Deployment Strategies for your Go service with Kubernetes
07 November 2018, Go Warsaw Meetup, Warsaw - slides | demos

Zero-downtime Deployment Strategies with Kubernetes + how to prepare your micro-service for them [1.5 deep dive]
29 October 2018, Tech&Pizza by vm.pl, Wroclaw - slides | demos

Always start with monitoring. Monitor your Java app with Prometheus, AlertManager, and Grafana
16 October 2018, WJUG Meetup, Warsaw - slides | demo app

Effective Kubernetes. Is K8S the new Linux?
2 October 2018, PyCode Conference 2018, Warsaw - slides | src

Monitoring of your Python app with Prometheus, AlertManager, and Grafana. Best practices.
1 October 2018, PyCode Conference 2018, Warsaw - slides | demo app

Czy Kubernetes jest nowym Linuxem? Czyli efektywne budowanie Twojej platformy z Kubernetes
18 September 2018, ITechDay Conference, Warsaw - slides | src

Effective platform building with Kubernetes. Is K8S new Linux? [1.5h deep dive]
17 September 2018, Warsaw Cloud Native Meetup, Warsaw - slides | src

Azure Kubernetes Service - Benefits and Challenges. 4 months with AKS.
12 September 2018, Microsoft Azure User Group, Warsaw - slides | src

Monitoring of your Python app with Prometheus, AlertManager, and Grafana.
7 August 2018, Wroc.py Python Meetup, Wroclaw - slides | src

A guest 30-min lecture about Docker for future data scientists
30 May 2018, SGH, Warsaw - slides

How Machine Learning is changing finanse department tomorrow today with SMACC.io
7 March 2018, Opening SAP Next-gen labs in WSB, Wroclaw

Prometheus for your Golang App with a live-demo application
22 February 2018, Golang Meetup , Warsaw - slides | demo app

Monitoring, best practises with an example setup for a Python Application
12 Feburary 2018, PyWaw Meetup, Warsaw - slides | demo app | recording

Automatic bookkeeping with Machine Learning from SMACC.io
8 December, Wroclaw SAP Community Meetup, Wrocław - slides (github)

My experience in moving companies from X to Kuberenetes
5 December 2017, Public Cloud User Group Meetup, Warsaw - slides | recording

Kubernetes for Software Developers
16 November 2017, PyWaw Meetup, Warsaw - slides | demo app | recording

How to use Docker to start with any technology on your own. How we build software, what CI process and Jenkins are.
3 September 2016, Women in Technology workshop - discover testing with WSB lecturers, Wrocław

Openstack - wirtualizacja i automatyzacja IT
7 July 2015, Wroc.py Meetup, Wroclaw - slides


Workshops / Trainings:

Golang Beginner Training [EN]
2 June 2023, WSB universities - slides and manuals

Cloud application administration at WSB universities [PL]
February 2022, slides and manuals

Cloud development platforms at WSB universities [EN/PL]
December 2021, slides and manuals

(Internal) Kubernetes 2-day Training
June, September 2021, slides and manuals

Kubernetes 2-day Training with consultancy on how to start
October 2019, slides and manuals

Golang 1-day Intermediate Training
12 September 2019, CloudNative Warsaw Conference Workshop - slides and manuals

Golang 1-day Get-Started Training
11 September 2019, CloudNative Warsaw Conference Workshop - slides and manuals

Golang and Kubernetes Programming workshop
Each 0.5 days, pro bono to promote Golang Meetup Warsaw
slides & manuals: Golang | Kubernetes

2-days Golang programming workshop
18-19 February, Cloud Native week, Warsaw slides and manuals