woeye / elixir-rabbitmq-python-test

Proof of concept code for using Elixir as a multiplexer for Python based workers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this proof of concept prototype I wanted to figure out how to set up a multiplexer in Elixir which uses RabbitMQ for calling Python workers. I also wanted to figure out how to implement a synchronous call which uses an asynchronous request / reply mechanism under the hood.

For example:

result = RMQTest.Sender.calculate(n)

While this function call behaves synchronously on the outside it actually uses an asynchronous request / reply mechanism internally - because this is how most brokers work.

Technical details

The elixir app will spawn three processes: a sender, a receiver and Registry as a simple PubSub service.

The sender will publish a message on the "task_queue" and immediately register with the Registry to wait for a broadcast message. The receiver will consume messages on its own queue and use the Registry to inform its listeners once data has been received.


In order to synchronize tasks between multiple requests / replies the sender will generate a unique hash (called task_id) which will be put into the message. The worker will send this task_id as well as the result back to the receiver. Both the sender and receiver use this task_id as a "topic" on the Registry. This way it is ensured that each request gets its own macthing reply.


def calculate(value) do
  task_id = GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:calculate, value})
  Registry.register(:rmqtest, task_id, [])
  receive do
    {:broadcast, result} ->
      Registry.unregister(:rmqtest, task_id)
      IO.puts("calculate(#{value}) returned: #{result}")

The receive do call will block the invoking process until it receives the broadcast message. This way the calculate method can behave synchronously.


def handle_info({:basic_deliver, payload, %{delivery_tag: delivery_tag, redelivered: _redelivered}}, state) do
  Registry.dispatch(:rmqtest, task_id, fn(listeners) ->
    for {pid, _} <- listeners, do: send(pid, {:broadcast, result})


Proof of concept code for using Elixir as a multiplexer for Python based workers

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 83.3%Language:Python 16.7%