wnameless / json-bean-populator

Populate Java beans by annotations and given JSON data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Maven Central


Populate Java beans by annotations and given JSON data.

Maven Repo


Since v0.2.0, JsonValueBase is accepted in JsonPopulatable.
Since v0.4.0, Java Module supported and Package name is changed to com.github.wnameless.json.beanpopulator.
Since v0.5.0, BigInteger & BigDecimal are supported.
Since v0.6.0, JsonPopulatedKey uses field name as default key name.
Turn any JsonPopulatable object to a JSON string by calling #beanToJson method. Since v0.6.1, JsonPopulatable#beanToJson can ignore null values

Purpose & Quick Start

This json-bean-populator is not an Java object serializer or deserializer.
It only focuses on populating Java object fields based on complex and nested JSON data.

public class TestBean implements JsonPopulatable {

  String str;

  Integer i;

  Double d;

  Boolean b;

  @JsonifyStrategy(value = ProductStrategy.class, keyName = "p")
  // If no strategy is provided, a default strategy will be applied
  long product;

      customizer = ProductJsonPopulatedValueWithKeys.class,
      keys = { "whole", "fraction" })
  double product2;

  // Getters and Setters
  // ...

Class ProductJsonPopulatedValue

public class ProductJsonPopulatedValue implements JsonPopulatedValueCustomizer {

  public Object toValue(String json) {
    JsonValue js = Json.parse(json);
    return js.asObject().get("numbers").asObject().get("whole").asArray().get(0)
        * js.asObject().get("numbers").asObject().get("whole").asArray().get(1)


Class ProductJsonPopulatedValueWithKeys

public class ProductJsonPopulatedValueWithKeys
    implements JsonPopulatedValueWithKeysCustomizer {

  public Object toValue(String json, String[] keys) {
    JsonValue js = Json.parse(json);
    return js.asObject().get("numbers").asObject().get(keys[0]).asArray().get(0)
        * js.asObject().get("numbers").asObject().get(keys[1]).asArray().get(1)


Class ProductStrategy

public class ProductStrategy implements JsonifyStrategyProvider {

  public String toJson(Field field, Object bean) {
    Long product = null;
    try {
      product = (Long) field.get(bean);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (product == null) return "null";

    return product.toString();



    "str": "Hello",
    "numbers": {
        "whole": [123, 1234567890],
        "fraction": [12.34, 123.456]
    "boolean": true


TestBean tb = new TestBean();
String populatedData = "{...}"; // populated-data.json is defined on above lines

Sytem.out.println(tb.getStr());      // Hello
Sytem.out.println(tb.getI());        // 123
Sytem.out.println(tb.getD());        // 123.456
Sytem.out.println(tb.getB());        // true
Sytem.out.println(tb.getProduct());  // 151851850470
Sytem.out.println(tb.getProduct2()); // 15185.088

// { "str": "Hello", "i": 123, "d": 123.456, "b": true, "p": 151851850470 }


Populate Java beans by annotations and given JSON data

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%