wmorin / master-dbt-models-v1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vidyard DBT Master Records

This project defines the rules that merge Vidyard business data sources into a single unified record of organizations and people. It uses the dbt open source project to define a structure of SQL models for cleaning, aggregating, and merging multiple data sources.

Data Sources

modes/schema.yml defines the data source inputs from ancillary systems including Salesforce, Marketo, Intercom (via Salesforce), and Vidyard transactional data


The resulting merged tables are divided into two groups:

###staging models:

  • this is the normalized and cleaned raw data, this tables have been passed trough a filter to aling nomenclature and field formatting to them.
  • Sub-divided into systems and categories according to the object they represent, they are governed by the set of rules mentioned bellow.

###mart models:

  • this is the actionable models that fit our data delivery reports generated for dashboards, mart tables are created with the set of rules mentioned bellow.
  • Sub-divided into business units, each business unit holds its own generated data and is constrained by the rules mentioned bellow.

Modeling rules

###Rule 1: (Location)

  • 1.a All tables generated inside the staging models need to be hosted inside the folder of the container system i.e: Salesforce account folders will be hosted inside of their origin sytem folder, if said folder doesn't exist it will be created.
  • 1.b All tables generated inside the marts models need to be hosted inside of the business unit folder container to which the model they represent belongs to, this sets of tables can use multiple systems as their source of data.

###Rule 2: (Naming Conventions)

  • 2.a Tables generated inside the staging modeling of their corresponding containing systems must carry the nomenclature 'stg_[system]_[object].sql' i.e stg_salesforce_account.sql.
  • 2.b The table names will be singular and not plural i.e: 'account' instead of 'accounts'.

###Rule 3: (data cleanse)

  • 3.a The first column of the tables must be their unique identifier and key of the object they are referencing.
  • 3.b Dates
  • 3.b - 1 All dates must follow the format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
  • 3.b - 2 All dates and times must be transformed to EST
  • 3.c All email records must be lowercased
  • 3.d All Names and Last names plus their combinations must be first-letter capitalized
