wmde / fundraising-phpcs

Coding style for the FUN team

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PHP Code style for the WMDE FUN team

This is PHP Code Sniffer rule set based on the wikimedia/mediawiki-tools-codesniffer rules which encode the conventions for MediaWiki projects.

Deviations from the Mediawiki conventions

  • Dont' enforce docblocks. We try to rely on type information as much as possible.
  • Allow longer line lengths. Lines longer than 120 chars will generate a warning. Ignore line length in tests/* directory.
  • Allow assert statements. We still don't use them for all-purpose validation, but for some checks that matter in development but not in production, assert has a few nanoseconds better performance than if + throw.

How to install

  1. Require the library as a composer dependency:

     composer require-dev wmde/fundraising-phpcs
  2. Create a .phpcs.xml with the following minimal configuration:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    	<rule ref="./vendor/wmde/fundraising-phpcs/WMDE/Fundraising"/>
    	<arg name="extensions" value="php"/>
    	<arg name="encoding" value="UTF-8"/>

How to run

The installation automatically installs the phpcs (style checker) and phpcbf (style fixer) binaries into vendor/bin. When your .phpcs.xml file is in place, run the command



This repository should create a new major release whenever the mediawiki coding standard has a new major release.


Coding style for the FUN team