wleofeng / objc-holiday-properties-001

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Holiday Properties


  1. Implement methods that access a property using self. ("self dot") notation.


This lab is a revisiting of the Holidays portion of the Apples and Holidays lab. Because this lab is about accessing properties and not writing method names, we've provided the method names for you.

  1. Fork and clone this lab to your machine. Open the *.xcworkspace file and navigate to the FISAppDelegate.h header file. Add an NSDictionary property called database to FISAppDelegate.h below the existing window property; like this window property, database should also be strong and nonatomic.

  2. The test file is set up to populate the database dictionary so in the method implementations you will just be interacting with the property after it's been populated. Navigate to the FISAppDelegate.m implementation file and write out the method bodies, accessing the database property from within the current file by using self. ("self dot") notation. Run the tests with U to check your work after solving each one:

  • holidaysInSeason: to return an array of all of the "holiday" keys in the sub-dictionary associated with the submitted "season" argument.

  • suppliesInHoliday:inSeason: to return the mutable array of all of the supplies for the submitted "holiday" in the submitted "season".

  • holiday:isInSeason: to return whether or not the submitted "season" contains a key that matches the "holiday" argument.

  • supply:isInHoliday:inSeason: to return whether or not the submitted "holiday" in the submitted "season" contains in its array the submitted "supply" string.

  • addHoliday:toSeason: to create a new key-value pair in the submitted "season" key's sub-dictionary that uses the submitted "holiday" as the key and sets up an empty mutable array as its value.

  • addSupply:toHoliday:inSeason: to insert the submitted "supply" argument into the mutable array of the submitted "holiday" key in the sub-dictionary of the submitted "season" key.

Hint: It is entirely acceptable (and encouraged) to reference your solution to the original "Apples and Holidays" lab when solving this lab.




Language:Objective-C 93.7%Language:Shell 4.4%Language:Ruby 1.9%