wkoszek / netgear_recovery

Netgear Firmware Recovery via TFTP

Repository from Github https://github.comwkoszek/netgear_recoveryRepository from Github https://github.comwkoszek/netgear_recovery

Netgear Firmware Recovery via TFTP

Steps outlined here are required to recover bricked AC120 E6120 Wifi-extender by Netgear. The firmware upgrade procedure didn't go too well on mine. It ended up blinking the power LED over and over, without any network activity.

Recovery steps

git clone git@github.com:wkoszek/netgear_recovery.git
cd netgear_recovery
unzip EX6120-V1.0.0.46_1.0.29.zip
  1. Follow steps above
  2. Disconnect from Wifi
  3. On a PC/Laptop, connect an Ethernet cable between the device and your laptop.
  4. On Macbook, get a dongle to get a Ethernet connectivity and connect the cable to the device
  5. Open Terminal
  6. Set your IP address as
  7. Start tftp 69
  8. Set mode to binary: mode binary
  9. Upload the file: put EX6120-V1.0.0.46_1.0.29.chk

The most critical step is the configuration of the binary mode. Without it, the device won't start receiving the firmware.


Netgear Firmware Recovery via TFTP