wjgilmore / docker-laravel

Starter Setup for Laravel + Docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker + Laravel 5

The purpose of this project is to make sure I have a small project available to show how we can construct a Laravel + Docker development environment.

The environment consists of 3 simple containers

  • web
  • db (mysql)
  • cache (redis)

Docker Compose

Everything is controlled via Docker Compose, so once you have Docker installed locally we need to run one command to start everything in daemon mode.

docker-compose up -d

This will :-

  • Download any source images needed
  • Build the images based off of the Dockerfiles in .docker
  • Start all containers
  • Link source code into the container using Volumes
  • Link MySQL data directory to a directory inside the project to persist data

Project Running Locally

The project will then be available in a browser on http://localhost:81.

MySQL will also be able to connect directly to localhost on port 3307


Start the environment

docker-compose up -d

Build all the required images

docker-compose build

Stop the environment

docker-compose down

Stop the environment and remove all images

docker-compose down --rmi all

View the latest logs

docker-compose logs

Tail the logs

docker-compose logs -f

Run Laravel Migrations

docker-compose acme_web_1 php artisan migrate

Run Laravel Seeders

docker-compose acme_web_1 php artisan db:seed

Run any command

docker-compose acme_web_1 php artisan

SSH into a container

docker exec -it acme_web_1 bash

List all containers running

docker-compose ps


Starter Setup for Laravel + Docker


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