wjallen / funding-scraper

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Funding Scraper for UTRC Reports

This tool is designed to pull federal grant information associated with a given institution and date range.

Set Up and Run

The easiest way to run this tool is using Docker. After you install Docker, clone this repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/wjallen/funding-scraper
$ cd funding-scraper/

Stage an input list of PIs + Affiliations into the data/ folder (see format requirements in next section):

$ cp /path/to/PIs_Afills.xlsx ./data/

Edit the Makefile to your search specification. For example, the following is used to search date ranges 2022-06-01 to 2022-06-30 and only institutions that match the search term "University+of+Texas". The input list of PIs + Affiliations was staged into the data/ folder, and the final output will be written into the same folder:

START ?= 20220601
END ?= 20220630
INST ?= "University+of+Texas"
USERLIST ?= "PIs_Afills.xlsx"
OUTPUT ?= "output.xlsx"

Run the tool:

$ make run

Output will be written to the same folder as the input:

$ ls ./data/
PIs_Afills.xlsx    output.xlsx

Input File Format

This tool was designed for a very specific purpose, and it was designed to work in conjunction with another reporting tool (utrc_reports). As it is currently written, it requires a specific input format which happens to be output from the utrc_reports tool.

The input must be a spreadsheet (.xlsx) with a tab called utrc_institution_accounts. That tab must have three columns: root_institution_name, first_name, last_name.

Example input might resemble:

root_institution_name first_name last_name
University of Texas at Austin John Doe
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Jane Doe

The institution name, first name, and last name should appear as they would appear in the federal grant databases.


The NSF Award API scraper works in three steps:

  1. First searches all awards by a range of dates and award institution name. Note that "University+of+Texas" will actually match all 14 UT System institutions. Returns a list of award IDs matching the institution and that started within the range of dates.
  2. Given the list of award IDs, the search tool then scrapes another NSF API that returns award information for each ID including PI names, award institution, grant titles, grant amount, etc. in a list of dictionaries format.
  3. Finally, the tool compares the retrieved results with the input list of PIs and affiliations. The output is written to an xlsx sheet with two tabs: (i) awards that match one of the PIs in the input list, and (ii) awards that do not match any PIs in the input list.

Note there are some some issues with the way Name matching work. For example the match will usually fail if a PI has a middle initial listed in the NSF Award database, but not in the input list. In that case, the award information will end up in output sheet (ii), the list of awards that does not match any of the input PIs / affiliations.

API reference:



The NIH Award API scraper works in three steps:

  1. First searches all awards by a range of dates and award institution name. Note that ["UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS","University of TX","UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER"] will actually match all 14 UT System institutions. Returns a list of awards and respective info matching the institutions and that started within the range of dates.
  2. Given the list of awards, the tool generates a list of objects that contain the information we find useful. Institution name, PIs, dates, funding, and project info is saved into our objects.
  3. Finally, the tool compares the retrieved results with the input list of PIs and affiliations. The output is written to an xlsx sheet with two tabs: (i) awards that match one of the PIs in the input list, and (ii) awards that do not match any PIs in the input list.

Note there are some some issues with the way Name matching work. For now, a word matching tool (Fuzzywuzzy) is used to compare first names of a PI only if the last name matches in the awards. If the comparison returns a passing score, the affiliation is compared exactly. If the affiliation matches, we consider this a match and the output will end up in output sheet (i). Otherwise, the information will go in output sheet (ii).

API reference:



THE DOE Award scraper works in four steps:

  1. First makes several POST requests on the DOE Award search page, grabbing required hidden fields and updating its payload with each request.
  2. Then makes POST requests containing actual search by a range of dates and award institution name. Note that "University+of+Texas" will actually match all 14 UT System institutions. Due to the nature of the search page, it makes these requests in batches of up to 100, and can handle a maximum of 1100 total search results (11 POST requests). Returns HTML pages containing data of up to 100 award entries each.
  3. Then parses each HTML page, adding all relevant data into individual dictionaries, which then get appended to a final list.
  4. Finally, the tool compares the retrieved results with the input list of PIs and affiliations. The tool implements a pattern matching algorithm to match entries where first names differ as needed.The output is written to an xlsx sheet with two tabs: (i) awards that match one of the PIs in the input list, and (ii) awards that do not match any PIs in the input list.





Language:Python 96.8%Language:Makefile 2.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%