wizoutsugar / BBHTv2

A single script for all the tools you need for bug bounty

Repository from Github https://github.comwizoutsugar/BBHTv2Repository from Github https://github.comwizoutsugar/BBHTv2


A single script for all the tools you need for bug bounty. Thanks to the original creator of bbhtv1 for the idea >> NAHAMSEC

Bug Bounty Hunting Tools is a script to install the most popular tools used while looking for vulnerabilities for a bug bounty program.

The following are the tools:

nmap, Seclists, virtualhostdiscovery, PayloadAllTheThings, sqlmap, knock, knock2, asnlookup, metabigor, gobuster, ffuf, dirsearch, aquatone, SubDomainizer, domain_analyzer, massdns, sub.sh, subjack, subover, spyse, corsy, CORS-Scanner, dalfox, XSStrike, XSpear, Traxss, awscli, s3bucketfinder, lazys3, DumpsterDiver, S3Scanner, Cloudflair,Cloudunflare, GCPBrute, CMSmap, CMSeek, Joomscan, wpscan, droopescan, drupwn, aem-hacker, git-scanner, gitgraber, githound, gitsearch, Sn1per, Osmedeus, Cobra, TIDoS Framework, WAScan, Blackwidow, Sudomy, findomain, SSRFMap, XSRFProbe, JParser, subjs, broken-link-checker, pwncat, Photon, hakrawler, Paramspider, jexboss, goohak, webtech, gau, wig, LinkFinder, SecretFinder, naabu, dnsprobe, nuclei, sunfinder, httpx, shuffledns, chaos-client, meg, assetfinder, waybackurls, gf, httprobe, concurl, unfurl, arjun, cf-check, Urlprobe, amass, impacket.....

That's all I guess ;)

Script for aliases/shell functions: https://github.com/unethicalnoob/aliases

you can modify it as you like.



A single script for all the tools you need for bug bounty

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%