witek3100 / Forum

Social web app project using ASP .NET

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

C# Forum Project


Forum project is an online platform template built using ASP .NET that enables users to register, create own posts, react and reply to other useres posts and exchange messages. All wrapped up in a raw but user friendly interface.
Key features:

  • User Registration and Authentication
    Users can create new accounts by providing their details and securely authenticate themselves to access the forum. This feature ensures that only registered users can participate in discussions.
  • Messages
    Users can exchange messages visible only to them.
  • Search Functionality
    The forum incorporates a search feature that enables users to find specific posts based on title and tags. This helps users discover relevant content and retrieve information quickly.
  • Reactions system
    Users can upvote or downvote threads and messages to indicate their agreement or disagreement with the content.

Project Structure

  ├── Controllers                 # APP CONTROLLERS  
  |        ├── AdminController.cs  
  |        ├── AuthController.cs    
  |        ├── CommentController.cs  
  |        ├── HomeController.cs  
  |        ├── MessageController.cs  
  |        ├── PostController.cs  
  |        ├── TagController.cs  
  |        └── UserController.cs  
  ├────── Data                    # HANDLING CONNECTION WITH DATABASE  
  |        └── ForumDbContext.cs  
  ├────── Models                  # APP MODELS  
  |        ├── Comment.cs  
  |        ├── Message.cs  
  |        ├── Post.cs  
  |        ├── Tag.cs  
  |        └── User.cs    
  ├────── Properties              # SOME SETTINGS  
  |        └── lauchSettings.json  
  ├────── Views                   # APP VIEWS    
  |        ├── Admin    
  |        ├── Auth    
  |        ├── Comment    
  |        ├── Home     
  |        ├── Message   
  |        ├── Post   
  |        ├── Shared   
  |        ├── Tag  
  |        └── User  
  ├────── Program.cs            # APP ENTRY  
  ├────── appsettings.Development.json  
  ├────── appsettings.json  
  └────── forum.csproj  

Database schema

Project uses simple sqlite3 database



  • Ryszard Nowak
  • Witold Nowogórski


Social web app project using ASP .NET


Language:C# 51.7%Language:HTML 46.9%Language:CSS 1.2%Language:JavaScript 0.2%