wisekh6 / chia_rep

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Python package for assessing the reproducibility of ChIA-PET datasets.

Methods Overview

Reading in Data

Reading peaks
Read peak interval from peak file and get the peak value from max value within the interval from the bedgraph file.

Reading loops
Since loops come with a start interval and end interval, we assign an anchor within each interval for each loop based on the largest value within the interval. Additionally, each loop is weighted by the anchor intensity of both the start and end interval.

Remove loops that start and end on the same peak. Or if the loop start is somehow past the loop end.

loop_start_interval = (0, 10)
loop_end_interval = (5, 8)
peaks are at index 5 and 9
peak value at index 9 > peak value at index 5
Therefore, the loop start anchor is at index 9 and the loop end anchor is at index 5.

We create a "deadzone" from 0 to 10 in the chromosome. When creating graphs to compare two chromosomes, we combine the "deadzones" from each chromosome and ignore loops from either chromosome in the combined deadzones. Therefore, the created graph for each chromosome can be different for each comparison.


  • Filter out all peaks that are smaller than a certain value: num_peaks
  • Find the kept peak ratio from the base_chrom and use it for other chromosomes
  • Filter out loops that are too long (> 1M)
  • Filter out a loop if neither anchor overlaps with a kept peak

Graph representation and comparison (Not exactly correct)

  • For a non-overlapping window, bin the loops into bins of fixed size
  • Create an adjacency matrix for each window, where index (bin1, bin2) contains the value from the loops going from bin1 to bin2
  • Convert each adjacency matrix into a probability vector by reading row-by-row
  • Compute the Jensen-Shannon divergence and the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD)
    between two probability vectors
  • Transform each value to be between -1 (dissimilar) and 1 (similar)
  • Take the weighted average of values from windows in a chromosome
  • Take the average of values from chromosomes to produce a genome-wide reproducibility value


Given two ChIA-PET datasets, create adjacency matrices A1 and A2

Adjacency matrix A1

bin1 bin2 bin3 bin4
bin1 3 2 0 1
bin2 1 5 3
bin3 10 9
bin4 20

Adjacency matrix A2

bin1 bin2 bin3 bin4
bin1 4 5 1 4
bin2 3 2 3
bin3 7 9
bin4 27

Probability vectors p_A1 and p_A2

  • p_A1 = (0.06, 0.05, 0, 0.02, 0.02, 0.009, 0.06, 0.19, 0.17, 0.37)
  • p_A2 = (0.06, 0.08, 0.02, 0.06, 0.05, 0.03, 0.05, 0.11, 0.14, 0.42)


  • ChIA-Rep can clearly distinguish between replicates and non-replicates
  • Generally, replicates have positive values and non-replicates have negative values
  • Can take 0 as a threshold to determine the similarity





# Install from github
git clone https://github.com/c0ver/chia_rep.git    
pip3 install chia_rep/

# Install from pypi
pip3 install chia_rep

Create Input files

With example/sample_list.txt containing the following:


and data/ containing bedgraph, peak, and loop files

cd example
python commands.py --help
python commands.py make-pairs --help
python commands.py make-sample-input-file --help

python commands.py make-pairs sample_list.txt pairs.txt

# Assumes (letter case doesn't matter)
# bedgraph file extension: .bedgraph
# peak files extension: .broadpeak
# loop files extension: .cis.be3
# Creates sample_input_file.txt
python commands.py make-sample-input-file sample_list.txt sample_input_file.txt data/

Run script

Example script is included in example/script.py.

cd example
python script.py --help

# Example usages
python script.py sample_input_file.txt hg38.chrom.sizes pairs.txt 3000000 5000 chr1
python script.py sample_input_file.txt hg38.chrom.sizes pairs.txt 3000000 5000 all
python script.py sample_input_file.txt hg38.chrom.sizes pairs.txt 3000000 5000 chr1 chr2


pytest  # Runs the tests in test/


Included in docs/build/html


Contact Minji (minji.kim@jax.org) for general questions, and report software issues in the Issues page.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%