wiseaidev / stegano

A powerful and memory-safe steganography tool 🕵️‍♂️ (WIP)

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🕵️‍♂️ Stegano

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🚀 stegano: Stegano is a powerful and versatile steganography tool designed to empower you with a wide range of image manipulation and data encryption capabilities.

📖 Table of Contents

🚀 Installation

To install stegano, use the following Cargo command:

cargo install --locked stegano

🖼️ Features

  • Parse both PNG and JPEG images effortlessly.
  • Gain insights into the internal structure of PNG images with a hex dump view.
  • Seamlessly inject payloads into images at the IEND - 8 bytes position marker.
  • Safely hide your data without compromising the integrity of the original image.
  • Utilize the AES-128 algorithm for secure encryption and decryption of hidden data.
  • No limitations on the length of the payload that can be injected.

🛠️ Usage

stegano provides three subcommands:

$ stegano -h

The ultimate steganography swiss knife army tool.

Usage: stegano [COMMAND]

  encrypt    Subcommand for encryption
  decrypt    Subcommand for decryption
  show-meta  Subcommand for showing metadata
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version
$ stegano encrypt -h

Subcommand for encryption

Usage: stegano encrypt [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT>

  -i, --input <INPUT>      Sets the input file for injecting the payload
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>    Sets the output file for generating a new file with the injected payload [default: output.png]
  -k, --key <KEY>          Sets the key for payload encryption [default: key]
  -s, --suppress           Suppresses output messages
  -f, --offset <OFFSET>    Sets the offset [default: 10]
  -p, --payload <PAYLOAD>  Sets the payload [default: hello]
  -t, --type <TYPE>        Sets the type [default: PNG]
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version
$ stegano decrypt -h
Subcommand for decryption

Usage: stegano decrypt [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT>

  -i, --input <INPUT>      Sets the input file for decrypting and extracting the payload
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>    Sets the output file for generating a new file with no payload, aka restoring the original file [default: output.png]
  -k, --key <KEY>          Sets the key for payload encryption [default: key]
  -s, --suppress           Suppresses output messages
  -f, --offset <OFFSET>    Sets the offset [default: 10]
  -p, --payload <PAYLOAD>  Sets the payload [default: hello]
  -t, --type <TYPE>        Sets the type [default: PNG]
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version
$ stegano show-meta -h

Subcommand for showing metadata

Usage: stegano show-meta [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT>

  -i, --input <INPUT>          Sets the image input file
  -n, --nb-chunks <NB_CHUNKS>  Read number of chunks [default: 100]
  -s, --start <START_CHUNK>    The index of the start chunk to read from [default: 0]
  -e, --end <END_CHUNK>        The index of the end chunk to stop reading at [default: 100]
  -r, --suppress               Suppresses output messages
  -t, --type <TYPE>            Sets the type [default: PNG]
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version

Use these subcommands to process and manipulate png and jpeg images. Here are some examples:

  1. Read and process 10 chunks from a png image:

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -n 10
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it! 
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ----- End ------
    ---- Chunk #0 ----
    Offset: 8
    Size: 71
    CRC: 48142467
    00000008 | 00 00 00 0D 49 48 44 52 00 00 05 A0 00 00 03 D0 08 06 00 00 | ....IHDR............
    00000028 | 00 C0 52 DC 33 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 00 AE CE 1C E9 00 00 | ..R.3....sRGB.......
    00000048 | 20 00 49 44 41 54 78 5E EC 9D 07 98 24 45 D9 80 BF DD 0B 5C | ..IDATx^....$E.....\
    00000068 | E2 8E 8C 24 C9 41 50 09 82 A8 80 | ...$.AP....
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #1 ----
    Offset: 83
    Size: 17
    CRC: 241924a7
    00000083 | A2 64 38 B2 81 20 19 91 24 0A 28 48 D2 9F AC 92 91 | .d8.....$.(H.....
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #2 ----
    Offset: 112
    Size: 3
    CRC: 9e0e55d5
    00000112 | ED D9 EE | ...
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #3 ----
    Offset: 127
    Size: 51
    CRC: 400002d6
    00000127 | B2 53 5D F5 D5 5B D5 7D C7 3B DF 7E D5 F5 C7 DB EF EF 15 AE | .S]..[.}.;.~........
    00000147 | 52 08 F4 F6 82 36 0A 16 1E A5 6C 34 3A 85 00 04 20 00 01 08 | R....6....l4:.......
    00000167 | 40 00 02 10 80 00 04 20 00 01 08 | @..........
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #4 ----
    Offset: 190
    Size: 4
    CRC: fa7621a0
    00000190 | BA E0 51 D6 | ..Q.
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #5 ----
    Offset: 206
    Size: 60
    CRC: 1084000
    00000206 | FD EF 30 7A 84 00 04 20 00 01 08 40 00 02 10 80 00 04 20 00 | ..0z.......@........
    00000226 | 01 08 40 00 02 3E 09 20 5F 03 9A 88 68 9F FB AA D6 17 02 DA | ..@..>.._...h.......
    00000246 | 33 53 E4 33 C2 D9 F3 96 A2 3B 08 40 00 02 10 80 00 04 20 00 | 3S.3.....;.@........
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #6 ----
    Offset: 278
    Size: 2
    CRC: 5b4823a1
    00000278 | 02 03 | ..
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #7 ----
    Offset: 292
    Size: 4
    CRC: 3d6e1dba
    00000292 | 4B 3E 23 9A | K>#.
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #8 ----
    Offset: 308
    Size: 4
    CRC: 42000
    00000308 | 00 02 10 80 | ....
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #9 ----
    Offset: 324
    Size: 1
    CRC: 886924b4
    00000324 | E0 | .
    ------- End -------
  2. Process the png image in silent mode:

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -r
  3. Read and process a jpeg image.

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -t jpeg
    JFIF Header: JfifHeader { version: 18758 }
    SOF Header for Chunk#67: SofHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 8, image_height: 243, image_width: 207, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [1, 2, 3], hsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], vsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], qtable_number: [0, 1, 1], dctable_number: [1, 2, 3], actable_number: [11, 12, 13, 14], ss: 0, se: 63, ah: 0, al: 0 } }
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#68: 
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#69: 
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#70: 
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#71: 
    SOS Header for Chunk#72: SosHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 3, image_height: 243, image_width: 207, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [17], hsamp_factor: [3], vsamp_factor: [15], qtable_number: [0], dctable_number: [0], actable_number: [0], ss: 0, se: 0, ah: 0, al: 0 } }

    Sometimes the JFIF header doesn't exist, but it is still a valid jpeg file:

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -t jpeg
    DQT Header for Chunk#1: DqtHeader { dct: DctStruct { quantum: [[8, 2054, 1542, 1543, 1798, 1541, 1288, 2055, 1799, 1799, 1801, 2313, 2312, 2058, 2572, 3092, 5133, 3340, 3083, 2827, 2828, 3097, 6418, 4627, 4879, 3860, 5149, 7450, 6687, 7966, 7709, 7450, 6684, 7196, 7200, 8228, 9262, 11815, 10016, 8226, 8748, 11299, 8988, 7196, 7208, 10295, 14121, 10540, 11312, 12337, 12596, 13364, 13364, 13343, 7975, 10041, 14653, 15672, 14386, 12860, 15406, 11827, 13108, 13362], [12801, 265, 2313, 2313, 2316, 3083, 2828, 3096, 6157, 3341, 3352, 6194, 12833, 8476, 7201, 8498, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 0]] } }
    SOF Header for Chunk#3: SofHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 8, image_height: 460, image_width: 460, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [1, 2, 3], hsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], vsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], qtable_number: [0, 1, 1], dctable_number: [1, 2, 3], actable_number: [11, 12, 13, 14], ss: 0, se: 63, ah: 0, al: 0 } }
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#4: 
    SOS Header for Chunk#5: SosHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 3, image_height: 460, image_width: 460, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [17], hsamp_factor: [3], vsamp_factor: [15], qtable_number: [0], dctable_number: [0], actable_number: [0], ss: 0, se: 0, ah: 0, al: 0 } }
  4. Read chunks at different positions:

    # Read 1 chunk starting from position 0
    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -s 0 -e 10 -n 1
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it! 
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ----- End ------
    ---- Chunk #0 ----
    Offset: 8
    Size: 71
    CRC: 48142467
    00000008 | 00 00 00 0D 49 48 44 52 00 00 05 A0 00 00 03 D0 08 06 00 00 | ....IHDR............
    00000028 | 00 C0 52 DC 33 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 00 AE CE 1C E9 00 00 | ..R.3....sRGB.......
    00000048 | 20 00 49 44 41 54 78 5E EC 9D 07 98 24 45 D9 80 BF DD 0B 5C | ..IDATx^....$E.....\
    00000068 | E2 8E 8C 24 C9 41 50 09 82 A8 80 | ...$.AP....
    ------- End -------
    # Read 3 chunks starting from position 40000
    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -s 40000 -e 200000 -n 3
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it! 
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ----- End ------
    ---- Chunk #40000 ----
    Offset: 40000
    Size: 49
    CRC: e3a1975e
    00040000 | 16 03 F2 3B 23 05 BD 79 7E AE 37 2D 90 1C E8 B8 4F E7 2E 34 | ...;#..y~.7-....O..4
    00040020 | 42 9E 43 55 01 1D 6E 01 6D AD 7E 76 5A 40 CB 6A 6A 6B 2C 87 | B.CU..n.m.~vZ@.jjk,.
    00040040 | 87 06 84 5C 1D 8B 60 67 11 | ...\..`g.
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #40001 ----
    Offset: 40061
    Size: 28
    CRC: 2200002
    00040061 | E3 40 40 07 F1 F6 C2 A1 20 00 02 20 00 02 20 00 02 20 00 02 | .@@.................
    00040081 | 20 00 02 20 00 02 20 00 | ........
    ------- End -------
    ---- Chunk #40002 ----
    Offset: 40101
    Size: 17
    CRC: 4f13b5a6
    00040101 | 11 B1 EC B9 11 A1 9E 89 AC 4A 58 4B D6 32 DB C7 D8 | .........JXK.2...
    ------- End -------
  5. Encrypt and inject data in an image:


Stegano automatically identifies the location of the IEND marker in a PNG image and injects the payload at a position 8 bytes before the IEND marker by default. This is done to prevent any corruption of the original image.

$ stegano encrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'pass' -p 'hello' -o output_image_file_name
It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it! 

---- Header ----
00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
----- End ------

------- Chunk -------
Offset: 159028
Size: 48
CRC: 13a29bcc
00159028 | 03 AE 73 9D 60 28 1A F1 20 A0 EB 10 39 11 28 9D FC 85 5E DB | ..s.`(......9.(...^.
00159048 | D2 D3 7A 45 B1 71 EE 4F 4C 66 0C E8 FC 85 5E DB D2 D3 7A 45 | ..zE.q.OLf....^...zE
00159068 | B1 71 EE 4F 4C 66 0C E8 | .q.OLf..
-------- End --------

Your payload has been encrypted and written at offset 159028 successfully!


By default, the maximum key length is restricted to 16 characters.

  1. Using the previously obtained offset, you can decrypt and extract the secret information from an image, as well as remove the secret content from the image:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'pass' -f 159028 -o output_image_file_name -s
    Your decrypted secret is: "hello"
  2. if wrong key is provided:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'invalid' -f 159028 -o output_image_file_name
    Your decrypted secret is: "qji~s"
  3. if wrong key and wrong offset are provided:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'invalid' -f 159024 -o output_image_file_name
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it! 
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ----- End ------
    ------- Chunk -------
    Offset: 159021
    Size: 36
    CRC: 1348f762
    00159024 | F1 B0 E8 48 9E AD 1E 56 A5 82 7C 3B 14 D4 8C 1D E7 1A 90 47 | ...H...V..|;.......G
    00159044 | A0 1D D2 90 04 71 2F 01 AA 91 86 6D | .....q/....m
    -------- End --------
    Your decrypted secret is: "��H��\u{1e}V��|;\u{14}Ԍ\u{1d}�\u{1a}�G�\u{1d}Ґ\u{4}q/\u{1}���m"
  4. if correct key and wrong offset are provided:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'pass' -f 159024 -o output_image_file_name
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it! 
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ----- End ------
    ------- Chunk -------
    Offset: 159021
    Size: 36
    CRC: fc855edb
    00159024 | 67 47 07 E6 DC 5D 27 34 CB 51 A4 63 66 C1 C5 F4 5A A2 6B 5C | gG...]'4.Q.cf...Z.k\
    00159044 | 28 24 BF 53 BC 21 59 04 1B F6 FC 21 | ($.S.!Y....!
    -------- End --------
    Your decrypted secret is: "gG\u{7}��]'4�Q�cf���Z�k\\($�S�!Y\u{4}\u{1b}��!"


By default, Stegano uses the AES-128 encryption algorithm. The maximum key length supported is 16 characters. If you provide a longer key, it will be automatically padded or truncated to fit the required length.

🎨 Options

Option Description
Encryption Options
-a or --algo Sets the algorithm for encryption (default is "aes").
-i or --input Sets the input file for encryption.
-o or --output Sets the output file for the encrypted payload (default is "output.png").
-k or --key Sets the key for payload encryption (default is "key").
-s or --suppress Suppresses output messages.
-f or --offset Sets the offset (default is 9999999999 for auto injection: IEND - 8 bytes).
-p or --payload Sets the payload (default is "hello").
-t or --type Sets the type (default is "PNG").
Decryption Options
-a or --algo Sets the algorithm for decryption (default is "aes").
-i or --input Sets the input file for decryption.
-o or --output Sets the output file for the decrypted payload (default is "output.png").
-k or --key Sets the key for payload decryption (default is "key").
-s or --suppress Suppresses output messages.
-f or --offset Sets the offset (default is 9999999999) for auto decryption: IEND - 8 bytes).
-p or --payload Sets the payload (default is "hello").
-t or --type Sets the type (default is "PNG").
Metadata Options
-i or --input Sets the input image file for metadata extraction.
-n or --nb-chunks Read a specific number of chunks (default is 100).
-s or --start Sets the index of the start chunk to read from (default 0).
-e or --end Sets the index of the end chunk to stop reading at (default 100).
-r or --suppress Suppresses output messages.
-z or --read-end Read from start or end of file (default is reading from the start of image).

🤝 Contributing

Contributions and feedback are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, report an issue, or suggest an enhancement, please engage with the project on GitHub. Your contributions help improve this crate for the community.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


A powerful and memory-safe steganography tool 🕵️‍♂️ (WIP)


License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%