wirawara / chip-seq-pipeline2

ENCODE ChIP-seq pipeline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ENCODE Transcription Factor and Histone ChIP-Seq processing pipeline


Download new Caper>=2.1

New Caper is out. You need to update your Caper to work with the latest ENCODE ChIP-seq pipeline.

$ pip install caper --upgrade

Local/HPC users and new Caper>=2.1

There are tons of changes for local/HPC backends: local, slurm, sge, pbs and lsf(added). Make a backup of your current Caper configuration file ~/.caper/default.conf and run caper init. Local/HPC users need to reset/initialize Caper's configuration file according to your chosen backend. Edit the configuration file and follow instructions in there.

$ cd ~/.caper
$ cp default.conf default.conf.bak
$ caper init [YOUR_BACKEND]

In order to run a pipeline, you need to add one of the following flags to specify the environment to run each task within. i.e. --conda, --singularity and --docker. These flags are not required for cloud backend users (aws and gcp).

# for example
$ caper run ... --singularity

For Conda users, RE-INSTALL PIPELINE'S CONDA ENVIRONMENT AND DO NOT ACTIVATE CONDA ENVIRONMENT BEFORE RUNNING PIPELINES. Caper will internally call conda run -n ENV_NAME CROMWELL_JOB_SCRIPT. Just make sure that pipeline's new Conda environments are correctly installed.

$ scripts/uninstall_conda_env.sh
$ scripts/install_conda_env.sh


This ChIP-Seq pipeline is based off the ENCODE (phase-3) transcription factor and histone ChIP-seq pipeline specifications (by Anshul Kundaje) in this google doc.


  • Portability: The pipeline run can be performed across different cloud platforms such as Google, AWS and DNAnexus, as well as on cluster engines such as SLURM, SGE and PBS.
  • User-friendly HTML report: In addition to the standard outputs, the pipeline generates an HTML report that consists of a tabular representation of quality metrics including alignment/peak statistics and FRiP along with many useful plots (IDR/cross-correlation measures). An example of the HTML report. The json file used in generating this report.
  • Supported genomes: Pipeline needs genome specific data such as aligner indices, chromosome sizes file and blacklist. We provide a genome database downloader/builder for hg38, hg19, mm10, mm9. You can also use this builder to build genome database from FASTA for your custom genome.


  1. Make sure that you have Python>=3.6. Caper does not work with Python2. Install Caper and check its version >=2.0.

    $ python --version
    $ pip install caper
  2. Make a backup of your Caper configuration file ~/.caper/default.conf if you are upgrading from old Caper(<2.0.0). Reset/initialize Caper's configuration file. Read Caper's README carefully to choose a backend for your system. Follow the instruction in the configuration file.

    # make a backup of ~/.caper/default.conf if you already have it
    $ caper init [YOUR_BACKEND]
    # then edit ~/.caper/default.conf
    $ vi ~/.caper/default.conf
  3. Git clone this pipeline.

    IMPORTANT: use ~/chip-seq-pipeline2/chip.wdl as [WDL] in Caper's documentation.

    $ cd
    $ git clone https://github.com/ENCODE-DCC/chip-seq-pipeline2
  4. (Optional for Conda) Install pipeline's Conda environments if you don't have Singularity or Docker installed on your system. We recommend to use Singularity instead of Conda. If you don't have Conda on your system, install Miniconda3.

    $ cd chip-seq-pipeline2
    # uninstall old environments (<2.0.0)
    $ bash scripts/uninstall_conda_env.sh
    $ bash scripts/install_conda_env.sh

Input JSON file


An input JSON file specifies all the input parameters and files that are necessary for successfully running this pipeline. This includes a specification of the path to the genome reference files and the raw data fastq file. Please make sure to specify absolute paths rather than relative paths in your input JSON files.

  1. Input JSON file specification (short)
  2. Input JSON file specification (long)

Running on local computer/HPCs

You can use URIs(s3://, gs:// and http(s)://) in Caper's command lines and input JSON file then Caper will automatically download/localize such files. Input JSON file example: https://storage.googleapis.com/encode-pipeline-test-samples/encode-chip-seq-pipeline/ENCSR000DYI_subsampled_chr19_only.json

According to your chosen platform of Caper, run Caper or submit Caper command line to the cluster. You can choose other environments like --singularity or --docker instead of --conda. But you must define one of the environments.

The followings are just examples. Please read Caper's README very carefully to find an actual working command line for your chosen platform. ```bash # Run it locally with Conda (You don't need to activate it, make sure to install Conda envs first) $ caper run chip.wdl -i https://storage.googleapis.com/encode-pipeline-test-samples/encode-chip-seq-pipeline/ENCSR000DYI_subsampled_chr19_only.json --conda

# Or submit it as a leader job (with long/enough resources) to SLURM (Stanford Sherlock) with Singularity
# It will fail if you directly run the leader job on login nodes
$ sbatch -p [SLURM_PARTITON] -J [WORKFLOW_NAME] --export=ALL --mem 4G -t 4-0 --wrap "caper chip chip.wdl -i https://storage.googleapis.com/encode-pipeline-test-samples/encode-chip-seq-pipeline/ENCSR000DYI_subsampled_chr19_only.json --singularity"

# Check status of your leader job
$ squeue -u $USER | grep [WORKFLOW_NAME]

# Cancel the leader node to close all of its children jobs
$ scancel -j [JOB_ID]    

Running on Terra/Anvil (using Dockstore)

Visit our pipeline repo on Dockstore. Click on Terra or Anvil. Follow Terra's instruction to create a workspace on Terra and add Terra's billing bot to your Google Cloud account.

Download this test input JSON for Terra and upload it to Terra's UI and then run analysis.

If you want to use your own input JSON file, then make sure that all files in the input JSON are on a Google Cloud Storage bucket (gs://). URLs will not work.

Running on DNAnexus (using Dockstore)

Sign up for a new account on DNAnexus and create a new project on either AWS or Azure. Visit our pipeline repo on Dockstore. Click on DNAnexus. Choose a destination directory on your DNAnexus project. Click on Submit and visit DNAnexus. This will submit a conversion job so that you can check status of it on Monitor on DNAnexus UI.

Once conversion is done download one of the following input JSON files according to your chosen platform (AWS or Azure) for your DNAnexus project:

You cannot use these input JSON files directly. Go to the destination directory on DNAnexus and click on the converted workflow chip. You will see input file boxes in the left-hand side of the task graph. Expand it and define FASTQs (fastq_repX_R1 and fastq_repX_R1) and genome_tsv as in the downloaded input JSON file. Click on the common task box and define other non-file pipeline parameters. e.g. pipeline_type, paired_end and ctl_paired_end.

We have a separate project on DNANexus to provide example FASTQs and genome_tsv for hg38 and mm10 (also chr19-only version of those two. Use chr19-only versions for testing). We recommend to make copies of these directories on your own project.


Example FASTQs

Running on DNAnexus (using our pre-built workflows)

See this for details.

Running and sharing on Truwl

You can run this pipeline on truwl.com. This provides a web interface that allows you to define inputs and parameters, run the job on GCP, and monitor progress. To run it you will need to create an account on the platform then request early access by emailing info@truwl.com to get the right permissions. You can see the example cases from this repo at https://truwl.com/workflows/instance/WF_dd6938.8f.340f/command and https://truwl.com/workflows/instance/WF_dd6938.8f.8aa3/command. The example jobs (or other jobs) can be forked to pre-populate the inputs for your own job.

If you do not run the pipeline on Truwl, you can still share your use-case/job on the platform by getting in touch at info@truwl.com and providing your inputs.json file.

How to organize outputs

Install Croo. You can skip this installation if you have installed pipeline's Conda environment and activated it. Make sure that you have python3(> 3.4.1) installed on your system. Find a metadata.json on Caper's output directory.

$ pip install croo

How to make a spreadsheet of QC metrics

Install qc2tsv. Make sure that you have python3(> 3.4.1) installed on your system.

Once you have organized output with Croo, you will be able to find pipeline's final output file qc/qc.json which has all QC metrics in it. Simply feed qc2tsv with multiple qc.json files. It can take various URIs like local path, gs:// and s3://.

$ pip install qc2tsv
$ qc2tsv /sample1/qc.json gs://sample2/qc.json s3://sample3/qc.json ... > spreadsheet.tsv

QC metrics for each experiment (qc.json) will be split into multiple rows (1 for overall experiment + 1 for each bio replicate) in a spreadsheet.


See this document for troubleshooting. I will keep updating this document for errors reported by users.


ENCODE ChIP-seq pipeline

License:MIT License


Language:Python 56.5%Language:WDL 34.6%Language:Shell 7.7%Language:Dockerfile 1.2%