wiokru / libman

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#LibMan Library Manager - helps with reservations and borrowing books.


In system there are three main user roles

  1. User
  2. Librarian
  3. Administrator

Each role has the same permissions as role above them - so, librarian is also regular user and admin is also librarian and regular user.


User can search thorough books and select some of them for reservation.
User can reserve max.3 books. If he wants more he should borrow the ones that are reserved already.
User also can view his borrowed and reserved books - tab "My books".
User can edit his information, for example change phone number, city, etc.

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Librarian can do the same things as user, but moreover he has "Manage Books" tab. It allows him to add new book, add new author, add new book category, mark books as borrowed (accept reservations), reject reservations and mark books as returned. He also can edit and delete existing books.

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Administrator has the same permissions as librarian and user. He also has ability to delete and edit exising users. For example he can add new roles to users.

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Books List of books can be filtered by author, title or publisher (both on main books list on home page and "Manage Books" tab)

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What was used and how to run

  1. Java 8
  2. Maven 3.6.3
  3. PostreSQL ver. 12.3
  4. Docker - to hold local database
  5. Spring boot
  6. Hibernate
  7. Thymeleaf
  8. JUnit 5.6.0
  9. Mockito 3.2.4

Running project

  1. Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/wiokru/libman.git
  1. Create the database

I used docker to create and run local database. You can also use local postgreSQL server. To set up database on docker use following commands (make sure docker service is running).

docker volume create pgdata
docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your-desired-password> -d -p 54320:5432 -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:12.3
docker exec -i postgres psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE library_umcs WITH ENCODING='UTF8' OWNER=postgres;"

2.1. Don't forget to change username and password in application.properties: Open src/main/resources/application.properties and change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password for the ones you used. Check if spring.datasource.url matches your url.

To run database use following commands:

docker start postgres

# if you want to see database use following:
docker exec -it postgres bash
psql -U postgres
# and from there use postgreSQL commands to select database
  1. Build and run the app using maven
mvn clean package
java -jar target/libman-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

You can also run the app without packaging it. Use:

mvn spring-boot:run

You can also run the app directly from the IDE you're using.

The app will start running at http://localhost:8080.

After running the app you will see the login page. alt text

From there you can register a new account - click on "Sign up now" and you will see sign up page alt text

Screenshots from app

  1. Adding new book

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  1. "My Books" tab

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  1. Edit user

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  1. "Manage books" tab

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  1. "Manage borrowed"

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  1. "Manage reservations"

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  1. "Manage users" tab

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Use case diagram

There are use cases for each role. Please keep in mind that permissions are inherited (as described erlier), so even tho there is no use case diagram for book reservation by admin he still can do this, cause he is also a user. alt text

Postman requests

In this repo there is a json file with sample postman requests to test app functionalities. There are test requests for each HTTP method - GET/POST/DELETE/PUT.




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