winsoft666 / zoe

C++ File Download Library.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status Vcpkg package badge

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The old name of project is teemo. Due to illegal use, the code was added to the security software feature library. The author made the project private and modified the code structure, and now it is open source again.

1. Introduction

Although there are many mature and powerful download tools, such as Free Download Manager, Aria2, etc., but when I want to find a file download library that supports multiple protocols (such as http, ftp), multi-threaded, resumable, cross-platform, open source, I realized that it's a difficult work, especially developed in C++. So I developed this download library named "zoe" based on libcurl, which can support the following features:

✅ Support Multi-protocol. Since zoe based on libcurl, so it supports all protocols that same as libcurl.

✅ Support segmented downloads.

✅ Support breakpoint resumable.

✅ Support downloading pause/resume.

✅ Support for obtaining real-time download rate.

✅ Support download speed limit.

✅ Support disk cache.

✅ Support hash checksum verify.

✅ Support large file download.

✅ Support compatible server leeching detection(or limit).

2. Compile and Install

Method 1: Using with vcpkg

The zoe library has been included in Microsoft's vcpkg, you can use the following command to install zoe:

git clone
cd vcpkg
PS> bootstrap-vcpkg.bootstrap
Linux:~/$ ./
    1. Install zoe
PS> .\vcpkg install zoe [--triplet x64-windows-static/x64-windows/x64-windows-static-md and etc...]
Linux:~/$ ./vcpkg install zoe

Method 2: Compile from source code

Step 1: Install dependencies

I prefer to use vcpkg to install dependencies. Of course, this is not the only way, you can install dependencies through any ways.

Recommend: add the directory where vcpkg.exe resides to the PATH environment variable.

  • libcurl
# if you want support non-http protocol, such as ftp, the [non-http] option must be specified.
vcpkg install curl[non-http]:x86-windows
  • gtest

unit test project depend on gtest.

vcpkg install gtest:x86-windows

Step 2: Compile zoe

Firstly using CMake to generate project or makefile, then comiple it:

Windows Sample

cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -S %~dp0 -B %~dp0build

Linux Sample


# If using vcpkg to install dependencies, you have to special CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/xxx/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-linux -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DBUILD_TESTS=ON


3. Getting Started

#include <iostream>
#include "zoe.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  using namespace zoe;


  Zoe efd;

  efd.setThreadNum(10);                     // Optional
  efd.setTmpFileExpiredTime(3600);          // Optional
  efd.setDiskCacheSize(20 * (2 << 19));     // Optional
  efd.setMaxDownloadSpeed(50 * (2 << 19));  // Optional
  efd.setHashVerifyPolicy(ALWAYS, MD5, "6fe294c3ef4765468af4950d44c65525"); // Optional, support MD5, CRC32, SHA256
  // There are more options available, please check zoe.h
  efd.setVerboseOutput([](const utf8string& verbose) { // Optional
    printf("%s\n", verbose.c_str());
  efd.setHttpHeaders({  // Optional
    {u8"Origin", u8""},
    {u8"User-Agent", u8"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)"}
  std::shared_future<Result> async_task = efd.start(
      u8"", u8"D:\\test.exe",
      [](Result result) {  // Optional
        // result callback
      [](int64_t total, int64_t downloaded) {  // Optional
        // progress callback
      [](int64_t byte_per_secs) {  // Optional
        // real-time speed callback



  return 0;

4. Command-line tool

zoe_tool is command-line download tool based on zoe library.


zoe_tool URL TargetFilePath [ThreadNum] [DiskCacheMb] [MD5] [TmpExpiredSeconds] [MaxSpeed]
  • URL: Download URL.
  • TargetFilePath: target file saved path.
  • ThreadNum: thread number, optional, default is 1.
  • DiskCacheMb: Disk cache size(Mb), default is 20Mb.
  • MD5: target file md5, optional, if this value isn't empty, tools will check file md5 after download finished.
  • TmpExpiredSeconds: seconds, optional, the temporary file will expired after these senconds.
  • MaxSpeed: max download speed(byte/s).

5. Donate

This project does not accept donations, Thank you for your kindness!

Open source is not a easy work, if you think this project helped you, you can give the project a star⭐.


C++ File Download Library.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 98.9%Language:CMake 1.0%Language:C 0.1%