wingspan / monadic-logging-play

a Scala Play webapp with monadic logging

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


a proof-of-concept Scala Play webapp using monadic logging around I/O that can fail. Uses scalaz and monad transformers.


Using a traditional mutable logger singleton means that logs from concurrent requests are interleaved. If we were to pass logs up the call stack, rather than mutating a global, we have access to the complete and isolated logs across the duration of a request, even in the presence of errors.

We use a monad similar to Writer[List[String], Either[Throwable, A]] to achieve this.

how to run

Does not require Play installed; SBT will download play along with other dependencies.

From the project root: sbt play run


Distributed under the MIT License.


  • Dustin Getz
  • Martin Snyder


a Scala Play webapp with monadic logging