wingspan / kendo-dynamic-crud-form

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dynamic CRUD form generated from a JSON schema, demonstrating MVVM pattern

alt text

Render dynamic form generated from an object schema and an object instance. Uses KendoUI GPL version for widget library.

example schema:

  "name": "com.wingspan.tmf.v2.domain.DummyBean",
  "label": "localize:name:com.wingspan.tmf.v2.domain.DummyBean",
  "fields": {
    "id": {
       "name": "id",
       "label": "internal-id",
       "dataType": "text",
       "placeholder": "",
       "helpText": "",
       "array": false,
       "readonly": true,
       "required": true,
       "multiLine": false,
       "options": null,
       "maxLength": 36,
       "minLength": 36,
       "pattern": "",
       "maxValue": null,
       "minValue": null,
       "decimals": 0,
       "stepValue": 1.0
    "isCoreForLevel": {
      "dataType": "boolean",
    "modifiedDate": {
      "dataType": "datetime",

example instance:

"data": {
  "id": "7ADA9C9C-806C-11E2-B2F8-B4BDF046605F",
  "tmfItemId": "105.20",
  "tmfItemType": "Clinical Trial Agreement",
  "description": "To document agreement of trial requirements between sponsor or 3rd Party and site/ PI.",
  "isCoreForLevel": true,
  "modifiedDate": 1361911170254

how to run

serve up test.html right off the filesystem with your favorite HTTP server, for example python -m SimpleHTTPServer.

From the javascript console, try these commands while watching the live DOM:

 window.crudFormView.model.set('tmfItemId', 42)


this is a self contained single page app; There are ajax calls that are mocked out with Mockjax (see myapp/mocks.js).

This form editor loosely follows the MVVM design pattern, though it does not use data binding. When you click submit, form changes will persist to a Backbone.Model. The backbone model could be wired up to sync to a RESTful backend, or the application could listen to events on the model and make an arbitrary request, or the application could add

html to the page that can submit the form.

Code is proof of concept and does some bad things, like mutating DOM while attached.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%