wingbeats / wingbeats_pi

Raspberry Pi 3 bundle for Kaggle dataset "Wingbeats"

Repository from Github https://github.comwingbeats/wingbeats_piRepository from Github https://github.comwingbeats/wingbeats_pi

Wingbeats Pi

Raspberry Pi 3 bundle for Kaggle dataset Wingbeats

We present a code bundle that allows wingbeat recordings to be transmitted through the Bluetooth wireless mode of a smartphone/tablet to a raspberry pi 3. The user sends the recording(s) and the result of the recognition taking place on pi3 appears on screen. We have embedded a CNN model on Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch).

The weights are derived on a desktop computer using Keras 2.1.3 and after being converted to a Tensorflow 1.4 graph are ported on a pi3. The latter is only used to predict the correct class of the snippet.

The pi3 implementation suggests that a real-time wingbeat recognizer can be directly embedded to insect traps. Alternatively, a stand-alone pi3 can receive snippets through a Wifi functionality from a network of insect traps deployed anywhere in the world.

The following steps has been executed succesfully using android smartphones and iMac.

Step 1 - Bluetooth

First, we need to make Pi able to receive files over bluetooth.

sudo apt-get install obexpushd
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.bluez.service

Add the ' -C' flag to the end of the 'ExecStart=' line. It should look like this:

ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -C

Save the file and reboot. Then create the bluetooth storage folder.

sudo mkdir /bluetooth

To run and automate the obexpushd service on boot, create this file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/obexpush.service

and add the following:

Description=OBEX Push service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/obexpushd -B -o /bluetooth -n


Save the file and set that to autostart with:

sudo systemctl enable obexpush

Reboot and press 'Make Discoverable' in bluetooth's setings to be able to find Pi and pair it with any device. If devices were already paired before the obexpushd service, re-pair them.

You should now be able to send files from your phone/tablet (or other device) to the Pi, they will appear in the /bluetooth directory. Notice that they will be owned by root, so you'll need sudo to access them.

Step 2 - Libraries Installation

"python 2.7"

run in terminal:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev python-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran python-setuptools
sudo pip2 install
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
sudo pip2 install pysoundfile

"python 3.5"

run in terminal:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev python3-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran python3-setuptools
curl -o /tmp/tensorflow-1.5.0-cp34-none-any.whl -O
mv /tmp/tensorflow-1.5.0-cp34-none-any.whl /tmp/tensorflow-1.5.0-cp35-none-any.whl
sudo pip3 install /tmp/tensorflow-1.5.0-cp35-none-any.whl
sudo rm /tmp/tensorflow-1.5.0-cp35-none-any.whl
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
sudo pip3 install pysoundfile

Step 3 - Classifying

Download and extract the and cd inside wingbeats_pi-master folder. Choose samples from test_corpus folder and copy them into your device. You should be able to run the app anytime in terminal, with the following commands:

"python 2.7"

run in terminal:


"python 3.5"

run in terminal:



Raspberry Pi 3 bundle for Kaggle dataset "Wingbeats"


Language:Python 100.0%