Using npm:
$ npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save require-context
In Node.js:
// Load globally into all modules.
// Load locally as a function.
var requireContext = require('require-context');
It allows you to pass in a directory to search, a flag indicating whether subdirectories should be searched too, and a regular expression to match files against.
The syntax is as follows:
require.context(directory, useSubdirectories = false, regExp = /^\.\//)
require.context("./test", false, /\.test\.js$/);
// a context with files from the test directory that can be required with a request endings with `.test.js`.
require.context("../", true, /\.stories\.js$/);
// a context with all files in the parent folder and descending folders ending with `.stories.js`.
A context module exports a (require) function that takes one argument: the request.
The exported function has 3 properties: resolve, keys, id.
is a function and returns the module id of the parsed request.keys
is a function that returns an array of all possible requests that the context module can handle.
This can be useful if you want to require all files in a directory or matching a pattern, Example:
function importAll (r) {
importAll(require.context('../components/', true, /\.js$/));