willmcgugan / brightlingseayoga

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting Started

This file was created by running the command 'moya start project'. The other
files in this directory contain a Moya project tailored to your requirements.

There are a few quick steps you need to run before you can begin developing
your website. If you haven't already done so, open up a terminal and navigate
to the same directory that contains this file.

If you opted for a database, review the database settings in 'settings.ini'.
The default settings will automatically create an sqlite database in this

Next, run the following to create the database and initialize any tables:

    moya init

Use the following command to run a development server:

    moya runserver

If all goes well, Moya will let you know it is serving your web site. Point
your browser at to see it.

See http://moyaproject.com/gettingstarted/ for more information.



Language:HTML 59.9%Language:JavaScript 23.6%Language:CSS 14.6%Language:Python 2.0%