williamngan / react-native-sprite

Animated Images for React Native

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Animated Image Sequence for React Native (iOS)

react-native-sprite is a React Native component for animating a sequence of images. Under the hood, it bridges UIImageView to animate images in native iOS.

This is experimental and currently works in XCode 7.3 with React Native 0.34. There's also a basic Swift 3 example in SpriteExampleSwift3 folder.

The folders are organized like this:



First, download or clone this repo, and then go to Terminal or CMD, and run npm install in the SpriteExample folder. This will download the react-native library. It may take a while.

Then, run react-native run-ios in SpriteExample folder. You should see this when it finishes building. Woot!


Known Issues

  • Avoid using a long sequence of large images. This may make it crash in older iPhones and/or take a long time to load. Please submit a pull request if you have a fix for this issue.
  • React Native is a bit of a moving target and many things undocumented. Please file issues or ping @williamngan for bugs and suggestions.
  • Experimental, with rough edges 😅


Component Properties

The Sprite component has the following props:

prop type description required
imagePath string A string to specify "folder/name". Eg, if you added a folder called "hello", with files "world0.png ... world10.png" inside, the imagePath would be "hello/world" yes
count integer Number of images in your sequence yes
format string Your image file's extension. Eg, "png" or "jpg". Default is "png" no
duration float Time in seconds to play a full cycle of your image sequence. Eg, 0.5 = play a full sequence every 500 milliseconds. Default is 0.5. no
animated boolean A boolean to start or stop the animation. Default is false. no
imageNumber integer When not animating, you can display a specific image by its number. Eg, 3 will display "img3.png" no
repeatCount integer Number of loops to play before animation stops. If unspecified, animation will play continuously. no
contentMode string A string key to specify how to lay out the image in view. Valid keys are: contain, cover, stretch, top, bottom, left, right, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight. Default is "contain". no


Additionally, Sprite component also provides 2 methods: createSequence(nameWithPath, count, format, duration) and animate( shouldPlay ) if you need them instead of using props above.

Take a look at index.ios.js in SpriteExample folder for reference.



Setting it up in your project

Add this component into your react-native project in these 7 tedious steps! I wish there's an easier way 😑

1) Open your iOS project in XCode (eg, in ProjectFoo/ios/ProjectFoo.xcodeproj). ProjectFoo is your react-native project folder.

2) In XCode, right-click on your ProjectFoo folder, and select "Add Files to ProjectFoo..."


3) Navigate to your downloaded react-native-sprite folder, click the subfolder Sprite, and select all files in there, and click "Add".


4) At this point, XCode will ask if you want to create a Bridging Header. Yes, create it.
(In case you miss it, you can manually create a header file named "ProjectFoo-Bridging-Header.h" later.)


5) Next, add a folder of images that you want to animate. You can find some images in react-native-sprite/SpriteExample/ios/rider for testing. Like step #2, right-click the project folder and select "Add files..."

Choose Copy items if needed and Create folder reference (if you want to refer the images by folder/imageName) under Options in the dialog.


Note that you may need to clean and rebuild XCode project after adding new assets.

6) Click on the generated bridge header file from step 4 (ProjectFoo-Bridging-Header.h), and add these two lines into the file.

#import "RCTViewManager.h"
#import "RCTUIManager.h"


7) Almost there! Finally, copy the Sprite.js file in SpriteComponent folder into your ReactNative project. (Not in XCode "ios" project.) Alternatively, get it from npm install react-native-sprite.

Then you can use it as a component like this:

const Sprite = require('./Sprite.js');
// import Sprite from 'react-native-sprite'; // Use this if you install from npm

class SpriteExample extends Component {
  render() {
    return (<View><Sprite style={...} imagePath="folder/imgName" count={10} animated={true} /></View>)

Take a look at index.ios.js in SpriteExample folder for reference.

And that's it. Run react-native run-ios in Terminal, or click the Play button in XCode to test it in Simulator.  

Have fun!



Apache Version 2.0


Animated Images for React Native

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Swift 37.7%Language:JavaScript 30.4%Language:Objective-C 21.7%Language:Python 5.8%Language:Java 4.4%