williamneto / apartment_prices

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Apartment Mapping

Used data from padmapper -> check out padmapper.com

 - figure out your lat/lon boundaries
 - set lat/lon in query_padmapper.py and draw_heatmap.py
 - run query_padmapper.py 
   - creates apts.txt
 - run draw_heatmap.py
   - creates apts.png

You might do well to first set MAX_X and MAX_Y in draw_heatmap to something small (50) to
test that everything's working before you wait a long time for 1000x1000 or something.

Example output: http://sccs.swarthmore.edu/~cbr/apartment_prices/

Released under the GPL by Jeff Kaufman (June 2011)
