This repository consists of the code for a Flask app running a game based on Ea Ea's game *Star, as well as a builder for game boards, based on the Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation.
This is not an officially supported Google project.
Before using, you'll need the dependencies. Running source
will create a virtualenv and install the package for you.
The code in the builder
directory creates the actual game boards.
After using source
to create the virtualenv and install the package, use vorobuilder [OPTIONS] filename
to generate boards usable for flask addboard
below. The example below uses board.json
as the filename.
The code in the web
directory uses the Flask CLI.
flask initdb # Creates the database, wiping out anything previously there.
flask addboard "--name=My board" board.json
flask runws # Runs the WebSocket and HTTP server.
This is very much a work-in-progress. In particular:
- The login/account system is currently limited to the "null" account system which has (by design) no security.
- The rules are unexplained.
- The protocol is incredibly flimsy, and probably vulnerable to cross-site hijacking.