willbrowningme / laravel-webauthn

Laravel Webauthn support

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Webauthn adapter for Laravel

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LaravelWebauthn is an adapter to use Webauthn as 2FA (second-factor authentication) on Laravel.

Try it now on this demo application.


You may use Composer to install this package into your Laravel project:

composer require asbiin/laravel-webauthn

You don't need to add this package to your service providers.


You can publish the LaravelWebauthn configuration in a file named config/webauthn.php, and resources. Just run this artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelWebauthn\WebauthnServiceProvider"

If desired, you may disable LaravelWebauthn entirely using the enabled configuration option:

'enabled' => false,

Add LaravelWebauthn middleware

Add this in the $routeMiddleware array of your app/Http/Kernel.php file:

  'webauthn' => \LaravelWebauthn\Http\Middleware\WebauthnMiddleware::class,

You can use this middleware in your routes.php file:

Route::middleware(['auth', 'webauthn'])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');

This way users would have to validate their key on login.

Login via remember

When session expires, but the user set the remember token, you can revalidate webauthn session by adding this in your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider file:

use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login;
use LaravelWebauthn\Listeners\LoginViaRemember;

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        Login::class => [


You will find an example of usage on asbiin/laravel-webauthn-example. You can try it right now on the demo application.


The middleware will open the page defined in webauthn.authenticate.view configuration. The default value will open webauthn::authenticate page. The basics are:

  <!-- load javascript part -->
  <script src="{!! secure_asset('vendor/webauthn/webauthn.js') !!}"></script>
  <!-- form to send datas to -->
  <form method="POST" action="{{ route('webauthn.auth') }}" id="form">
    <input type="hidden" name="data" id="data" />
  <!-- script part to run the sign part -->
    var publicKey = {!! json_encode($publicKey) !!};

    var webauthn = new WebAuthn();

      function (datas) {

The webauthn.authenticate.postSuccessCallback configuration is used to redirect the submit form to the callback url: it's the page the user tried to access first.

If the value is false, the webauthn.authenticate.postSuccessRedirectRoute is used as a redirect route.

If postSuccessCallback is false and postSuccessRedirectRoute is empty, the return will be JSON form:

    result: true,
    callback: 'http://localhost',

Register a new key

To register a new key, open /webauthn/register or go to route('webauthn.register'), or any of your implementation.

The controller will open the page defined in webauthn.register.view configuration. The default value will open webauthn::register page. The basics are:

  <!-- load javascript part -->
  <script src="{!! secure_asset('vendor/webauthn/webauthn.js') !!}"></script>
  <!-- form to send datas to -->
  <form method="POST" action="{{ route('webauthn.auth') }}" id="form">
    <input type="hidden" name="register" id="register" />
    <input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" />
  <!-- script part to run the sign part -->
    var publicKey = {!! json_encode($publicKey) !!};

    var webauthn = new WebAuthn();

      function (datas) {

The webauthn.register.postSuccessRedirectRoute configuration is used to redirect the submit form after the registration.

If postSuccessRedirectRoute is empty, the return will be JSON form:

    result: true,
    id: 42,
    object: 'webauthnKey',
    name: 'name of the key',
    counter: 12,


Your browser will refuse to negotiate a relay to your security device without the following:

  • domain (localhost and will be rejected by webauthn.js)
  • an SSL/TLS certificate trusted by your browser (self-signed is okay)
  • connected HTTPS on port 443 (ports other than 443 will be rejected)


If you are a Laravel Homestead user, the default is to forward ports. You can switch from NAT/port forwarding to a private network with similar Homestead.yaml options:

  - map: homestead.test
  - type: "private_network"
    ip: ""

Re-provisioning vagrant will inform your virtual machine of the new network and install self-signed SSL/TLS certificates automatically: vagrant reload --provision

If you haven't done so already, describe your site domain and network in your hosts file: homestead.test


These reoutes are defined:

  • GET /webauthn/auth / route('webauthn.login') The login page.

  • POST /webauthn/auth / route('webauthn.auth') Post datas after a WebAuthn login validate.

  • GET /webauthn/keys/create / route('webauthn.create') Get datas to register a new key

  • POST /webauthn/keys / route('webauthn.store') Post datas after a WebAuthn register check

  • DELETE /webauthn/keys/{id} / route('webauthn.destroy') Delete an existing key

  • UPDATE /webauthn/keys/{id} / route('webauthn.update') Update key properties

You can modify the first part of the url by setting prefix value in the config file.


Events are dispatched by LaravelWebauthn:

  • \LaravelWebauthn\Events\WebauthnLoginData on preparing authentication data
  • \LaravelWebauthn\Events\WebauthnLogin on login with Webauthn check
  • \LaravelWebauthn\Events\WebauthnLoginFailed on a failed login check
  • \LaravelWebauthn\Events\WebauthnRegisterData on preparing register data
  • \LaravelWebauthn\Events\WebauthnRegister on registering a new key
  • \LaravelWebauthn\Events\WebauthnRegisterFailed on failing registering a new key

View response

You can easily change the view responses with the Webauthn service:

use LaravelWebauthn\Services\Webauthn;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
use LaravelWebauthn\Http\Responses\LoginViewResponse as LoginViewResponseBase;

class LoginViewResponse extends LoginViewResponseBase
    public function toResponse($request)
        $publicKey = $this->publicKeyRequest($request);

        return Inertia::render('Webauthn/WebauthnLogin', [
            'publicKey' => $publicKey

List of methods and their expected response contracts:

Webauthn LaravelWebauthn\Contracts
loginViewResponseUsing LoginViewResponseContract
loginSuccessResponseUsing LoginSuccessResponseContract
registerViewResponseUsing RegisterViewResponseContract
registerSuccessResponseUsing RegisterSuccessResponseContract
destroyViewResponseUsing DestroyResponseContract
updateViewResponseUsing UpdateResponseContract


Laravel asbiin/laravel-webauthn
5.8-8.x <= 1.2.0
7.x-8.x 2.0.0


Author: Alexis Saettler

Copyright © 2019–2022.

Licensed under the MIT License. View license.


Laravel Webauthn support

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 89.9%Language:Blade 6.0%Language:JavaScript 4.2%