willbamford / ts-boilerplate

TypeScript Boilerplate with Webpack, Babel, React, ESLint, Prettier & Jest

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TS Boilerplate

A boilerplate project to get started with TypeScript, React and Styled Components.


  • TypeScript
  • React (with support for Hooks)
  • Styled Components 4
  • Webpack 4 with ts-loader and webpack-bundle-analyzer
  • Babel 7 with preset-typescript and following plugins:
    • syntax-dynamic-import
    • proposal-object-rest-spread
    • proposal-class-properties
  • Jest with jest-styled-components
  • react-testing-library (not Enzyme)
  • Airbnb ESLint (not TSLint)
  • Prettier
  • stylelint (configured for Styled Components)


Swap out APP_NAME for your project name (you will still need to manually update the package.json name after install):

curl -L https://github.com/WebSeed/ts-boilerplate/archive/master.zip | tar zx
mv ts-boilerplate-master APP_NAME && cd APP_NAME


yarn start

See package.json scripts for full list of commands.



Why react-testing-library instead of Enzyme?

See: https://blog.kentcdodds.com/introducing-the-react-testing-library-e3a274307e65

  • Lightweight wrapper on top of react-dom/test-utils
  • Tests should avoid testing the implementation details of your components
  • So, test the DOM, not the React tree or internal state
  • Can use data-testid escape hatch


TypeScript Boilerplate with Webpack, Babel, React, ESLint, Prettier & Jest


Language:TypeScript 63.1%Language:JavaScript 33.9%Language:HTML 3.0%