willard-yuan / video-text-retrieval-papers

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Awesome Text to Video papers

The main goal is to collect text-to-video works in academia and industry.




  • Microsoft Research Video Description Corpus (MSVD):也称为YouTube2Text dataset,该数据集同样由Microsoft Research提供,地址为 Microsoft Research Video Description Corpus 。该数据集包含1970段YouTube视频片段(时长在10-25s之间),每段视频被标注了大概40条英文句子。
  • MSR-VTT (Microsoft Research Video to Text):该数据集为ACM Multimedia 2016 的 Microsoft Research - Video to Text (MSR-VTT) Challenge。地址为 Microsoft Multimedia Challenge 。该数据集包含10000个视频片段(video clip),被分为训练,验证和测试集三部分。每个视频片段都被标注了大概20条英文句子。此外,MSR-VTT还提供了每个视频的类别信息(共计20类),这个类别信息算是先验的,在测试集中也是已知的。同时,视频都是包含音频信息的。该数据库共计使用了四种机器翻译的评价指标,分别为:METEOR, BLEU@1-4,ROUGE-L,CIDEr。
  • LSMDC (Large Scale Movie Description Challenge): This dataset contains 118,081 short video clips extracted from 202 movies. Each video has a caption, either extracted from the movie script or from transcribed DVS (descriptive video services) for the visually impaired. The validation set contains 7408 clips and evaluation is performed on a test set of 1000 videos from movies disjoint from the training and val sets.

