wilkinv / HomeworkJournal

A Journal to Record Assignments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a journal I made to record all the homework/assignments, to organize all the information easier compared to writing in a word document or on paper. You can also add in subsections to the assignments by adding problems and descriptions to a certain assignment.

Installation Guide:

You need to have Rails and Ruby installed.

To install Ruby first install RVM by typing "\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable" in the terminal. Then type "rvm install ruby-2.3.1" in the terminal to install ruby.

To install Rails type "sudo gem install rails" in the terminal.

In the main folder type "bundle install" in the terminal.

Then type "rake db:migrate" in the terminal.

Lastly type "rails s" to start the localhost. Then you should be able to use the application if you go to http://localhost:3000.


A Journal to Record Assignments


Language:Ruby 74.5%Language:HTML 17.7%Language:CSS 5.2%Language:JavaScript 1.7%Language:CoffeeScript 1.0%