wilfredpine / time_machine_helper.php

A PHP helper for using date and time.

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Time Machine

A PHP helper for using date and time.

defined('PREVENT_DIRECT_ACCESS') or exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * Time Machine Helper
 * by Red (https://github.com/wilfredpine)
 * Other Resources:
 * https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ref_date.asp
 * https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php


/* Date Today ('Y-m-d')
 * get the date today, the default format is Y-m-d H:i:s or you can specify the format you want using the $format parameter
 * For more format options Goto: https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php
if (!function_exists('date_today')) {
    function date_today($format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
        return date($format);

/* Change Format of a Date
 * change the date format, the default format is l, F j, Y (e.i.: Thu, December 5, 2021) if you don't specify the format you want to convert
if (!function_exists('change_date_format')) {
    function change_date_format($date, $format = 'l, F j, Y')
        if ($date == '')
            return null;
            return date($format, strtotime($date));

/* Count Date - count the remaining days from datenow to a specific date
 * specify the date using $until parameter
if (!function_exists('count_date')) {
    function count_date($until)
        $d1 = strtotime($until);
        return ceil(($d1 - time()) / 60 / 60 / 24);

/* Add Days, Months, Weeks, or Years to specified date
 * $num - amount you want to be added
 * Type:
 *      days
 *      months
 *      weeks
 *      years
if (!function_exists('increase_date')) {
    function increase_date($date, $num = 1, $type = 'days', $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
        $date = date_create($date);
        date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("$num $type"));
        return date_format($date, $format);

/* Subtract Days, Months, Weeks, or Years from specified date
 * $num - amount you want to subtract
 * Type:
 *      days
 *      months
 *      weeks
 *      years
if (!function_exists('decrease_date')) {
    function decrease_date($date, $num = 1, $type = 'days', $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
        $date = date_create($date);
        date_sub($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("$num $type"));
        return date_format($date, $format);

/* Substract Days, Months, Weeks, or Years from the Current date
 * $num - amount you want to subtract
 * Type:
 *      days
 *      months
 *      weeks
 *      years
if (!function_exists('decrease_current_date')) {
    function decrease_current_date($num = 1, $type = 'days', $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
        $d = strtotime("-" + $num + " " + $type);
        return date($format, $d);

 * Get last day of the month
if (!function_exists('last_day_of_month')) {
    function last_day_of_month($date, $format = 'Y-m-t')
        $lastDateOfMonth = date($format, strtotime($date));
        return $lastDateOfMonth;

 * Last Year
if (!function_exists('last_year')) {
    function last_year($format = 'Y-m-t')
        $d = strtotime("-365 days");
        return date($format, $d);

 * Time Ago
if (!function_exists('get_time_ago')) {
    function get_time_ago($time, $prefix='about', $suffix='ago')
        $posted = 'just now'; //'less than 1 second ago'

        $time_difference = time() - strtotime($time);

        if( $time_difference < 1 ) { return $posted; }
        $condition = array( 
                    12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60  =>  'year',
                    30 * 24 * 60 * 60       =>  'month',
                    24 * 60 * 60            =>  'day',
                    60 * 60                 =>  'hour',
                    60                      =>  'minute',
                    1                       =>  'second'

        foreach( $condition as $secs => $str )
            $d = $time_difference / $secs;

            if( $d >= 1 )
                $t = round( $d );
                return $prefix . ' ' . $t . ' ' . $str . ( $t > 1 ? 's' : '' ) . ' '.$suffix;


A PHP helper for using date and time.


Language:PHP 100.0%