wildthink / PeerConnectivity

Functional wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Platform: iOS 8+ Language: Swift 3 Carthage compatible Cocoapods compatible Docs License: MIT

####A functional wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework.

######PeerConnectivity is meant to have a lightweight easy to use syntax, be extensible and flexible, and handle the heavy lifting and edge cases of the MultipeerConnectivity framework quietly in the background.

######Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any suggestions!

######Check out the Playground!



pod 'PeerConnectivity'


github "rchatham/PeerConnectivity"


var pcm = PeerConnectionManager(serviceType: "local")

// Start

// Stop
//  - You should always stop the connection manager 
//    before attempting to create a new one

// Can join chatrooms using PeerConnectionType.Automatic, .InviteOnly, and .Custom
//  - .Automatic : automatically searches and joins other devices with the same service type
//  - .InviteOnly : provides a browserViewController and invite alert controllers
//  - .Custom : no default behavior is implemented

// The manager can be initialized with a contructed peer representing the local user
// with a custom displayName

pcm = PeerConnectionManager(serviceType: "local", connectionType: .Automatic, displayName: "I_AM_KING")

// Start again at any time
pcm.start() {
    // Do something when finished starting the session

Sending Events to Peers

let event: [String: Any] = [
    "EventKey" : Date()

// Sends to all connected peers

// Use this to access the connectedPeers
let connectedPeers: [Peer] = pcm.connectedPeers

// Events can be sent to specific peers
if let somePeerThatIAmConnectedTo = connectedPeers.first {
   pcm.sendEvent(event, toPeers: [somePeerThatIAmConnectedTo])

Listening for Events

// Listen to an event
pcm.listenOn({ event in
    switch event {
    case .ReceivedEvent(let peer, let eventInfo):
        print("Received some event \(eventInfo) from \(peer.displayName)")
        guard let date = eventInfo["EventKey"] as? Date else { return }
    default: break
}, withKey: "SomeEvent")

// Stop listening to an event


init(serviceType: ServiceType, 
  connectionType: PeerConnectionType = .automatic, 
     displayName: String = UIDevice.currentDevice().name)


connectionType : PeerConnectionType { get }

peer : Peer { get }

connectedPeers : [Peer] { get }

displayNames : [String] { get }

foundPeers: [Peer] { get }


start(completion: (Void->Void)? = nil)

browserViewController(callback: PeerBrowserViewControllerEvent->Void) -> UIViewController?

invitePeer(peer: Peer, withContext context: Data? = nil, timeout: TimeInterval = 30)

sendData(data: Data, toPeers peers: [Peer] = [])

sendEvent(eventInfo: [String:Any], toPeers peers: [Peer] = [])

sendDataStream(streamName name: String, toPeer peer: Peer) throws -> OutputStream

sendResourceAtURL(resourceURL: URL,
                        withName name: String,
                        toPeers peers: [Peer] = [],
     withCompletionHandler completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? ) -> [Peer:Progress?]
refresh(completion: (Void->Void)? = nil)


#####In addition to these methods there is a full range of listeners that give you total control over the entire range of MultipeerConnectivity options.

listenOn(listener: PeerConnectionEventListener, performListenerInBackground background: Bool = false, withKey key: String)
removeListenerForKey(key: String)



Functional wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 97.4%Language:Ruby 1.7%Language:Objective-C 0.9%