wildthink / FeistyDB

A powerful and performant Swift interface to SQLite

Home Page:https://feistydog.github.io/FeistyDB/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A powerful and performant Swift interface to SQLite featuring:

  • Type-safe and type-agnostic database values.
  • Thread-safe synchronous and asynchronous database access.
  • Full support for transactions and savepoints.
  • Custom SQL functions, including aggregate and window functions.
  • Custom collating sequences.
  • Custom commit, rollback, update, and busy handler hooks.
  • Custom virtual tables.
  • Custom FTS5 tokenizers.
  • Optional support for pre-update hooks and sessions

FeistyDB allows fast, easy database access with robust error handling. It is not a general-purpose object-relational mapper.


Swift Package Manager

Add a package dependency to https://github.com/feistydog/FeistyDB in Xcode.

Manual or Custom Build

  1. Clone the FeistyDB repository.
  2. swift build.

SQLite Build Options

FeistyDB includes a custom version of the SQLite amalgamation with the carray, decimal, ieee, series, shathree, and uuid extensions added. The custom amalgamation is built using the get-sqlite.sh script.

The build options to SQLite mostly follow the recommendations and are specified in Package.swift.

Quick Start

// Create an in-memory database
let db = try Database()

// Create a table
try db.execute(sql: "CREATE TABLE t1(a,b);")

// Insert a row
try db.execute(sql: "INSERT INTO t1(a,b) VALUES (?,?);", 
               parameterValues: [33, "lulu"])

// Retrieve the values
try db.execute(sql: "SELECT a,b FROM t1;") { row in
    let a: Int = try row.value(at: 0)
    let b: String = try row.value(at: 1)

Segue to Thread Safety

FeistyDB compiles SQLite with thread safety disabled for improved performance. While this increases performance, it also means a Database instance may only be accessed from a single thread or dispatch queue at a time.

Most applications should not create a Database directly but instead should use a thread-safe DatabaseQueue.

// Create a queue serializing access to an in-memory database
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue("myapp.database-isolation-queue")

This creates a queue which may be used from multiple threads or dispatch queues safely. The queue serializes access to the database ensuring only a single operation occurs at a time. Database operations may be performed synchronously or asynchronously.

// Perform a synchronous database access
try dbQueue.sync { db in
    // Do something with `db`

// Perform an asynchronous database access
dbQueue.async { db in
    do {
        // Do something with `db`
    catch let error {
        // Handle any errors that occurred

For databases using Write-Ahead Logging concurrent reading and writing is supported. Multiple read operations may be performed simultaneously using more than one DatabaseReadQueue instance. Write operations must always be confined to a single DatabaseQueue. A typical usage pattern is one global DatabaseQueue instance used for writing located in the application's delegate, with DatabaseReadQueue instances located in individual view or window controllers. When used with long-running read transactions each DatabaseReadQueue maintains a separate, consistent snapshot of the database that may be updated in response to database changes.


The core of FeistyDB is the types Database, Statement, and Row.

  • Database is an SQLite database.

  • Statement is a compiled SQL statement.

  • Row is a single result row.

The fundamental type for native database values is DatabaseValue.

  • DatabaseValue contains an integer, floating-point, textual, or blob value.

Type-safe access to database values is provided by classes implementing the ColumnConvertible protocol.

  • ColumnConvertible is a type that can be initialized from a column in a result row.

SQL parameter binding is provided by classes implementing the ParameterBindable protocol.

  • ParameterBindable is a type that can bind its value to an SQL parameter.

General object storage is provided by classes implementing the DatabaseSerializable protocol.

  • DatabaseSerializable is a type that can be serialized to and deserialized from a database column.

Thread-safe access to a database is provided by DatabaseQueue.

  • DatabaseQueue serializes work items on a database.
  • DatabaseReadQueue serializes read operations on a database.


Create an In-Memory Database

let db = try Database()

This creates a database for use on a single thread or dispatch queue only. Most applications should not create a Database directly but instead should use a thread-safe DatabaseQueue.

Create a Table

try db.execute(sql: "CREATE TABLE t1(a,b);")

The created table t1 has two columns, a and b.

Insert Data

for i in 0..<5 {
    try db.execute(sql: "INSERT INTO t1(a,b) VALUES (?,?);",
                   parameterValues: [2*i, 2*i+1])

SQL parameters are passed as a sequence or series of values. Named parameters are also supported.

try db.execute(sql: "INSERT INTO t1(a,b) VALUES (:a,:b);",
               parameters: [":a": 100, ":b": 404])

Insert Data Efficiently

Rather than parsing SQL each time a statement is executed, it is more efficient to prepare a statement and reuse it.

let s = try db.prepare(sql: "INSERT INTO t1(a,b) VALUES (?,?);")
for i in 0..<5 {
    try s.bind(parameterValues: [2*i, 2*i+1])
    try s.execute()
    try s.reset()
    try s.clearBindings()

Fetch Data

The closure passed to execute() will be called with each result row.

try db.execute(sql: "SELECT * FROM t1;") { row in
    let x: Int = try row.value(at: 0)
    let y: Int? = try row.value(at: 1)

row is a Row instance.

Perform a Transaction

try db.transaction { db in
    // Do something with `db`
    return .commit

Database transactions may also be performed asynchronously using DatabaseQueue.

dbQueue.asyncTransaction { db in
    // Do something with `db`
    return .commit

Custom SQL Functions

let rot13Mapping: [Character: Character] = [
    "A": "N", "B": "O", "C": "P", "D": "Q", "E": "R", "F": "S", "G": "T", "H": "U", "I": "V", "J": "W", "K": "X", "L": "Y", "M": "Z",
    "N": "A", "O": "B", "P": "C", "Q": "D", "R": "E", "S": "F", "T": "G", "U": "H", "V": "I", "W": "J", "X": "K", "Y": "L", "Z": "M",
    "a": "n", "b": "o", "c": "p", "d": "q", "e": "r", "f": "s", "g": "t", "h": "u", "i": "v", "j": "w", "k": "x", "l": "y", "m": "z",
    "n": "a", "o": "b", "p": "c", "q": "d", "r": "e", "s": "f", "t": "g", "u": "h", "v": "i", "w": "j", "x": "k", "y": "l", "z": "m"]

try db.addFunction("rot13", arity: 1) { values in
    let value = values.first.unsafelyUnwrapped
    switch value {
        case .text(let s):
            return .text(String(s.map { rot13Mapping[$0] ?? $0 }))
            return value

rot13 can now be used just like any other SQL function.

let s = try db.prepare(sql: "INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (rot13(?));")

Custom Collating Sequences

try db.addCollation("localized_compare", { (lhs, rhs) -> ComparisonResult in
    return lhs.localizedCompare(rhs)

localized_compare is now available as a collating sequence.

let s = try db.prepare(sql: "SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a COLLATE localized_compare;")


FeistyDB is released under the MIT License.


A powerful and performant Swift interface to SQLite


License:MIT License


Language:C 96.0%Language:Swift 4.0%Language:Shell 0.0%