wildonion / gem

🎲 Rust high performance, fault tolerance, low latency, both monolithic and miscroservices stateful backend APIs including actor based HTTP+WebSocket and gRPC servers, API components and realtime pubsub push notification engines with Tokio, Actix, Tonic and Redis

Home Page:https://conse.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

is a crypto based social network platform leveraging the Polygon blockchain empowering lovers to build and take participate in social events (see hoopoe) with their NFT artworks

πŸ” Features

Note that the idea behind the chatroom launchpad has been moved to the hoopoe platform with different implementations.

  • actor based component APIs, a reliable design pattern facilitating the communication between each API endpoint without sending HTTP requests, only by utilising actor message sending pattern supports only local communicating process.

  • actor based pubsub push notification strategies to notify different parts of the app clearly the user, on every db updates using redis pubsub pattern (more).

  • SSE technology to inform clients by receiving automatic updates from the server via an HTTP connection.

  • hoopoe a platform for social events

  • an event managing and reservation system with reveal-participant-role functionality

  • X (twitter) task verification system based on pre-defined tasks by admins.

  • broadcasting X tasks registered by admins into discord channel.

  • crypto id, an EVM based wallet with secp256k1 algorithm to store users' onchain digital assets and sign in-app API calls.

  • the most secure logic for authentication process with JWT per device and secp256k1 per each user for API signing.

  • buying, receiving and selling in-app $TOKEN using Stripe payment gateway and minting NFT gift cards with an smart treasury tracking service.

  • creating multiple private galleries to create, mint and transfer NFTs in various art work collections by inviting friends.

  • participating in chatroom launchpad events (%60 COMPLETED - See WIPs) to mint AI generated NFTs, based on summarization of participants' chats in each event.

πŸ₯ͺ Panel Architecture

🚟 Infra Route and API Endpoints

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# conse panel dev username/password              : devdevy/d3v@%$^$3hjsD
# conse panel admin username/password            : adminy/4dmin@%$^$3hjsD
# postgres adminer username/password/server      : postgres/geDteDd0Ltg2135FJYQ6rjNYHYkGQa70/postgres
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
πŸŽ™οΈ HOSTED ON                                    ==> Digitalocean
πŸ₯› WEBSOCKET PUSH NOTIFICATION ROUTE            ==> wss://event.panel.conse.app/subscribe/
πŸ₯› WEBSOCKET HHTP PUSH NOTIFICATION ROUTE       ==> https://event.panel.conse.app/subscribe/
🌍 MAIN SITE                                    ==> https://conse.app/
πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€βš–οΈ ADMIN PANEL                                  ==> https://panel.conse.app/
πŸ›€οΈ ADMIN/DEV API ROUTE WITH POSTGRES DB STORAGE ==> https://api.panel.conse.app/
πŸ›£ ADMIN/DEV API ROUTE WITH MONGO DB STORAGE    ==> https://api.panel.conse.app/mongo
πŸ—ΊοΈ RENDEZVOUS API ROUTE                         ==> https://api.rendezvous.conse.app/
πŸ›’οΈ ADMINER PANEL                                ==> https://adminer.conse.app
πŸ›ŽοΈ JENKINS PANEL                                ==> https://jenkins.conse.app
β›΅ PORTAINER PANEL                              ==> https://portainer.conse.app
πŸ“Š GRAFANA PANEL                                ==> https://grafana.conse.app
🏦 STRIPE WEBHOOK ENDPOINT                      ==> https://api.panel.stripewh.conse.app
πŸ€– X BOT                                        ==> https://api.xbot.conse.app
πŸ—žοΈ PANEL AND XCORD ERROR LOGS                   ==> https://api.panel.conse.app/logs
πŸ—‚οΈ PANEL ASSETS FOLDER                          ==> https://api.panel.conse.app/assets
πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ KYC gRPC SERVER                              ==> grpcs://rpc.conse.app/kyc.KycService/Verify

# Push Notification WS Routes

# Chatroom Launchpad WS Route

πŸ—ƒοΈ Directory and Structure Explained

  • core: hyper, tonic gRPC, actix web HTTP and actix WS servers.
    • chatdb: spacetimedb wasm methods used in chatroom launchpad section in conse panel.
    • stripewh: stripe webhook listener for checkout events.
    • xbot: X bot for twitter tasks verification.
    • xcord: discord bot to broadcast new twitter task defined by admin into a discord channel.
    • mailreq: mail sender crate.
    • multipartreq: multipart extractor crate.
    • phonereq: OTP code sender crate.
    • s3req: shared state storage crate.
    • walletreq: wallexerr crate.
    • gastracker: gastracker crate.
    • grpc: KYC grpc server.
    • panel: user, dev and admin dashboard panel health, public and secured APIs with actix web and actix WS server.
    • rendezvous: rendezvous service upsert event and deck, reserve event, reveal role and other in-game APIs.
      • controllers: in-game async controllers related to hyper server.
      • routers: in-game API routers related to hyper server.
      • schemas: in-game mongodb schemas related to hyper server.
  • infra: all infrastructure and devops configs.
  • jobs: gem crontab jobs
  • logs: gem log files generated by conse panel and other parts of the app.
  • migrations: diesel postgres sql files
  • scripts: deployment scripts
  • test: gem test codes like admin and dev password generator script

πŸ“˜ Docs, ERDs, Schemas and Collections

πŸ› οΈ Development Setup

you can download runtime crashing error logs throught the address https://api.panel.conse.app/logs also after setting up the portainer, each container logs can be downloaded inside the panel, also makre sure that you've installed the following packages on MacOS M1:

brew tap cossacklabs/tap
brew install openjdk
brew install pkg-config
brew install openssl
brew install diesel
brew link --force openssl
brew install libpq && brew link --force libpq
brew install protobuf
brew install graphviz
brew tap cossacklabs/tap && brew install libthemis
cargo install spacetimedb-cli
sudo npm i wasm-opt -g
cargo clean

then run:

# πŸ₯’ build proto files
cargo build
# πŸƒ Run Conse Hyper Server
cargo run --bin rendezvous #---> cargo build --bin rendezvous --release
# πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ Run Conse Actix Panel Server
cargo run --bin panel #---> cargo build --bin panel --release
# πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ Run Conse KYC gRPC Server
cargo run --bin grpc #---> cargo build --bin grpc --release
# πŸƒπŸΏ Run Conse Test Codes
cargo run --bin contest

πŸš€ Production Setup

Ensure that:

  • all the vars inside .env.prod are filled with their appropriate values.

  • any self-signed SSL certificates used by gRPC server are valid and issued by a recognized certificate authority, if you are using a self-signed certificate, it may not be trusted by default by clients.

  • you've created an NFT product contract for NFT gift card section, later you have to update the up.sql file inside users_collections migration folder with appropriate contract info (address, tx hash and ...), use the following curl to build a new product contract:

        curl --request POST \
        --url https://api.nftport.xyz/v0/contracts \
        --header 'Authorization: <API_KEY>' \
        --header 'accept: application/json' \
        --header 'content-type: application/json' \
        --data '
            "chain": "polygon",
            "name": "Conse Gift Card",
            "symbol": "CGC",
            "owner_address": "0xB3E106F72E8CB2f759Be095318F70AD59E96bfC2",
            "metadata_updatable": true,
            "type": "erc721",
            "royalties_share": 250,
            "royalties_address": "0xB3E106F72E8CB2f759Be095318F70AD59E96bfC2"

    the output would be expected:

        {"response":"OK","chain":"polygon","transaction_hash":"0x3f9821e5bb280d9fdfcea7adb7b220ec1abe4907e4dc98a433d1f3f6520d7859","transaction_external_url":"https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x3f9821e5bb280d9fdfcea7adb7b220ec1abe4907e4dc98a433d1f3f6520d7859","owner_address":"0xB3E106F72E8CB2f759Be095318F70AD59E96bfC2","type":"erc721","name":"Conse Gift Card","symbol":"CGC"}
  • finally go for diesel migration run command.

before going for production, make make sure that you have the conse.app domain and the following subdomains are enabled in DNS panel and is pointing to the machine where the gem services codes are hosted on, note that for every new (sub)domain inside the VPS there must be a new nginx config file and a new ssl certificate inside the infra/docker/nginx folder related to that (sub)domain name which can be setup by running renew.sh on every changes to the nginx config file like hosting new codes, services or adding a new domain to the VPS.

conse.app                    #---> this main domain is related to the home UI of the app
api.rendezvous.conse.app     #---> points to the conse rendezvous hyper APIs
api.panel.conse.app          #---> points to the conse actix APIs
panel.conse.app              #---> points to the panel UI
event.panel.conse.app        #---> points to the websocket chat and push notification server APIs
adminer.conse.app            #---> points to the adminer UI
jenkins.conse.app            #---> points to the jenkins UI
portainer.conse.app          #---> points to the portainer UI
grafana.conse.app            #---> points to the grafana UI
api.panel.stripewh.conse.app #---> stripe webhook endpoint to receive checkout events
api.xbot.conse.app           #---> twitter bot to verify twitter tasks 
rpc.conse.app                #---> gRPC server actors

keep in mind that multiple domains can point to a same VPS which their ssl-s and routes can be setup by nginx also multiple (sub)domains of different domains can point to multiple VPS-es which can be setup inside the DNS panel of those domains like the following:

DNS records of conse.app domain

Type	    Hostname	               Value	                TTL (seconds)	
A	    conse.app                   directs to	  3600
A	    api.rendezvous.conse.app   	directs to     3600 
A	    panel.conse.app    	        directs to     3600 

DNS records of wildonion.io domain

Type	    Hostname	               Value	          TTL (seconds)	
A	    wildonion.io           directs to	     3600
A	    api.wildonion.app      directs to     3600 
A	    admin.wildonion.app    directs to     3600 

in the above records wildonion.io and conse.app are pointing to a same VPS but their (sub)domains are pointing to different VPS-es.

finally run the followings:

# -----------------------
# ---- read/write access
sudo chmod +x /root && sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /root && sudo chmod -R 777 /root
sudo gpasswd -a www-data root && sudo chmod g+x /root && sudo -u www-data stat /root
sudo chown -R root:root /root && sudo chmod -R 777 /root
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data . && sudo chmod +x /root
sudo chown -R root:root . && sudo chmod -R 777 . 
sudo chmod +x /root && sudo chmod +x /root/gem && sudo chmod +x /root/gem/infra && sudo chmod +x /root/gem/infra/assets && cd scripts
# ---------------
# ---- setup VPS
# ---------------
# ---- deploy containers
# ---------------
# ---- renew nginx 
# ---------------
# ---- rebuild conse panel docker container only 

🌊 Opensea Integrations

NFT can be transferred once in gem and it can be transferred if the NFT has been minted to to the contract owner if the following scenario has happened then and NFT can be bought and transferred easily:

βœ… You create the NFT artwork, mint it and then list it then others can buy your NFT, after that there will be no second sell.

but the following won't be happened:

❌ You create the NFT artwork, others mint it then list it, others want to buy the NFT

Once your NFT gets minted it sits on the blockchain publicly and is available on all NFT marketplaces which supports Polygon blockchain, we sincerely encourage you to do your trading stuffs inside Opensea the integration is as easy as reading the following steps,

  1. import your gem private key into the Metamask

  2. go to Opensea website and connect your wallet with the gem wallet imported in step 1

  3. you can edit collection and NFT info and do onchain trading stuffs

onchain marketplaces requires the onchain tokens so make sure you have enough MATIC balance inside your wallet.

🚧 WIPs

  • chatroom launchpad
    • admin.rs apis, chatdb.rs and spacetim chatdb wasm methods,
    • models/clp_events.rs, openai.rs


🎲 Rust high performance, fault tolerance, low latency, both monolithic and miscroservices stateful backend APIs including actor based HTTP+WebSocket and gRPC servers, API components and realtime pubsub push notification engines with Tokio, Actix, Tonic and Redis



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