wilde4 / capistrano-db-tasks

Add capistrano tasks for syncing remote and local database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Add database AND assets tasks to capistrano to a Rails project.


  • It only supports mysql (both side remote and local)
  • Synchronize remote to local and local to remote

Commands mysql, mysqldump, bzip2 and unbzip2 must be in your PATH

Feel free to fork and to add more database support or new tasks.


Add it as a plugin ./script/plugin install git://github.com/sgruhier/capistrano-db-tasks.git

Add to config/deploy.rb: require 'vendor/plugins/capistrano-db-tasks/lib/dbtasks'

# if you haven't already specified
set :rails_env, "production"

# if you want to remove the dump file after loading
set :db_local_clean, true  

# If you want to import assets, you can change default asset dir (default = system)
# This directory must be in your shared directory on the server
set :assets_dir, %w(public/assets public/att)

# if you want to work on a specific local environment (default = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development')
set :locals_rails_env, "production"

Available tasks

db:pull      # Synchronize your local database using remote database data
assets:pull  # Synchronize your local assets using remote assets
app:pull     # Synchronize your local assets AND local database using remote assets and database

db:push     # Synchronize the local database to the remote database


cap db:pull
cap production db:pull # if you are using capistrano-ext to have multistages



  • May be change project's name as it's not only database tasks now :)
  • Add synchronization of assets from local to remote
  • Add tests

Copyright (c) 2009 [SĂ©bastien Gruhier - XILINUS], released under the MIT license


Add capistrano tasks for syncing remote and local database
