wikimedia / stylelint-config-wikimedia

CSS/Less Stylelint configuration according to CSS coding conventions for Wikimedia.

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NPM version

Wikimedia CSS Coding Standards shareable config for stylelint

Configuration rules to ensure your CSS is compliant with the Wikimedia CSS Coding Standards.


$ npm install -D stylelint-config-wikimedia


Set your stylelint config file, .stylelintrc.json, to:

	"extends": "stylelint-config-wikimedia"

If you would also like to enable rules to disallow CSS which is unsupported by modern browsers Grade A or basic supported browsers Grade C browsers, you can use the following configurations instead:

	"extends": "stylelint-config-wikimedia/support-modern"
	"extends": "stylelint-config-wikimedia/support-basic"

If you are using in a MediaWiki environment, you can add the following config:

	"extends": [

If you need to combine this with browser support rules:

	"extends": [

Extend or override the configuration

Add a "rules" object to your config file, and add your overrides or additional rules there, for example:

	"extends": "stylelint-config-wikimedia/support-basic",
	"rules": {
		"stylistic/max-empty-lines": null


You can read the changelog for release versions.


This is available under the MIT License.


CSS/Less Stylelint configuration according to CSS coding conventions for Wikimedia.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%