wijet / cleaner

Tool for cleaning up your directories with friendly DSL

Home Page:https://github.com/wijet/cleaner

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cleaner Build Status

Tool for automatic management of directories on your disk with simple DSL. Inspired by Hazel app.


$ gem install cleaner

Example configuration file

manage '~/Downloads' do
  # Move avi's and audio files to right places
  move :avi, :to => '~/Movies/inbox'
  move %w(mp3 ogg), :to => '~/Music/inbox'

  # label all files bigger than 100MB with red color (OS X only)
  label :color => :red, :bigger_than => 100.megabytes

  # Remove zip files if file without zip extension exists (uncompressed files)
  delete :zip, :if => proc { |file| File.exists?(file.path_without_ext) }

  # Move all VAT invoices to a special place
  move :pdf, :if => proc { |file| file.name =~ /VAT/ }, :to => '~/Documents/invoices'

  # You've probably installed it already
  delete :dmg, :after => 10.hours

  # Delete everything older than 1 month.
  # Was here for so long? Doesn't deserve to exist!
  delete :after => 1.month


Generate sample configuration file (~/.cleaner.rb)

$ cleaner init

Run cleaner in the background. By default it will run every 1 hour.

$ cleaner start

You can specify cleaning interval with "rails like" syntax: 20.minutes, 4.hours, 1.day

$ cleaner start 4.hours

Stop cleaner daemon

$ cleaner stop

Available actions

  • Deleting files

    delete :zip
  • Moving files

    move :pdf, :to => '~/Documents/pdfs'
  • Copying files

    copy :mp3, :to => '~/Documents/audio'
  • Labeling files with colors (OS X only). Available colors: :white, :orange, :red, :yellow, :blue, :purple, :green, :gray

    label :txt, :color => :blue

Available conditions

Conditions are used for more accurate files matching.

  • :after - Matches files created given period time ago

    :after => 2.days
  • :if - Matches file for which block returns true. File object is passed to the block.

    :if => proc { |file| file.name =~ /foo/ }
  • :smaller_than - Matches files which are smaller than the given value

    :smaller_than => 10.megabytes
  • :bigger_than - Matches files which are bigger than the given value

    :bigger_than => 1.megabyte

Third party actions

  • Subtitles - Fetching polish subtitles for movies

Writing own actions

New actions can be added easily. All you need to do is implement #execute method.

Useful methods when implementing own actions:

  • #files - array of filtered file paths
  • #options - hash of options passed to action
# Here as example is label action which sets color label on files on OS X
module Cleaner
  module Actions
    class Label < Action
      COLORS = {
        :white  => 0,
        :orange => 1,
        :red    => 2,
        :yellow => 3,
        :blue   => 4,
        :purple => 5,
        :green  => 6,
        :gray   => 7,
      def execute
        code = COLORS[options[:color]]
        files.each do |path|
          script = %Q{tell application \\"Finder\\" to set label index of file (POSIX file \\"#{path}\\") to #{code}}
          `osascript -e "#{script}"`

Using custom action

Require action in your config file and use it as any other action.

require 'label.rb'
manage '/add-more-colors-to-your-files' do
  # all avi files are labeled with green color
  label :avi, :color => :green
  # all files bigger than 100 megabytes are labeled with red color
  label :color => :red, :if => proc { |file| file.size > 100.megabytes }


To fetch & test the library for development, do:

$ git clone https://github.com/wijet/cleaner
$ cd cleaner
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rspec

If you want to contribute, please:

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Send me a pull request on Github.


Tool for cleaning up your directories with friendly DSL


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%