wickman / zkctl

zkctl is a utility for interacting with serversets from the command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

zkctl is a utility for interacting with serversets from the command line



zkctl watch <path>

watch watches the set at path and returns 0 if it has observed a change and 1 on any failure. will trigger if the path did not exist and now does, if the path is exists and is deleted, if the path content changes, or any immediate children of the path are added or removed.


zkctl read <path> <filename>

read extracts the contents of an entire serverset at path and writes it into the file pointed at by filename in json format. writes are atomic (a temporary file is written and then renamed to filename) and only take place if the set is different than the file on disk.

the format of the json is a mapping of member name (e.g. "member_0000002132") to endpoint, where the endpoint schema looks like:

  "shard": <int : optional shard number for indexed sets>,
  "serviceEndpoint": {
      "host": <string : hostname>,
      "port": <int : port number>
  "additionalEndpoints": {
      "<port name 1>": {
        "host": <string : hostname>,
        "port": <int : port number>
      "<port name 2>": {
        "host": <string : hostname>,
        "port": <int : port number>

members are immutable, so it's not possible for "member_000002132" to ever change its endpoints or shard number. a new member will be created instead and the old member deleted.


zkctl select <path> [<name>]

selects a random number from the set and returns its primary endpoint in "host:port" format. If name is supplied, then the port in the additional endpoints map with name name is printed instead, e.g. health or thrift port.


cat content | zkctl set <path>

set the content of a particular path. useful for triggering path watches.


run command against random set member

curl http://$(zkctl select /aurora/service/prod/frontend http)/api/v1/health

zkctl select by default picks a random host in the set and prints out the HOST:PORT of the primary endpoint. this can be useful for picking an arbitrary endpoint to send a request.

keep a host list approximately up to date

while true; do
  zkctl watch $SERVERSET backend.json && zkctl read $SERVERSET servers.json
  sleep $((RANDOM % 60))

zkctl read will not be performed on failure of zkctl watch and the operation will sleep a random amount of time before trying again.

services reading backend.json should periodically stat the file and reload if the mtime has changed.

fan out a repository to all hosts on change

git clone https://github.com/my/repo
while true; do
  zkctl watch /repos/my_repo && git pull
  sleep $((RANDOM % 10))

And in your .git/hooks/post-commit, add

git log -1 HEAD | zkctl set /repos/my_repo

which will trigger a sync.


zkctl is a utility for interacting with serversets from the command line


Language:Go 100.0%