wickersoft / mugtest

test application using ivis-mug

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Quick introduction for a minimal working example see: https://gitlab.com/hpivw/mug/blob/master/mug-tools/mug-messenger/src/main.cpp


#include "qmugmessaging.h"

Does not require initialization/instantiation, a global instance can be accessed with QMugMessenger::globalInstance

Publishing a message

QMugMessenger::globalInstance()->publish(QString topic, QString messageString)

### Subscribing to messages

Option 1 Qt Signals & Slots

QMugMessenger::globalInstance()->mugConnect("EXAMPLETOPIC", receiver, SLOT(receiveExampleTopic(QString)))

Option 2 Lambdas

QMugMessenger::globalInstance()->mugConnect("EXAMPLETOPIC", [&](const &Qstring content) {
    // body

## QML

Install the mug-qml plugin

Copy libqmlmugplugin.dll (.so, .dylib), qmldir, plugin.qmltypes into QTDIR/qml/Mug/ (QTDIR is ur qt installation directory)

On unix system you can use make install to isntall the plugin.

Using the plugin

IMPORTANT! Use Connections to access the Messenger singletons signals. using Messenger.onMessageReceived: {...} WONT work and will crash the qml runtime! (This is QT-BUG)

import Mug 1.0

// receiving messages
Connections {
    target: Messenger
    onMessageReceived: {
        // in qml you have to filter for the topic by hand

// publish
Messenger.publish("topic", "message")

Utiltiy classes

You can convert Json to Qt types by using the following classes:

  • MugPoint <-> QPoint
  • MugPointF <-> QPoint
  • MugPolygon <-> QPolygonF + color + border
  • MugLabel <-> QStaticText + font + color + positon
  • MugFont <-> QFont
  • MugTimeInterval <-> QDateTime (start, end)

Since those classes extend standard Qt classes you can use them directly in other Qt componenets (e.g: QPainter.drawPolygon(MugPolygon))

You can construct those types from json by using the QJsonObject cosntructor MugJsonType(QJsonObject)or MugJsonType::fromString(QString).

Each type provides a MugJsonType.toJson() method which converts the type back to a QJsonObject.

There are also some static methos in MugJsonType to convert strings to their respective Qt types.

static QDateTime stringToTimeStamp(const QString &timestamp) static QString colorToHexArgb(const QColor &color)


QPoint point(10, 20);
MugPoint mPoint(point);
QJsonObject resultObj = mPoint.toJson();
QMugMessenger::globalInstance()->publish("point_topic", mPoint.toString());

QJsonObject p1{{"x", 10}, {"y", 20}};
QJsonObject p2{{"x", 40}, {"y", 80}};
QRect rect(MugPoint(p1), MugPoint(p2));

QJsonObject p3{{"x", 20}, {"y", 20}};
MugPolygon somePoly;

MUGUDPM socket

If you want to interact with the messaging interface directly. Use mugsocket.h which serves as a Qt wrapper for messaging.


test application using ivis-mug


Language:C++ 74.2%Language:QMake 25.8%