wick3dr0se / dots

My minimalist Arch Linux Hyprland - Catppuccin themed dotfile configurations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

⚫ dots - Hyprland

My highly customized Hyprland-Catppuccin themed dotfile configurations & scripts


  • Compistor/WM: hyprland
  • Status Bar: waybar
  • App Launch: wofi
  • Browser: firefox, firefox color
  • Shell: bash, .bashrc (prompt)
  • Terminal: kitty
  • Resource Monitor: btop
  • Editor: vim, code (vscode)
  • Notifications: dunst
  • Screen Capture/Record: grim, wf-recorder, grimcap (bin)
  • Wallpaper setter: hyprpaper, hyprpaper-rand (bin)
  • Image viewer: swayimg
  • Video playback: mpv
  • Networking: iwd
  • Bluetooth: bluez
  • Audio: pipewire, helvum, pactl-vol (bin)
  • Misc: matrix (digital rain), sysfetch (screenfetch), snake (game)

A lot of components to this configuration utilize custom Bash scripts I wrote such as grimcap — a grimblast alternative w/ video recording & hyprpaper-rand — a hyprpaper wrapper that sets random wallpapers in (specified) directory. See all my custom scripts here: https://github.com/wick3dr0se/bin



Key Desc
Super+ move left
Super+ move right
Super+ move up
Super+ move down
Super+Space toggle floating
Super+LMB move
Super+RMB resize
Super+X kill active
Super+P pseudo-tile
Super+J toggle split direction


Cmd Key Desc
kitty Super+Return open terminal
firefox Super+W open browser
code Super+E open vscode
reload Super+R reload
wofi Super+M open app launcher
exit Super+Q exit shell (session)
pactl-vol Super+AudioMute toggle mute
pactl-vol Super+AudioLowerVolume reduce volumne 5%
pactl-vol Super+AudioRaiseVolume increase volume 5%


Cmd Key Desc
grimcap snap screen Print snap enitre screen
grimcap snap active Ctrl+Print snap active window
grimcap snap area Shift+Print snap selection area
grimcap rec screen Pause record entire screen
grimcap rec active Ctrl+Pause record active window
grimcap rec area Shift+Pause record selection area

For worksapce bindings see: https://github.com/wick3dr0se/dots/blob/main/.config/hypr/hyprland/workspace.conf


My minimalist Arch Linux Hyprland - Catppuccin themed dotfile configurations

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Vim Script 61.7%Language:CSS 36.4%Language:Shell 1.9%