whoschek / bzfs

bzfs is a backup command line tool that reliably replicates ZFS snapshots from a (local or remote) source ZFS dataset and its descendant datasets to a (local or remote) destination ZFS dataset to make the destination dataset a recursively synchronized copy of the source dataset, using zfs send/receive/rollback/ destroy and ssh tunnel

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Build Coverage os zfs python Code style: black

bzfs is a backup command line tool that reliably replicates ZFS snapshots from a (local or remote) source ZFS dataset (ZFS filesystem or ZFS volume) and its descendant datasets to a (local or remote) destination ZFS dataset to make the destination dataset a recursively synchronized copy of the source dataset, using zfs send/receive/rollback/destroy and ssh tunnel as directed. For example, bzfs can be used to incrementally replicate all ZFS snapshots since the most recent common snapshot from source to destination, in order to help protect against data loss or ransomware.

When run for the first time, bzfs replicates the dataset and all its snapshots from the source to the destination. On subsequent runs, bzfs transfers only the data that has changed since the previous run, i.e. it incrementally replicates to the destination all intermediate snapshots that have been created on the source since the last run. Source ZFS snapshots older than the most recent common snapshot found on the destination are auto-skipped.

bzfs does not create or delete ZFS snapshots on the source - it assumes you have a ZFS snapshot management tool to do so, for example policy-driven Sanoid, zrepl, pyznap, zfs-auto-snapshot, zfs_autobackup, manual zfs snapshot/destroy, etc. bzfs treats the source as read-only, thus the source remains unmodified. With the --dryrun flag, bzfs also treats the destination as read-only. In normal operation, bzfs treats the destination as append-only. Optional CLI flags are available to delete destination snapshots and destination datasets as directed, for example to make the destination identical to the source if the two have somehow diverged in unforeseen ways. This easily enables (re)synchronizing the backup from the production state, as well as restoring the production state from backup.

The source 'pushes to' the destination whereas the destination 'pulls from' the source. bzfs is installed and executed on the 'initiator' host which can be either the host that contains the source dataset (push mode), or the destination dataset (pull mode), or both datasets (local mode, no network required, no ssh required), or any third-party (even non-ZFS OSX) host as long as that host is able to SSH (via standard 'ssh' CLI) into both the source and destination host (pull-push mode). In Pull-push mode the source 'zfs send's the data stream to the initiator which immediately pipes the stream (without storing anything locally) to the destination host that 'zfs receive's it. Pull-push mode means that bzfs need not be installed or executed on either source or destination host. Only the underlying 'zfs' CLI must be installed on both source and destination host. bzfs can run as root or non-root user, in the latter case via a) sudo or b) when granted corresponding ZFS permissions by administrators via 'zfs allow' delegation mechanism.

bzfs is written in Python and continously runs a wide set of unit tests and integration tests to ensure coverage and compatibility with old and new versions of ZFS on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris, on all Python versions >= 3.7 (including latest stable which is currently python-3.12).

bzfs is a stand-alone program with zero required dependencies, consisting of a single file, akin to a stand-alone shell script or binary executable. It is designed to be able to run in restricted barebones server environments. No external Python packages are required; indeed no Python package management at all is required. You can just copy the file wherever you like, for example into /usr/local/bin or similar, and simply run it like any stand-alone shell script or binary executable.

Optionally, bzfs applies bandwidth rate-limiting and progress monitoring (via 'pv' CLI) during 'zfs send/receive' data transfers. When run across the network, bzfs also transparently inserts lightweight data compression (via 'zstd -1' CLI) and efficient data buffering (via 'mbuffer' CLI) into the pipeline between network endpoints during 'zfs send/receive' network transfers. If one of these utilities is not installed this is auto-detected, and the operation continues reliably without the corresponding auxiliary feature.

Example Usage

  • Example in local mode (no network, no ssh) to replicate ZFS dataset tank1/foo/bar to tank2/boo/bar:

bzfs tank1/foo/bar tank2/boo/bar

  • Same example in pull mode:

bzfs root@host1.example.com:tank1/foo/bar tank2/boo/bar

  • Same example in push mode:

bzfs tank1/foo/bar root@host2.example.com:tank2/boo/bar

  • Same example in pull-push mode:

bzfs root@host1:tank1/foo/bar root@host2:tank2/boo/bar

  • Example in local mode (no network, no ssh) to recursively replicate ZFS dataset tank1/foo/bar and its descendant datasets to tank2/boo/bar:

bzfs tank1/foo/bar tank2/boo/bar --recursive

  • Example that makes destination identical to source even if the two have drastically diverged:

bzfs tank1/foo/bar tank2/boo/bar --recursive --force --delete-missing-snapshots --delete-missing-datasets

  • Example with further options:

bzfs tank1/foo/bar root@host2.example.com:tank2/boo/bar --recursive --exclude-snapshot-regex '.*_(hourly|frequent)' --exclude-snapshot-regex 'test_.*' --exclude-dataset /tank1/foo/bar/temporary --exclude-dataset /tank1/foo/bar/baz/trash --exclude-dataset-regex '(.*/)?private' --exclude-dataset-regex '(.*/)?[Tt][Ee]?[Mm][Pp][-_]?[0-9]*' ssh-dst-private-key /root/.ssh/id_rsa

How To Install and Run

# Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get -y install zfsutils-linux python3 # ensure zfs and python are installed
sudo apt-get -y install zstd pv mbuffer # auxiliary helpers are optional

git clone https://github.com/whoschek/bzfs.git
cd bzfs/bzfs
./bzfs --help # Run the CLI
sudo cp bzfs /usr/local/bin/ # Optional system installation

# Alternatively, install a release via pip:
pip install bzfs
bzfs --help # Run the CLI

Design Aspects

  • Rsync'ish look and feel.
  • Supports pull, push, pull-push and local transfer mode.
  • Prioritizes safe, reliable and predictable operations. Clearly separates read-only mode, append-only mode and delete mode.
  • Continously tested on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.
  • Code is almost 100% covered by tests.
  • Simple and straightforward: Can be installed in less than a minute. Can be fully scripted without configuration files, or scheduled via cron or similar. Does not require a daemon other than ubiquitous sshd.
  • Stays true to the ZFS send/receive spirit. Retains the ability to use ZFS CLI options for fine tuning. Does not attempt to "abstract away" ZFS concepts and semantics. Keeps simple things simple, and makes complex things possible.
  • All ZFS and SSH commands (even in --dryrun mode) are logged such that they can be inspected, copy-and-pasted into a terminal/shell, and run manually to help anticipate or diagnose issues.
  • Supports replicating dataset subsets via powerful include/exclude regexes. For example, can replicate all except temporary datasets and private datasets.
  • Supports replicating snapshot subsets via powerful include/exclude regexes. For example, can replicate daily and weekly snapshots while ignoring hourly and 5 minute snapshots. Or, can replicate daily and weekly snapshots to a remote destination while replicating hourly and 5 minute snapshots to a local destination.
  • Also supports replicating arbitrary dataset tree subsets by feeding it a list of flat datasets.
  • Efficiently supports complex replication policies with multiple sources and multiple destinations for each source.
  • Can be told what ZFS dataset properties to copy, also via include/exclude regexes.
  • Full and precise ZFS bookmark support for additional safety, or to reclaim disk space earlier.
  • Can be strict or told to be tolerant of runtime errors.
  • Can log to local and remote destinations out of the box. Logging mechanism is customizable and plugable for smooth integration.
  • Multiple bzfs processes can run in parallel as long as they don't write to the same destination dataset simultaneously.
  • Code base is easy to change, hack and maintain. No hidden magic. Python is very readable to contemporary engineers. Chances are that CI tests will catch changes that have unintended side effects.
  • It's fast!

Automated Test Runs

Results of automated test runs on a matrix of various old and new versions of ZFS/Python/Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris are here, as generated by this script. The script also demonstrates functioning installation steps on Ubuntu, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc. The script also generates code coverage reports which are published here.

The gist is that it should work on any flavor, with python (3.7 or higher, no additional python packages required) only needed on the initiator host.

How To Run Unit Tests on GitHub

  • First, on the GitHub page of this repo, click on "Fork/Create a new fork".
  • Click the 'Actions' menu on your repo, and then enable GitHub Actions on your fork.
  • Then select 'All workflows' -> 'Tests' on the left side.
  • Then click the 'Run workflow' dropdown menu on the right side.
  • Select the name of the job to run (e.g. 'test_ubuntu_24_04') or select 'Run all jobs', plus select the git branch to run with (typically the branch containing your changes).
  • Then click the 'Run workflow' button which kicks off the job.
  • Click on the job to watch job progress.
  • Once the run completes, you can click on the wheel on the top right to select 'Download log archive', which is a zip file containing the output of all jobs of the run. This is useful for debugging.
  • Once the job completes, also a coverage report appears on the bottom of the run page, which you can download by clicking on it. Unzip and browse the HTML coverage report to see if the code you added or changed is actually executed by a test. Experience shows that code that isn't executed likely contains bugs, so all changes (code lines and branch conditions) should be covered by a test before a merge is considered. In practice, this means to watch out for coverage report lines that aren't colored green.
  • FYI, example test runs with coverage reports are here. Click on any run and browse to the bottom of the resulting run page to find the coverage reports, including a combined coverage report that merges all jobs of the run.

How To Run Unit Tests Locally

# verify zfs is installed
zfs --version

# verify python 3.7 or higher is installed
python3 --version

# verify sudo is working
sudo ls

# set this for unit tests if sshd is on a non-standard port (default is 22)
# export bzfs_test_ssh_port=12345
# export bzfs_test_ssh_port=22

# verify user can ssh in passwordless via loopback interface & private key
ssh -p $bzfs_test_ssh_port echo hello

# verify zfs is on PATH
ssh -p $bzfs_test_ssh_port zfs --version

# verify zpool is on PATH
ssh -p $bzfs_test_ssh_port zpool --version

# verify zstd is on PATH for compression to become enabled
ssh -p $bzfs_test_ssh_port zstd --version

# verify pv is on PATH for progress monitoring to become enabled
ssh -p $bzfs_test_ssh_port pv --version

# verify mbuffer is on PATH for efficient buffering to become enabled
ssh -p $bzfs_test_ssh_port mbuffer --version

# Finally, run unit tests. If cloned from git:

# Finally, run unit tests. If installed via 'pip install':


usage: bzfs [-h] [--recursive] [--include-dataset DATASET [DATASET ...]]
            [--exclude-dataset DATASET [DATASET ...]]
            [--include-dataset-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--exclude-dataset-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--exclude-dataset-property STRING]
            [--include-snapshot-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--exclude-snapshot-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--include-snapshot-from-time TIME|DURATION]
            [--include-snapshot-to-time TIME|DURATION]
            [--zfs-send-program-opts STRING] [--zfs-recv-program-opts STRING]
            [--zfs-recv-program-opt STRING]
            [--force-rollback-to-latest-snapshot] [--force] [--force-unmount]
            [--force-once] [--skip-parent]
            [--skip-missing-snapshots [{fail,dataset,continue}]]
            [--retries INT] [--retry-min-sleep-secs FLOAT]
            [--retry-max-sleep-secs FLOAT] [--retry-max-elapsed-secs FLOAT]
            [--skip-on-error {fail,tree,dataset}] [--skip-replication]
            [--delete-missing-snapshots] [--delete-missing-datasets]
            [--dryrun [{recv,send}]] [--verbose] [--quiet]
            [--no-privilege-elevation] [--no-stream] [--no-create-bookmark]
            [--no-use-bookmark] [--ssh-cipher STRING]
            [--ssh-src-private-key FILE] [--ssh-dst-private-key FILE]
            [--ssh-src-user STRING] [--ssh-dst-user STRING]
            [--ssh-src-host STRING] [--ssh-dst-host STRING]
            [--ssh-src-port INT] [--ssh-dst-port INT]
            [--ssh-src-extra-opts STRING] [--ssh-src-extra-opt STRING]
            [--ssh-dst-extra-opts STRING] [--ssh-dst-extra-opt STRING]
            [--ssh-src-config-file FILE] [--ssh-dst-config-file FILE]
            [--bwlimit STRING] [--compression-program STRING]
            [--compression-program-opts STRING] [--mbuffer-program STRING]
            [--mbuffer-program-opts STRING] [--pv-program STRING]
            [--pv-program-opts STRING] [--shell-program STRING]
            [--ssh-program STRING] [--sudo-program STRING]
            [--zfs-program STRING] [--zpool-program STRING] [--log-dir DIR]
            [--log-syslog-address STRING] [--log-syslog-socktype {UDP,TCP}]
            [--log-syslog-facility INT] [--log-syslog-prefix STRING]
            [--log-syslog-level {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARN,INFO,DEBUG,TRACE}]
            [--log-config-file STRING]
            [--log-config-var NAME:VALUE [NAME:VALUE ...]]
            [--include-envvar-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--exclude-envvar-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--zfs-recv-o-targets {full|incremental|full,incremental}]
            [--zfs-recv-o-sources STRING]
            [--zfs-recv-o-include-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--zfs-recv-o-exclude-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--zfs-recv-x-targets {full|incremental|full,incremental}]
            [--zfs-recv-x-sources STRING]
            [--zfs-recv-x-include-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]]
            [--zfs-recv-x-exclude-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]] [--version]
            [--help, -h]


  • SRC_DATASET: Source ZFS dataset (and its descendants) that will be replicated. Can be a ZFS filesystem or ZFS volume. Format is [[user@]host:]dataset. The host name can also be an IPv4 address (or an IPv6 address where each ':' colon character must be replaced with a '|' pipe character for disambiguation). If the host name is '-', the dataset will be on the local host, and the corresponding SSH leg will be omitted. The same is true if the host is omitted and the dataset does not contain a ':' colon at the same time. Local dataset examples: tank1/foo/bar, tank1, -:tank1/foo/bar:baz:boo Remote dataset examples: host:tank1/foo/bar, host.example.com:tank1/foo/bar, root@host:tank, root@host.example.com:tank1/foo/bar, user@, user@||1:tank1/foo/bar:baz:boo. The first component of the ZFS dataset name is the ZFS pool name, here tank1. If the option starts with a + prefix then dataset names are read from the UTF-8 text file given after the + prefix, with each line in the file containing a SRC_DATASET and a DST_DATASET, separated by a tab character. Example: +root_dataset_names.txt, +/path/to/root_dataset_names.txt

    DST_DATASET: Destination ZFS dataset for replication. Has same naming format as SRC_DATASET. During replication, destination datasets that do not yet exist are created as necessary, along with their parent and ancestors.

--recursive, -r

  • During replication, also consider descendant datasets, i.e. datasets within the dataset tree, including children, and children of children, etc.

--include-dataset DATASET [DATASET ...]

  • During replication, include any ZFS dataset (and its descendants) that is contained within SRC_DATASET if its dataset name is one of the given include dataset names but none of the exclude dataset names. If a dataset is excluded its descendants are automatically excluded too, and this decision is never reconsidered even for the descendants because exclude takes precedence over include.

    A dataset name is absolute if the specified dataset is prefixed by /, e.g. /tank/baz/tmp. Otherwise the dataset name is relative wrt. source and destination, e.g. baz/tmp if the source is tank.

    This option is automatically translated to an --include-dataset-regex (see below) and can be specified multiple times.

    If the option starts with a + prefix then dataset names are read from the newline-separated UTF-8 text file given after the + prefix, one dataset per line inside of the text file. Examples: /tank/baz/tmp (absolute), baz/tmp (relative), +dataset_names.txt, +/path/to/dataset_names.txt

--exclude-dataset DATASET [DATASET ...]

  • Same syntax as --include-dataset (see above) except that the option is automatically translated to an --exclude-dataset-regex (see below).

--include-dataset-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • During replication, include any ZFS dataset (and its descendants) that is contained within SRC_DATASET if its relative dataset path (e.g. baz/tmp) wrt SRC_DATASET matches at least one of the given include regular expressions but none of the exclude regular expressions. If a dataset is excluded its descendants are automatically excluded too, and this decision is never reconsidered even for the descendants because exclude takes precedence over include.

    This option can be specified multiple times. A leading ! character indicates logical negation, i.e. the regex matches if the regex with the leading ! character removed does not match.

    Default: .* (include all datasets). Examples: baz/tmp, (.*/)?doc[^/]*/(private|confidential).*, !public

--exclude-dataset-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • Same syntax as --include-dataset-regex (see above) except that the default is (.*/)?[Tt][Ee]?[Mm][Pp][-_]?[0-9]* (exclude tmp datasets). Example: '!.*' (exclude no dataset)

--exclude-dataset-property STRING

  • The name of a ZFS dataset user property (optional). If this option is specified, the effective value (potentially inherited) of that user property is read via 'zfs list' for each included source dataset to determine whether the dataset will be included or excluded, as follows:

    a) Value is 'true' or '-' or empty string or the property is missing: Include the dataset.

    b) Value is 'false': Exclude the dataset and its descendants.

    c) Value is a comma-separated list of fully qualified host names (no spaces, for example: 'tiger.example.com,shark.example.com'): Include the dataset if the fully qualified host name of the host executing bzfs is contained in the list, otherwise exclude the dataset and its descendants.

    If a dataset is excluded its descendants are automatically excluded too, and the property values of the descendants are ignored because exclude takes precedence over include.

    Examples: 'syncoid:sync', 'com.example.eng.project.x:backup'

    Note: The use of --exclude-dataset-property is discouraged for most use cases. It is more flexible, more powerful, and more efficient to instead use a combination of --include/exclude-dataset-regex and/or --include/exclude-dataset to achieve the same or better outcome.

--include-snapshot-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • During replication, include any source ZFS snapshot or bookmark that has a name (i.e. the part after the '@' and '#') that matches at least one of the given include regular expressions but none of the exclude regular expressions. If a snapshot is excluded this decision is never reconsidered because exclude takes precedence over include.

    This option can be specified multiple times. A leading ! character indicates logical negation, i.e. the regex matches if the regex with the leading ! character removed does not match.

    Default: .* (include all snapshots). Examples: test_.*, !prod_.*, .*_(hourly|frequent), !.*_(weekly|daily)

--exclude-snapshot-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • Same syntax as --include-snapshot-regex (see above) except that the default is to exclude no snapshots.

--include-snapshot-from-time TIME|DURATION

  • Specifies the minimum ZFS 'creation' time that a source snapshot (and bookmark) must have in order to be included (default: negative infinity). Only snapshots (and bookmarks) in the closed time range [--include-snapshot-from-time, --include-snapshot-to-time] are included; other snapshots (and bookmarks) are excluded. The specified time can take any of the following forms:

    a) a non-negative integer representing a UTC Unix time in seconds. Example: 1728109805

    b) an ISO 8601 datetime string with or without timezone. Examples: '2024-10-05', '2024-10-05T14:48:00', '2024-10-05T14:48:00+02', '2024-10-05T14:48:00-04:30'. Timezone string support requires Python >= 3.11.

    c) a duration that indicates how long ago from the current time, using the following syntax: a non-negative integer number, followed by zero or more spaces, followed by a duration unit that is one of 's', 'sec[s]', 'm', 'min[s]', 'h', 'hour[s]', 'd', 'day[s]', 'w', 'week[s]'. Examples: '0s', '90min', '48h', '90 days', '12w'.

    Note: This option compares the specified time against the standard ZFS 'creation' time property of the snapshot (which is a UTC Unix time in integer seconds), rather than against a timestamp that may be part of the snapshot name. You can list the ZFS creation time of snapshots and bookmarks as follows: zfs list -t snapshot,bookmark -o name,creation -s creation -d 1 $SRC_DATASET (optionally add the -p flag to display UTC Unix time in integer seconds).

--include-snapshot-to-time TIME|DURATION

  • Specifies the maximum ZFS 'creation' time that a source snapshot (and bookmark) must have in order to be included (default: positive infinity). Has same syntax as --include-snapshot-from-time (see above).

--zfs-send-program-opts STRING

--zfs-recv-program-opts STRING

--zfs-recv-program-opt STRING

  • Parameter to fine-tune 'zfs receive' behaviour (optional); will be passed into 'zfs receive' CLI. The value can contain spaces and is not split. This option can be specified multiple times. Example: --zfs-recv-program-opt=-o --zfs-recv-program-opt='org.zfsbootmenu:commandline=ro debug zswap.enabled=1'


  • Before replication, rollback the destination dataset to its most recent destination snapshot (if there is one), via 'zfs rollback', just in case the destination dataset was modified since its most recent snapshot. This is much less invasive than --force (see below).


  • Before replication, delete destination ZFS snapshots that are more recent than the most recent common snapshot included on the source ('conflicting snapshots') and rollback the destination dataset correspondingly before starting replication. Also, if no common snapshot is included then delete all destination snapshots before starting replication. Without the --force flag, the destination dataset is treated as append-only, hence no destination snapshot that already exists is deleted, and instead the operation is aborted with an error when encountering a conflicting snapshot.


  • On destination, --force will also forcibly unmount file systems via 'zfs rollback -f' and 'zfs destroy -f'. That is, --force will add the '-f' flag to 'zfs rollback' and 'zfs destroy'.

--force-once, --f1

  • Use the --force option at most once to resolve a conflict, then abort with an error on any subsequent conflict. This helps to interactively resolve conflicts, one conflict at a time.


  • Skip processing of the SRC_DATASET and DST_DATASET and only process their descendant datasets, i.e. children, and children of children, etc (with --recursive). No dataset is processed unless --recursive is also specified. Analogy: bzfs --recursive --skip-parent src dst is akin to Unix cp -r src/* dst/

--skip-missing-snapshots [{fail,dataset,continue}]

  • During replication, handle source datasets that include no snapshots (and no relevant bookmarks) as follows:

    a) 'fail': Abort with an error.

    b) 'dataset' (default): Skip the source dataset with a warning. Skip descendant datasets if --recursive and destination dataset does not exist. Otherwise skip to the next dataset.

    c) 'continue': Skip nothing. If destination snapshots exist, delete them (with --force) or abort with an error (without --force). If there is no such abort, continue processing with the next dataset. Eventually create empty destination dataset and ancestors if they do not yet exist and source dataset has at least one descendant that includes a snapshot.

--retries INT

  • The maximum number of times a retryable replication step shall be retried if it fails, for example because of network hiccups (default: 0). Also consider this option if a periodic pruning script may simultaneously delete a dataset or snapshot or bookmark while bzfs is running and attempting to access it.

--retry-min-sleep-secs FLOAT

  • The minimum duration to sleep between retries (default: 0.125).

--retry-max-sleep-secs FLOAT

  • The maximum duration to sleep between retries initially starts with --retry-min-sleep-secs (see above), and doubles on each retry, up to the final maximum of --retry-max-sleep-secs (default: 300). On each retry a random sleep time in the [--retry-min-sleep-secs, current max] range is picked. The timer resets after each operation.

--retry-max-elapsed-secs FLOAT

  • A single operation (e.g. 'zfs send/receive' of the current dataset) will not be retried (or not retried anymore) once this much time has elapsed since the initial start of the operation, including retries. (default: 3600). The timer resets after each operation completes or retries exhaust, such that subsequently failing operations can again be retried.

--skip-on-error {fail,tree,dataset}

  • During replication, if an error is not retryable, or --retries has been exhausted, or --skip-missing-snapshots raises an error, proceed as follows:

    a) 'fail': Abort the program with an error. This mode is ideal for testing, clear error reporting, and situations where consistency trumps availability.

    b) 'tree': Log the error, skip the dataset tree rooted at the dataset for which the error occurred, and continue processing the next (sibling) dataset tree. Example: Assume datasets tank/user1/foo and tank/user2/bar and an error occurs while processing tank/user1. In this case processing skips tank/user1/foo and proceeds with tank/user2.

    c) 'dataset' (default): Same as 'tree' except if the destination dataset already exists, skip to the next dataset instead. Example: Assume datasets tank/user1/foo and tank/user2/bar and an error occurs while processing tank/user1. In this case processing skips tank/user1 and proceeds with tank/user1/foo if the destination already contains tank/user1. Otherwise processing continues with tank/user2. This mode is for production use cases that require timely forward progress even in the presence of partial failures. For example, assume the job is to backup the home directories or virtual machines of thousands of users across an organization. Even if replication of some of the datasets for some users fails due too conflicts, busy datasets, etc, the replication job will continue for the remaining datasets and the remaining users.


  • Skip replication step (see above) and proceed to the optional --delete-missing-snapshots step immediately (see below).


  • After successful replication, delete existing destination snapshots that do not exist within the source dataset if they match at least one of --include-snapshot-regex but none of --exclude-snapshot-regex, and they fall into the [--include-snapshot-from-time, --include-snapshot-to-time] range, and the destination dataset is included via --{include|exclude}-dataset-regex --{include|exclude}-dataset policy. Does not recurse without --recursive.

    For example, if the destination dataset contains snapshots h1,h2,h3,d1 (h=hourly, d=daily) whereas the source dataset only contains snapshot h3, and the include/exclude policy effectively includes h1,h2,h3,d1, then delete snapshots h1,h2,d1 on the destination dataset to make it 'the same'. On the other hand, if the include/exclude policy effectively only includes snapshots h1,h2,h3 then only delete snapshots h1,h2 on the destination dataset to make it 'the same'.


  • After successful replication step and successful --delete-missing-snapshots step, if any, delete existing destination datasets that do not exist within the source dataset if they are included via --{include|exclude}-dataset-regex --{include|exclude}-dataset --exclude-dataset-property policy. Also delete an existing destination dataset that has no snapshot if all descendants of that dataset do not have a snapshot either (again, only if the existing destination dataset is included via --{include|exclude}-dataset-regex --{include|exclude}-dataset --exclude-dataset-property policy). Does not recurse without --recursive.

    For example, if the destination contains datasets h1,h2,h3,d1 whereas source only contains h3, and the include/exclude policy effectively includes h1,h2,h3,d1, then delete datasets h1,h2,d1 on the destination to make it 'the same'. On the other hand, if the include/exclude policy effectively only includes h1,h2,h3 then only delete datasets h1,h2 on the destination to make it 'the same'.

--dryrun [{recv,send}], -n [{recv,send}]

  • Do a dry run (aka 'no-op') to print what operations would happen if the command were to be executed for real (optional). This option treats both the ZFS source and destination as read-only. Accepts an optional argument for fine tuning that is handled as follows:

    a) 'recv': Send snapshot data via 'zfs send' to the destination host and receive it there via 'zfs receive -n', which discards the received data there.

    b) 'send': Do not execute 'zfs send' and do not execute 'zfs receive'. This is a less 'realistic' form of dry run, but much faster, especially for large snapshots and slow networks/disks, as no snapshot is actually transferred between source and destination. This is the default when specifying --dryrun.

    Examples: --dryrun, --dryrun=send, --dryrun=recv

--verbose, -v

  • Print verbose information. This option can be specified multiple times to increase the level of verbosity. To print what ZFS/SSH operation exactly is happening (or would happen), add the -v -v flag, maybe along with --dryrun. All ZFS and SSH commands (even with --dryrun) are logged such that they can be inspected, copy-and-pasted into a terminal shell and run manually to help anticipate or diagnose issues. ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE output lines are identified by [E], [W], [I], [D], [T] prefixes, respectively.

--quiet, -q

  • Suppress non-error, info, debug, and trace output.

--no-privilege-elevation, -p

  • Do not attempt to run state changing ZFS operations 'zfs create/rollback/destroy/send/receive' as root (via 'sudo -u root' elevation granted by administrators appending the following to /etc/sudoers: <NON_ROOT_USER_NAME> ALL=NOPASSWD:/path/to/zfs

    Instead, the --no-privilege-elevation flag is for non-root users that have been granted corresponding ZFS permissions by administrators via 'zfs allow' delegation mechanism, like so: sudo zfs allow -u $SRC_NON_ROOT_USER_NAME send,bookmark $SRC_DATASET; sudo zfs allow -u $DST_NON_ROOT_USER_NAME mount,create,receive,rollback,destroy,canmount,mountpoint,readonly,compression,encryption,keylocation,recordsize $DST_DATASET_OR_POOL.

    For extra security $SRC_NON_ROOT_USER_NAME should be different than $DST_NON_ROOT_USER_NAME, i.e. the sending Unix user on the source and the receiving Unix user at the destination should be separate Unix user accounts with separate private keys even if both accounts reside on the same machine, per the principle of least privilege. Further, if you do not plan to use the --force* flags or --delete-missing-snapshots or --delete-missing-dataset then ZFS permissions 'rollback,destroy' can be omitted. If you do not plan to customize the respective ZFS dataset property then ZFS permissions 'canmount,mountpoint,readonly,compression,encryption,keylocation,recordsize' can be omitted, arriving at the absolutely minimal set of required destination permissions: mount,create,receive.

    Also see https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/8/zfs-allow.8.html#EXAMPLES and https://tinyurl.com/9h97kh8n and https://youtu.be/o_jr13Z9f1k?si=7shzmIQJpzNJV6cq


  • During replication, only replicate the most recent source snapshot of a dataset (using -i incrementals instead of -I incrementals), hence skip all intermediate source snapshots that may exist between that and the most recent common snapshot. If there is no common snapshot also skip all other source snapshots for the dataset, except for the most recent source snapshot. This option helps the destination to 'catch up' with the source ASAP, consuming a minimum of disk space, at the expense of reducing reliable options for rolling back to intermediate snapshots in the future.


  • For increased safety, in normal operation bzfs behaves as follows wrt. ZFS bookmark creation, if it is autodetected that the source ZFS pool support bookmarks: Whenever it has successfully completed replication of the most recent source snapshot, bzfs creates a ZFS bookmark of that snapshot and attaches it to the source dataset. Bookmarks exist so an incremental stream can continue to be sent from the source dataset without having to keep the already replicated snapshot around on the source dataset until the next upcoming snapshot has been successfully replicated. This way you can send the snapshot from the source dataset to another host, then bookmark the snapshot on the source dataset, then delete the snapshot from the source dataset to save disk space, and then still incrementally send the next upcoming snapshot from the source dataset to the other host by referring to the bookmark.

    The --no-create-bookmark option disables this safety feature but is discouraged, because bookmarks are tiny and relatively cheap and help to ensure that ZFS replication can continue even if source and destination dataset somehow have no common snapshot anymore. For example, if a pruning script has accidentally deleted too many (or even all) snapshots on the source dataset in an effort to reclaim disk space, replication can still proceed because it can use the info in the bookmark (the bookmark must still exist in the source dataset) instead of the info in the metadata of the (now missing) source snapshot.

    A ZFS bookmark is a tiny bit of metadata extracted from a ZFS snapshot by the 'zfs bookmark' CLI, and attached to a dataset, much like a ZFS snapshot. Note that a ZFS bookmark does not contain user data; instead a ZFS bookmark is essentially a tiny pointer in the form of the GUID of the snapshot and 64-bit transaction group number of the snapshot and creation time of the snapshot, which is sufficient to tell the destination ZFS pool how to find the destination snapshot corresponding to the source bookmark and (potentially already deleted) source snapshot. A bookmark can be fed into 'zfs send' as the source of an incremental send. Note that while a bookmark allows for its snapshot to be deleted on the source after successful replication, it still requires that its snapshot is not somehow deleted prematurely on the destination dataset, so be mindful of that. By convention, a bookmark created by bzfs has the same name as its corresponding snapshot, the only difference being the leading '#' separator instead of the leading '@' separator. bzfs itself never deletes any bookmark.

    You can list bookmarks, like so: zfs list -t bookmark -o name,guid,createtxg,creation -d 1 $SRC_DATASET, and you can (and should) periodically prune obsolete bookmarks just like snapshots, like so: zfs destroy $SRC_DATASET#$BOOKMARK. Typically, bookmarks should be pruned less aggressively than snapshots, and destination snapshots should be pruned less aggressively than source snapshots. As an example starting point, here is a script that deletes all bookmarks older than X days in a given dataset and its descendants: days=90; dataset=tank/foo/bar; zfs list -t bookmark -o name,creation -Hp -r $dataset | while read -r BOOKMARK CREATION_TIME; do [ $CREATION_TIME -le $(($(date +%s) - days * 86400)) ] && echo $BOOKMARK; done | xargs -I {} sudo zfs destroy {} A better example starting point can be found in third party tools or this script: https://github.com/whoschek/bzfs/blob/main/test/prune_bookmarks.py


  • For increased safety, in normal operation bzfs also looks for bookmarks (in addition to snapshots) on the source dataset in order to find the most recent common snapshot wrt. the destination dataset, if it is auto-detected that the source ZFS pool support bookmarks. The --no-use-bookmark option disables this safety feature but is discouraged, because bookmarks help to ensure that ZFS replication can continue even if source and destination dataset somehow have no common snapshot anymore.

    Note that it does not matter whether a bookmark was created by bzfs or a third party script, as only the GUID of the bookmark and the GUID of the snapshot is considered for comparison, and ZFS guarantees that any bookmark of a given snapshot automatically has the same GUID, transaction group number and creation time as the snapshot. Also note that you can create, delete and prune bookmarks any way you like, as bzfs (without --no-use-bookmark) will happily work with whatever bookmarks currently exist, if any.

--ssh-cipher STRING

  • SSH cipher specification for encrypting the session (optional); will be passed into ssh -c CLI. --ssh-cipher is a comma-separated list of ciphers listed in order of preference. See the 'Ciphers' keyword in ssh_config(5) for more information: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/man5/sshd_config.5.html. Default: ^aes256-gcm@openssh.com

--ssh-src-private-key FILE

  • Path to SSH private key file on local host to connect to src (optional); will be passed into ssh -i CLI. This option can be specified multiple times. default: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa

--ssh-dst-private-key FILE

  • Path to SSH private key file on local host to connect to dst (optional); will be passed into ssh -i CLI. This option can be specified multiple times. default: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa

--ssh-src-user STRING

  • Remote SSH username on src host to connect to (optional). Overrides username given in SRC_DATASET.

--ssh-dst-user STRING

  • Remote SSH username on dst host to connect to (optional). Overrides username given in DST_DATASET.

--ssh-src-host STRING

  • Remote SSH hostname of src host to connect to (optional). Can also be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. Overrides hostname given in SRC_DATASET.

--ssh-dst-host STRING

  • Remote SSH hostname of dst host to connect to (optional). Can also be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. Overrides hostname given in DST_DATASET.

--ssh-src-port INT

  • Remote SSH port on src host to connect to (optional).

--ssh-dst-port INT

  • Remote SSH port on dst host to connect to (optional).

--ssh-src-extra-opts STRING

  • Additional options to be passed to ssh CLI when connecting to src host (optional). The value is split on runs of one or more whitespace characters. Example: --ssh-src-extra-opts='-v -v' to debug ssh config issues.

--ssh-src-extra-opt STRING

  • Additional option to be passed to ssh CLI when connecting to src host (optional). The value can contain spaces and is not split. This option can be specified multiple times. Example: --ssh-src-extra-opt='-oProxyCommand=nc %h %p' to disable the TCP_NODELAY socket option for OpenSSH.

--ssh-dst-extra-opts STRING

  • Additional options to be passed to ssh CLI when connecting to dst host (optional). The value is split on runs of one or more whitespace characters. Example: --ssh-dst-extra-opts='-v -v' to debug ssh config issues.

--ssh-dst-extra-opt STRING

  • Additional option to be passed to ssh CLI when connecting to dst host (optional). The value can contain spaces and is not split. This option can be specified multiple times. Example: --ssh-dst-extra-opt='-oProxyCommand=nc %h %p' to disable the TCP_NODELAY socket option for OpenSSH.

--ssh-src-config-file FILE

  • Path to SSH ssh_config(5) file to connect to src (optional); will be passed into ssh -F CLI.

--ssh-dst-config-file FILE

  • Path to SSH ssh_config(5) file to connect to dst (optional); will be passed into ssh -F CLI.

--bwlimit STRING

  • Sets 'pv' bandwidth rate limit for zfs send/receive data transfer (optional). Example: 100m to cap throughput at 100 MB/sec. Default is unlimited. Also see https://linux.die.net/man/1/pv

--compression-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'zstd' executable (optional). Default is 'zstd'. Examples: 'lz4', 'pigz', 'gzip', '/opt/bin/zstd'. Use '-' to disable the use of this program. The use is auto-disabled if data is transferred locally instead of via the network. This option is about transparent compression-on-the-wire, not about compression-at-rest.

--compression-program-opts STRING

  • The options to be passed to the compression program on the compression step (optional). Default is '-1' (fastest).

--mbuffer-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'mbuffer' executable (optional). Default is 'mbuffer'. Use '-' to disable the use of this program. The use on dst is auto-disabled if data is transferred locally instead of via the network. This tool is used to smooth out the rate of data flow and prevent bottlenecks caused by network latency or speed fluctuation.

--mbuffer-program-opts STRING

  • Options to be passed to 'mbuffer' program (optional). Default: '-q -m 128M'.

--pv-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'pv' executable (optional). Default is 'pv'. Use '-' to disable the use of this program. This is used for bandwidth rate-limiting and progress monitoring.

--pv-program-opts STRING

  • The options to be passed to the 'pv' program (optional). Default: '--progress --timer --eta --fineta --rate --average-rate --bytes --interval=1 --width=120 --buffer-size=2M'.

--shell-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'sh' executable (optional). Default is 'sh'. Use '-' to disable the use of this program.

--ssh-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'ssh' executable (optional). Default is 'ssh'. Examples: 'hpnssh' or 'ssh' or '/opt/bin/ssh' or wrapper scripts around 'ssh'. Use '-' to disable the use of this program.

--sudo-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'sudo' executable (optional). Default is 'sudo'. Use '-' to disable the use of this program.

--zfs-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'zfs' executable (optional). Default is 'zfs'.

--zpool-program STRING

  • The name or path to the 'zpool' executable (optional). Default is 'zpool'. Use '-' to disable the use of this program.

--log-dir DIR

  • Path to the log output directory on local host (optional). Default: $HOME/bzfs-logs. The logger that is used by default writes log files there, in addition to the console. The current.log symlink always points to the most recent log file. The current.pv symlink always points to the most recent data transfer monitoring log. Run 'tail -f' on both symlinks to follow what's currently going on.

--log-syslog-address STRING

--log-syslog-socktype {UDP,TCP}

  • The socket type to use to connect if no local socket file system path is used. Default is 'UDP'.

--log-syslog-facility INT

  • The local facility aka category that identifies msg sources in syslog (default: 1, min=0, max=7).

--log-syslog-prefix STRING

  • The name to prepend to each message that is sent to syslog; identifies bzfs messages as opposed to messages from other sources. Default is 'bzfs'.


  • Only send messages with equal or higher priority than this log level to syslog. Default is 'ERROR'.

--log-config-file STRING

--log-config-var NAME:VALUE [NAME:VALUE ...]

  • User defined variables in the form of zero or more NAME:VALUE pairs (optional). These variables can be used within the JSON passed with --log-config-file (see above) via ${name[:default]} references, which are substituted (aka interpolated) as follows:

    If the variable contains a non-empty CLI value then that value is used. Else if a default value for the variable exists in the JSON file that default value is used. Else the program aborts with an error. Example: In the JSON variable ${syslog_address:/dev/log}, the variable name is 'syslog_address' and the default value is '/dev/log'. The default value is the portion after the optional : colon within the variable declaration. The default value is used if the CLI user does not specify a non-empty value via --log-config-var, for example via --log-config-var syslog_address:/path/to/socket_file or via --log-config-var syslog_address:[host,port].

    bzfs automatically supplies the following convenience variables: ${bzfs.log_level}, ${bzfs.log_dir}, ${bzfs.log_file}, ${bzfs.sub.logger}, ${bzfs.get_default_log_formatter}, ${bzfs.timestamp}. For a complete list see the source code of get_dict_config_logger().

--include-envvar-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • On program startup, unset all Unix environment variables for which the full environment variable name matches at least one of the excludes but none of the includes. If an environment variable is included this decision is never reconsidered because include takes precedence over exclude. The purpose is to tighten security and help guard against accidental inheritance or malicious injection of environment variable values that may have unintended effects.

    This option can be specified multiple times. A leading ! character indicates logical negation, i.e. the regex matches if the regex with the leading ! character removed does not match. The default is to include no environment variables, i.e. to make no exceptions to --exclude-envvar-regex. Example that retains at least these two env vars: --include-envvar-regex PATH --include-envvar-regex bzfs_min_pipe_transfer_size. Example that retains all environment variables without tightened security: '.*'

--exclude-envvar-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • Same syntax as --include-envvar-regex (see above) except that the default is to exclude no environment variables. Example: bzfs_.*


  • Display version information and exit.

--help, -h

  • Show this help message and exit.


The following group of parameters specifies additional zfs receive '-o' options that can be used to configure the copying of ZFS dataset properties from the source dataset to its corresponding destination dataset. The 'zfs-recv-o' group of parameters is applied before the 'zfs-recv-x' group.

--zfs-recv-o-targets {full|incremental|full,incremental}

  • The zfs send phase or phases during which the extra '-o' options are passed to 'zfs receive'. This is a comma-separated list (no spaces) containing one or more of the following choices: 'full', 'incremental'. Default is 'full,incremental'. A 'full' send is sometimes also known as an 'initial' send.

--zfs-recv-o-sources STRING

  • The ZFS sources to provide to the 'zfs get -s' CLI in order to fetch the ZFS dataset properties that will be fed into the --zfs-recv-o-include/exclude-regex filter (see below). The sources are in the form of a comma-separated list (no spaces) containing one or more of the following choices: 'local', 'default', 'inherited', 'temporary', 'received', 'none', with the default being 'local'. Uses 'zfs get -p -s $zfs-recv-o-sources all $SRC_DATASET' to fetch the properties to copy - https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/8/zfs-get.8.html. P.S: Note that the existing 'zfs send --props' option does not filter and that --props only reads properties from the 'local' ZFS property source (openzfs/zfs#13024).

--zfs-recv-o-include-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • Take the output properties of --zfs-recv-o-sources (see above) and filter them such that we only retain the properties whose name matches at least one of the --include regexes but none of the --exclude regexes. If a property is excluded this decision is never reconsidered because exclude takes precedence over include. Append each retained property to the list of '-o' options in --zfs-recv-program-opt(s), unless another '-o' or '-x' option with the same name already exists therein. In other words, --zfs-recv-program-opt(s) takes precedence.

    The --zfs-recv-o-include-regex option can be specified multiple times. A leading ! character indicates logical negation, i.e. the regex matches if the regex with the leading ! character removed does not match. If the option starts with a + prefix then regexes are read from the newline-separated UTF-8 text file given after the + prefix, one regex per line inside of the text file.

    The default is to include no properties, thus by default no extra '-o' option is appended. Example: --zfs-recv-o-include-regex recordsize volblocksize. More examples: .* (include all properties), foo bar myapp:.* (include three regexes) +zfs-recv-o_regexes.txt, +/path/to/zfs-recv-o_regexes.txt

--zfs-recv-o-exclude-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • Same syntax as --zfs-recv-o-include-regex (see above), and the default is to exclude no properties. Example: --zfs-recv-o-exclude-regex encryptionroot keystatus origin volblocksize volsize


The following group of parameters specifies additional zfs receive '-x' options that can be used to configure the copying of ZFS dataset properties from the source dataset to its corresponding destination dataset. The 'zfs-recv-o' group of parameters is applied before the 'zfs-recv-x' group.

--zfs-recv-x-targets {full|incremental|full,incremental}

  • The zfs send phase or phases during which the extra '-x' options are passed to 'zfs receive'. This is a comma-separated list (no spaces) containing one or more of the following choices: 'full', 'incremental'. Default is 'full,incremental'. A 'full' send is sometimes also known as an 'initial' send.

--zfs-recv-x-sources STRING

  • The ZFS sources to provide to the 'zfs get -s' CLI in order to fetch the ZFS dataset properties that will be fed into the --zfs-recv-x-include/exclude-regex filter (see below). The sources are in the form of a comma-separated list (no spaces) containing one or more of the following choices: 'local', 'default', 'inherited', 'temporary', 'received', 'none', with the default being 'local'. Uses 'zfs get -p -s $zfs-recv-x-sources all $SRC_DATASET' to fetch the properties to copy - https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/8/zfs-get.8.html. P.S: Note that the existing 'zfs send --props' option does not filter and that --props only reads properties from the 'local' ZFS property source (openzfs/zfs#13024). Thus, -x opts do not benefit from source != 'local' (which is the default already).

--zfs-recv-x-include-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • Take the output properties of --zfs-recv-x-sources (see above) and filter them such that we only retain the properties whose name matches at least one of the --include regexes but none of the --exclude regexes. If a property is excluded this decision is never reconsidered because exclude takes precedence over include. Append each retained property to the list of '-x' options in --zfs-recv-program-opt(s), unless another '-o' or '-x' option with the same name already exists therein. In other words, --zfs-recv-program-opt(s) takes precedence.

    The --zfs-recv-x-include-regex option can be specified multiple times. A leading ! character indicates logical negation, i.e. the regex matches if the regex with the leading ! character removed does not match. If the option starts with a + prefix then regexes are read from the newline-separated UTF-8 text file given after the + prefix, one regex per line inside of the text file.

    The default is to include no properties, thus by default no extra '-x' option is appended. Example: --zfs-recv-x-include-regex recordsize volblocksize. More examples: .* (include all properties), foo bar myapp:.* (include three regexes) +zfs-recv-x_regexes.txt, +/path/to/zfs-recv-x_regexes.txt

--zfs-recv-x-exclude-regex REGEX [REGEX ...]

  • Same syntax as --zfs-recv-x-include-regex (see above), and the default is to exclude no properties. Example: --zfs-recv-x-exclude-regex encryptionroot keystatus origin volblocksize volsize


bzfs is a backup command line tool that reliably replicates ZFS snapshots from a (local or remote) source ZFS dataset and its descendant datasets to a (local or remote) destination ZFS dataset to make the destination dataset a recursively synchronized copy of the source dataset, using zfs send/receive/rollback/ destroy and ssh tunnel

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 98.1%Language:Shell 1.9%