whopio / checkly-action

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Github Action + npm package that allows to sync a Checkly check group with a github repository. Features TypeScript tests, .har and .json file bundling and a local test runner.


  1. Create an empty repository or a new package in an already existing monorepo
    1. create a file called checkly.config.json in this directory
    2. also create a folder named tests, this folder is where all the checks live.
    3. add .checkly to your .gitignore
  2. Install this package
npm i @whop-sdk/checkly-action --save-dev
yarn add @whop-sdk/checkly-action --dev
pnpm i @whop-sdk/checkly-action --save-dev
  1. (Optional) for TypeScript support add @whop-sdk/checkly-action to compilerOptions.types in your tsconfig:
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2016",
    "module": "esnext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "strict": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "types": ["@whop-sdk/checkly-action", "node"]

Github Action


name: Sync Check Group

    branches: [main]
      - examples/basic/**/*

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2.2.2
          version: 7
      - name: Setup Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: "16"
          cache: "pnpm"
      - name: Install Node Modules
        run: pnpm i
      - uses: whopio/checkly-action@v0.2.0
          checkly-token: ${{ secrets.CHECKLY_TOKEN }}
          checkly-group: ${{ secrets.CHECKLY_GROUP }}
          checkly-account: ${{ secrets.CHECKLY_ACCOUNT }}
          directory: ./examples/basic


name description required default
checkly-token Your Checkly API token X
checkly-group Checkly Group to sync with X
checkly-account Checkly Account ID X
directory tests root ./
s3-key s3 secret for large checks
s3-key-id key id matching s3-key
s3-bucket name of the s3 bucket to upload checks to checkly
s3-endpoint target s3 endpoint
s3-region s3 region auto
max-script-size the maximum amount of characters in a check before s3 loading is used

S3 Integration for supporting large scripts

Checkly only allows for around 1.000.000 characters in a test script. To bypass this restriction this library supports uploading the scripts to a s3 bucket and then uploading a loader that downloads the script from s3 and then executes it.

As uploading scripts with more than 300.000 characters already produces errors when pushing it to Checkly, by default this action will use the s3 loader for scripts with 100.000 chars or more. This setting can be controlled through the max-script-size input of the Action.

In order for this to work you will need to supply the s3 related inputs to the Action.

Writing Checks

Every check file can export a config that defined the checks parameters on checkly and export the check logic as the default export. The check function receives a context parameter that contains the browser and playwright context instances by default and can be extended using the Setup and Teardown feature.

Basic Check

import { DefaultContext, CheckConfig } from "@whop-sdk/checkly-action";

export const config: CheckConfig = {
  activated: false,
  muted: true,
  doubleCheck: true,
  shouldFail: false,

export default async ({ browser }: DefaultContext) => {
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto("https://google.com");

Setup and Teardown Hooks

Next to normal checks every directory can contain _before and _after files that run before and after each test in the directory and have the ability to modify the context passed to the final testing script

Execution Order

Assuming we have the following file structure

| |-_after.ts
| |-_before.ts
| |-example.ts

the final execution order when tests/sub-task/example.ts is being ran is the following:



To infer the context of a test, _before or _after file a helper type is exported from this library. Assuming we have the following file structure:


The type of the context inside of example.ts can be inferred like this:

import { InferContext } from "@whop-sdk/checkly-action";
import type before from "./_before";

export default async (ctx: InferContext<typeof before>) => {};

Note: The before import has to be targeting the last _before file executed before the current test/hook.

Using .har and .json files

.har and .json files are bundled into the js output. To use the routeFromHAR feature of playwright a helper from the @whop-sdk/checkly-helpers package can be utilised. (The helpers package needs to be installed first). The default routeFromHAR feature is also disabled on Checkly's platform

// tests
// |-example.har
// |-example.ts

// example.ts:
import { DefaultContext, CheckConfig } from "@whop-sdk/checkly-action";
import { routeFromHAR } from "@whop-sdk/checkly-helpers";
import archive from "./example.har";

export default async ({ context }: DefaultContext) => {
  // on the entire context
  await routeFromHAR(context, archive);
  // or on a single page
  const page = await context.newPage();
  await routeFromHAR(page, archive);

Running Checks locally

This library includes a CLI util that allows for running tests locally.


package.json setup

  "scripts": {
    "test": "checkly-action run"

Run all Checks

pnpm run test

Run filtered Checks

Filters consider the tests directory the root and ignore the file extension.

| |-sub-task
| | |-example5.ts
| | |-example6.ts
| |-example3.ts
| |-example4.ts

This will only run tests/example1.ts

pnpm run test --filter example1

The filter uses glob patterns to match, so this would run all tests in tests/sub-task, excluding any further nested tests:

pnpm run test --filter sub-task/*

To include the nested tests too:

pnpm run test --filter sub-task/**/*

Lastly, multiple filters can be passed resulting in the following command running tests/example1.ts and all tests in tests/sub-task:

pnpm run test --filter example1 --filter sub-task/**/*

Using .env files

To supply the local tests with Environment Variables, a .env file can be created next to the package.json



Language:TypeScript 97.8%Language:JavaScript 1.9%Language:Shell 0.3%