whole-tale / girder_wt_data_manager

Data Management Plugin for Girder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data Management Plugin for Girder/WholeTale

GitHub Project Build Status Coverage NSF-1541450


For details about terminology (e.g., PS, DM, etc.), see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AWK80HqiSUdK_fKF30ysilHWl5krzPTVmK8g_3pdFeI/edit#heading=h.e5nw0hx7dnhc

There are two plugins: wt_data_manager and wt_data_manager_testing. The testing plugin is a very dirty interface to the DM. It's not meant to be supported, unless we decide otherwise.

The basic flow would be something like this:

  • Create a session
  • Start a container/notebook/tale and pass it the session id
  • Mount the EFS using information from the session dataSet
  • Use session/{id}/object calls to navigate the filesystem and get directory and file information
  • On open() create a lock on the Girder item using the lock API
  • Wait until item.dm.cached is true, then use item.dm.psPath to get the file bytes through some means. For convenience dm/lock/{id}/download can be used for this purpose.
  • Optionally monitor transfers using the transfer API
  • On close, remove the lock from the item (unless the tale is saved, in which case a new lock should be added, possibly in another session)
  • When the tale is removed, delete the session

Data Providers

The DMS can download files to the PS in two different ways: internally or using the Girder download mechanism. If the Girder item contains a meta.phys_path key, the DMS tries to interpret it as a URL. If it can find a URL scheme, it will use that to try to instantiate one of the available transfer providers. If meta.phys_path does not contain a scheme part, the DMS interprets it as local path. Finally, if there is no meta.phys_path, the DMS tries to download the item to the PS using the /file/{id}/download REST call.

As a side note, if meta.phys_path is present, the DMS also requires the presence of a meta.size attribute.

It may be important to note that the DMS assumes the "one file per item" model.

The currently supported URL schemes are:

  • local/file - local copy
  • http - plain http download
  • globus - uses Globus Online to transfer files

The Globus provider

See https://github.com/whole-tale/globus_handler


wt_data_manager has the following configuration options, exposed through the standard Girder plugin configuration interface:


Points to a local path where the PS is located.


The amount, in bytes, of storage allocated for the PS. This is used in various cache calculations


For file garbage collectors that run periodically (descendants of lib.file_gc.PeriodicFileGC), this represents the approximate amount of time between GC invocations.


For certain file GC strategies, this indicates the percentage of dm.private_storage_capacity when the GC should kick-in. If the usage of the PS is below this threshold, no GC-ing would occur.


Once the GC process starts, it will continue until either there are no more items that can be collected, or the PS usage drops below the percentage indicated by this setting


Some calls to the DM API, in particular calls that are likely to be made from other Girder/WT APIs, can be accessed through info['apiRoot'].dm. The following methods are currently implemented:

DM.createSession(user, dataSet)

where dataSet is a list of dictionaries with keys itemId and mountPath, where itemId is a Girder item or folder id and mountPath is an absolute path where the item/folder are mounted in the EFS.

DM.deleteSession(user, session = None, sessionId = None)

Deletes a session. One of session or sessionId must be non-null.


dm = info['apiRoot'].dm

dataSet = [
    {'itemId': '58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df9f', 'mountPath': '/x/y/z'},
    {'itemId': '582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae', 'mountPath': '/myfile.dat'}

session = dm.createSession(user, dataSet)
dm.deleteSession(user, session = session)


A session encapsulates the set of files that can be accessed by a tale. There should be a one-to-one correspondence between a tale instance an a session. Before a tale instance is created, a session must be created. Then, a tale instance can use the session identifier to inform the DM about various needs related to files as well as get the status of files when necessary.

All REST endpoints have corresponding methods in the respective Girder model.

The session API is:

Create session

POST /dm/session


dataSet=[{"itemId": <itemOrFolderId>, "mountPath": <absolutePath>}, ...]


curl -X POST -G --header 'Content-Length: 0' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr' \
    --data-urlencode \
      {"itemId": "58acccc7cbb11e4425ce147b", "mountPath": "/one"},\
      {"itemId": "58acccc7cbb11e4425ce148b", "mountPath": "/fa.txt"}]'\

Example Response:

    "_id": "58d2e27dcbb11e37037227bd",
    "access": {
        "groups": [],
        "users": [
            {"id": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae", "level": 2}
    "dataSet": [
        {"itemId": "58acccc7cbb11e4425ce147b", "mountPath": "/one"},
        {"itemId": "58acccc7cbb11e4425ce148b", "mountPath": "/fa.txt"}
    "ownerId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae"

List sessions

GET /dm/session


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

Example response:

        "_accessLevel": 2,
        "_id": "58c06618cbb11e3152f13d23",
        "_modelType": "session",
        "dataSet": [
            {"itemId": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df90", "mountPath": "/one"},
            {"itemId": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95dfa0", "mountPath": "/fa.txt"}
        "ownerId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae"

Get session

GET /dm/session/{id}



If loadObjects is set, then the dataSet will be returned with additional dictionary entries for each item. These entries are:

  • type: ("folder" | "item")
  • obj: (<folder> | <item>)


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

Example response:

    "_accessLevel": 2,
    "_id": "58d2e630cbb11e3ba1e91b26",
    "_modelType": "session",
    "dataSet": [
        {"itemId": "58acccc7cbb11e4425ce147b", "mountPath": "/one"},
        {"itemId": "58acccc7cbb11e4425ce148b", "mountPath": "/fa.txt"}
    "ownerId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae"

Remove session

DELETE /dm/session/{id}


curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

There is no response on success.

Get object

Returns either a Girder item or a Girder folder that can be found at a specified path. The path is absolute and is composed of a mount point in the session data set followed, optionally, by names of Girder folders, and ending, optionally, in a Girder item name, separated by forward slashes. If the children parameter is present, then the result also contains a listing of all the children of the specified path.

GET /dm/session/{id}/object




curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

Example response:

    "object": {
        "_id": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df90",
        "access": {...},
        "baseParentId": "58437831cbb11e77de91cccb",
        "baseParentType": "collection",
        "created": "2017-02-24T19:46:32.884000+00:00",
        "creatorId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae",
        "description": "",
        "lowerName": "a",
        "name": "a",
        "parentCollection": "collection",
        "parentId": "58437831cbb11e77de91cccb",
        "public": true,
        "size": 12,
        "type": "folder",
        "updated": "2017-02-24T19:46:32.884000+00:00"
    "children": [
            "_id": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df91",
            "access": {...},
            "baseParentId": "58437831cbb11e77de91cccb",
            "baseParentType": "collection",
            "created": "2017-02-24T19:46:32.886000+00:00",
            "creatorId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae",
            "description": "",
            "lowerName": "c",
            "name": "c",
            "parentCollection": "folder",
            "parentId": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df90",
            "public": true,
            "size": 23,
            "updated": "2017-02-24T19:46:32.886000+00:00"

Get item unfiltered

GET /dm/session/{id}/item/{itemId}

Returns a Girder item, like GET /item/{itemId}, except it returns the full object, including fields that would otherwise be hidden (can this be done with vanilla Girder?)


Locks control how the cache works. Basically, if a file has at least one lock, then it cannot be deleted from the cache. The authoritative lock count is kept in the Girder item and is called dm.lockCount. A separate collection, lock is kept with details about lock ownership. The usefulness of the lock collection should mostly be in the ability to keep track of who holds locks on what. There is currently no reconciliation mechanism between the two, but the model updates both in sync (to the extent that the server isn't brought down between calls).

In particular, at least when debugging, it is quite likely to get in a situation when locks are not released because the container/FUSE layer is terminated when a file is open, but before it gets a chance to close it. This requires some form of garbage collection on the locks, by tracking the existence of lock owners/sessions. This isn't there. It probably requires some discussion.

The API is:

Acquire lock

This is typically called in response to an open() request in the filesystem. The current implementation waits for any pending deletes on the file, then triggers a file download after this call if no other locks/transfers exist. It does so by triggering the event dm.itemLocked, which is intercepted by a cache manager and forwarded to a transfer manager.

POST /dm/lock



The ownerId is optional and it defaults to the sessionId. It is used to keep track of who initiated the lock acquisition.


curl -X POST --header 'Content-Length: 0'\
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
    --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

Example response:

    "_id": "58d2fd84cbb11e5639d7b1ae",
    "access": {
        "groups": [],
        "users": [{"id": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae", "level": 2}]
    "itemId": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df9f",
    "ownerId": "58d2d65dcbb11e24580bf6f2",
    "sessionId": "58d2d65dcbb11e24580bf6f2",
    "userId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae"

List locks

Lists locks for a user, optionally filtering by sessionId, itemId, and/or ownerId.

GET /dm/lock



Alternate forms:

GET /dm/session/{id}/lock

(lists all locks for a user and session)


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

Example response:

        "_accessLevel": 2,
        "_id": "58c9f3d0cbb11e4574dbf889",
        "_modelType": "lock",
        "itemId": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df9f",
        "ownerId": "58c0924acbb11e3f338c865a",
        "sessionId": "58c0924acbb11e3f338c865a",
        "userId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae"

Get lock

Retrieves information about a lock

GET /dm/lock/{id}


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

Example response:

    "_accessLevel": 2,
    "_id": "58ca2594cbb11e63275eaf15",
    "_modelType": "lock",
    "itemId": "58b08d98cbb11e6d0f95df9f",
    "ownerId": "58c0924acbb11e3f338c865a",
    "sessionId": "58c0924acbb11e3f338c865a",
    "userId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae"

Release lock

Releases a lock. If no locks remain on the item that this lock belongs to, then a dm.itemUnlocked event is triggered. This may, in turn, cause the deletion of the file corresponding to the item from the cache.

DELETE /dm/lock/{id}


curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

There is no response if the call succeeds.

Download file

Downloads the item that is locked by this lock. The download is done using the dm.psPath field of the item and it requires dm.cached to be true. If dm.cached is false, calling this will most likely result in an error.

GET /dm/lock/{id}/download


The transfers collection keeps track of file transfers initiated by the DM. The API is:

List transfers

GET /dm/transfer



sessionId can be used to only list transfers from a specific session. By default, transfers finished more than 1 minute before this call is made are not returned. To return all transfers, use discardOld=false.


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json'\
    --header 'Girder-Token: Mq359BMGKuxMCI0pM17gV1cPCEGWhtuFki83IlKKkIzZFZvSSNYhCkYElgtcpBQr'\

Example response:

        "_accessLevel": 2,
        "_id": "58d2ca45cbb11e1367df9efa",
        "_modelType": "transfer",
        "endTime": "Timestamp(1490209793, 1)",
        "error": null,
        "itemId": "58d2c427cbb11e0c17c7cc7e",
        "ownerId": "582f621ccbb11e75430a89ae",
        "path": "//Local/c",
        "sessionId": "58d2c9c7cbb11e1367df9ef7",
        "size": 1048576,
        "startTime": "Timestamp(1490209776, 4)",
        "status": 3,
        "transferred": 1048576

The size and transferred fields can be used to calculate the percentage of bytes transferred. The status field can have the following values/meanings:

DONE = 3

A started transfer will have its startTime set to a UTC timestamp representing the moment when the transfer was initiated. Similarly, a finished transfer will have endTime set.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OAC-1541450


Data Management Plugin for Girder


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