whitneydawson123 / osTicket-post

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osTicket - Post-Install Configuration

This tutorial outlines the post-install configuration of the open-source help desk ticketing system osTicket.

Video Demonstration - COMING SOON!

Environments and Technologies Used

  • Microsoft Azure (Virtual Machines/Compute)
  • Remote Desktop
  • Internet Information Services (IIS)

Operating Systems Used

  • Windows 10 (21H2)


- Resource Group - Virtual Machine - Remote Desktop Connection - Internet Information Services (IIS) Setup - osTicket Configured

Post-Install Configuration Objectives

  • Create and configure the osTicket environment
  • Setup configurations as an admin
  • Create roles, departments, teams, agents, and users
  • Set up SLAs and create help topics

Configuration Steps

Step #1

Log into the osTicket as an admin. A role is a permission granted to the agents (help desk personnel) in the department they are in. Each role has a different set of permission that can be checked or not. We are going to create a role called supreme admin and will all the permissions will be checked. Go to Admin Panel (top right) -> agents -> roles -> add new role -> supreme admin.
Then go to the permissions tab, and check all of the boxes.

Step #2

Now, we will create a new department called system administrators. Go to the department's tab -> add a new department.

Step #3

Now create a new team. Go to agents -> teams -> add a new team. Name it Level 11 Support and add yourself as a member.

Step #4

Go to settings -> user settings and click require registration and login to create tickets.

Step #5 Step #6

Now, it's time to add some agents. I added two agents Jane and John Doe. I set both of them as System Administrators and extended Jane role's to the support team.

Step #7 Step #8

Now, it's time to add end users. End users (customers) are the people who can create tickets. Go to agent panel -> users -> add new and create whatever users you want. In my case, I added Ken and Karen Smith.

Step #9 Step #10 Step #11

Now, add SLAs! Go to manage -> SLA -> add new SLA plan. I added three
Sev-A (1 hour, 24/7
Sev-B (4 hours, 24/7)
Sev-C (8 hours, business hours)

Step #12

End users can also choose the problem they need help with. Go to manage -> help topics -> add a new help topic. I added:

  • Business Critical Outage
  • Personal Computer Issues
  • Equipment Request
  • Password Reset

This is it for this part. In the next part, we will finish the osTicket project focusing on the ticket lifecycle.
