WhiteNoiseDev's following
- Fred's GitHub4skinSkywalker
- Addy Osmaniaddyosmani
- Alexander Obenaueralexobenauer
- Jamesbjsi
- Bryant Mosconbmoscon
- Boris Daymaborisdayma
- Erica Xuericaxu
- EurekaLabsAIEurekaLabsAI
- Goldman Sachsgoldmansachs
- Halite AI ChallengeHaliteChallenge
- Jon Gauthierhans
- Joel Gustafsonjoeltg
- Jaime Pillorajpillora
- Andrejkarpathy
- Kailash Nadhknadh
- Louis Beaumontlouis030195
- Phil Wanglucidrains
- M Forecasting CompetitionsMcompetitions
- Peter Cottonmicroprediction
- NixtlaNixtla
- Niccolò ZanichelliNZ99
- Oughtoughtinc
- University of Oxford Control Groupoxfordcontrol
- pydataboston
- Rasmusrsms
- Stephen Mwangist3v3nmw
- Thalesiansthalesians
- The AlgorithmsTheAlgorithms
- Linus Leethesephist
- Timothée Raviertravier
- Michael Truelltruell20
- Kevin Johnsontwopirllc
- Alex Nicholunixpickle
- Robertovernetit
- Weihao Xiaweihaox
- Will Welchwelch