whisk3y3 / EvilPhish

EvilPhish is a tool designed for phishing and vishing assessments to test the security awareness of individuals and organizations. It provides a framework for serving a phishing domain and harvesting user credentials.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


EvilPhish is a tool designed for phishing and vishing assessments to test the security awareness of individuals and organizations. It provides a framework for serving a phishing domain and harvesting user credentials. The webpage is designed to persuade users to login using their network credentials, following a simulated patch verification scan.

Note: Before performing the assessment, you will need to purchase a phishing domain and generate the appropriate DNS records pointing to the server running EvilPhish.

Tool Contents

  • EvilPhish.py: The main Python script that serves the credential harvesting webpage.
  • LICENSE: The license file for EvilPhish (MIT License).
  • README.md: This file provides instructions and information about the tool.
  • Requirements.txt: A list of required Python packages.
  • templates/: A directory containing templates for the phishing campaign.
    • index.html: The HTML template for the phishing page.
  • static/: A directory containing static assets for the phishing page.
    • css/: A directory containing CSS stylesheets.
      • styles.css: The CSS file for styling the phishing page.
    • images/: A directory containing images used in the phishing page.
      • EvilPhish_Logo.png: The logo image for EvilPhish.

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download the EvilPhish repository.
  2. Install the required Python packages using pip install -r Requirements.txt.
  3. Update the index.html file in the templates/ directory with your organization's branding.
  4. Place any additional images or assets in the appropriate directories in the static/ directory.

Generating SSL/TLS Certificates

  1. Generate SSL/TLS certificate and private key files:
    • Open a terminal and navigate to the EvilPhish directory.

    • Download certbot

    • Run the following command to generate the SSL/TLS certificate and private key files:

      sudo apt install certbot
      sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d <domainname>
    • Save the generated private_key.key and ssl_certificate.crt files in a secure location.

Configuring EvilPhish

  1. Edit the path to the private key file and certificate file in the EvilPhish.py script:

    • Open EvilPhish.py in a text editor.
    • Locate the lines that specify the key_file and cert_file variables.
    • Update the file paths to reflect the locations where you saved each file.
  2. Customize the email domain and password policy in the EvilPhish.py script:

    • Open EvilPhish.py in a text editor.
    • Find the following line of code: if email.endswith('@evilphishinc.com') and len(password) >= 8:
    • Modify the domain name to match your organization.

Running EvilPhish

  1. Start EvilPhish:

    • Open a terminal and navigate to the EvilPhish directory.

    • Run the following command to start the phishing simulation:

      sudo python3 EvilPhish.py
  2. Monitor captured credentials:

    • Open a separate terminal window.

    • Navigate to the EvilPhish directory.

    • Run the following command to tail the credentials.txt file and monitor captured credentials:

      tail -f credentials.txt
    • You will see the captured credentials in real-time as the targets interact with the phishing page.


Please note that EvilPhish should only be used for authorized and legal security testing purposes. The misuse of this tool can violate privacy laws and may have serious legal consequences. The developer of this tool is not responsible for any illegal or unethical activities performed using this tool.


Contributions to EvilPhish are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.


EvilPhish is released under the MIT License.


EvilPhish is a tool designed for phishing and vishing assessments to test the security awareness of individuals and organizations. It provides a framework for serving a phishing domain and harvesting user credentials.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 41.2%Language:Python 37.7%Language:CSS 21.1%