whereiskurt / subastion

terraform modules to build AWS VPC with 'blue'/'green' separation. 2x EC2 bastion instances are started connected the public, manage, private networks in the 'blue' and 'green' environments. Private/Manage networks have Internet access through a NAT gateway (by default).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This collection of terraform modules provides the "Infrastructure as Code" to deploy a secure blue/green infrastructure in AWS - usually in under 2minutes. The goal is to provision two bastion hosts (blue/green) in a securely configured AWS environment with openvpn and ssh access.

Connect to bastion host over ssh or extend local network through bastion host using openvpn
aws kms alias and key

Once openvpn is connected to the bastion host, local traffic flows over VPN and through the AWS public network internet gateway, effectively proxying our outbound traffic.

After build-prod-bluegreen completes you have access to 2x EC2 bastion hosts straddling public/manage/private portions of their blue/green networks. Executing openvpn-prod-blue-subastion will extend your local network and tunnel your outbound traffic through AWS. Executing ssh-prod-green-subastion will land you on the green bastion host, straddling the subnets.

What is a Blue/Green Deployment strategy?

A blue/green deployment is a deployment strategy in which you create two separate, but identical environments. One environment (blue) is running the current application version and one environment (green) is running the new application version.

What Subastion Builds

This is an overview of the actual blue/green AWS components created:

subastion arch overview

Quick Start

These steps are fully explained in the next section, but the quick start is here. :-)

  1. You MUST create the AWS KMS CMK manually in the AWS console. The key needs to be in the region you are building (e.g. ca-central-1) and have the alias orchestration.

  2. Manage the AWS infrastructure using terraform you can either:

  • Option A) use the local machine which needs to have terraform, vault, openssl and jq installed, or
  • Option B) run subastion inside a Docker image using docker-compose to create an Alpine Linux image with the binaries and subastion installed
  1. To destroy AWS infrastructure run destroy-prod-bluegreen (and build-prod-bluegreen to build it again!)

Blue/Green Environment Build Steps

1. Common Steps

These are executed for both options:

##Get latest code
git clone https://github.com/whereiskurt/subastion
cd subastion

##Load bash functions and environment variables
source environments.sh

##Build certs/dockervault and create AWS Blue/Green from local terraform install

2. Option A: Build using local host terraform

Run on local system:

## Locally execute the build step

2. Option B: Build with Subastion in Docker

Run from within Docker:

## Move into a docker container for subastion build
cd docker && docker-compose run subastion

## From with-in Docker load bash functions and environment variables
source environments.sh
## From with-in Docker create AWS Blue/Green using terraform

3. Common Steps

Once complete in either environment:

## Now the environment is built, we can connect over `ssh` to the bastion hosts:
## OR! We can extend our network through blue/green bastion using `openvpn`:

## Destroy AWS blue/green
sudo killall openvpn

Detailed Steps

These are the expanded instructions from above.

1. AWS KMS CMK Setup

The only requirement is using the AWS KMS to create a customer managed key (CMK) with an alias 'orchestration':

AWS console showing orchestration alias and key id
aws kms alias and key

This allows the vault to automatically unseal using a configuration tied to AWS CMK:

2. Clone the Repository

With the AWS KMS customer managed key aliased orchestration in-place get the latest version of subastion:

Using git clone https://github.com/whereiskurt/subastion to retrieve latest subastion and set default environment varaibles with source environments.sh.
git clone and sourcing environment

3. Create Local Self-signed CA/ICA Certs

Create a self-signed certificate authority and intermediate certificate authority:

Execute bash function source environments.sh && build-cryptocerts
openssl cert generation with self-signed Certificate Authority (CA) and Intermediate Certificate Authoriy (ICA) signing chain to build the certificats for vault.

4. Start Hashicorp Vault in Docker

Deploy Hashicorp vault to a Docker container:

Execute bash function source environments.sh && build-dockervault

Run docker ps to see the official Hashicorp vault image labeled 'vaultsubastion' is started with mapped local host ports onto the container port running vault:

The offiical HashiCorp vault image running inside of Docker container, unsealed using AWS KMS and IAM user vaultroot with privileges seal/unsealing. A separate IAM user vaultuser is also created to managed the 'aws secrets' and IAM users creation/delete/group assignments.

5. Run Terraform Locally or Run Terraform in Docker

Option A: Run Terraform Locally

This setup will run terraform from your local system and store the state locally:

Execute bash function source environments.sh && build-prod-bluegreen
build terraform locally

After approximately 2-3mins the build should complete:

This is indicating you have two bastion hosts setup:

subastion_blue_public_ip = ""
subastion_green_public_ip = ""

To access the bastion hosts over ssh use these bash functions:

Run bash function ssh-prod-blue-subastion and/or ssh-prod-green-subastion
ssh into bastion hosts

Option B: Run Terraform in Docker

To run terraform with-in a docker container:

cd docker && docker-compose run subastion

Then you can use source environments.sh && build-prod-bluegreen with the container to execute the terraform deployment.

6. Destroy AWS Blue/Green, vaultsubastion and CA/ICA

## Destroy AWS blue/green
sudo killall openvpn



The following packages are required to use this project:

  1. Linux :) and potentially sudo access if you want to create openvpn connections
  2. HashiCorp terraform to build vault, openssl and AWS environment
  3. HashiCorp vault client+server to put/get secrets from the vault
  4. jq to manipulate JSON outpus from terraform
  5. openssl to create .x509 certs
  6. docker and docker-compose to run

NOTE: TODO: Make this a Dockerfile!


To build-aws-bluegreen you need to provide these minimum details in environment/aws/bluegreen/variables.tf:

variable "aws_region" {
  type = string
  default = "ca-central-1"

variable "aws_zones" {
  type = list(string)
  default = ["ca-central-1a", "ca-central-1b"]

variable "aws_profile" {
  type = string
  default = "default"

variable "aws_kms_key_alias" {
  type = string
  default = "orchestration"

variable "aws_kms_key_id" {
  type = string
  sensitive = true

The aws_kms_key_id above must be set to a AWS KMS that has already been created, this is taken care of in the environments.sh. The project creates a new IAM user vaultroot that has access to USE this key. An separate vaultuser is also created with different permissions from vaultroot and performs IAM actions onbehalf of vault (create/delete/manage IAM users.)

This project currently does not create/delete the AWS KMS key. Create an AWS KMS key with the alias orchestration in the same aws_region as above: aws kms alias and key

The default configuration uses an aws_profile named 'default' from the $HOME/.aws/credentials (this could be changed to word 'bootstrap' instead). This is what a $HOME/.aws/credentials file looks like with 'bootstrap' profile added:

aws_access_key_id = AKIAAAABBBCCCDDD
aws_secret_access_key = amazonprovidedsecretABCD

aws_access_key_id = AKIAZZZYYYXXXWWW
aws_secret_access_key = amazonprovidedsecretZYXW

Technical Details


The terraform resources in this project are structured into modules. The code inside of /terraform/modules/aws/subnet is called twice from the main.tf. Here is a simplified example from the project code:

module "vpc" {
  vpc_cidr = ""
  openvpn_port = "11194"

module "subnet_green" {
  source = "terraform/modules/aws/subnet"
  aws_availability_zone = "ca-central-1a"
  manage_subnets = ""
  private_subnets =""

module "subnet_blue" {
  source = "terraform/modules/aws/subnet"
  manage_subnets = ""
  private_subnets =""

Structuring terraform resources into modules and variables demonstrates how to reduce the amount of code needed and increase the robustness/reusability of the code you do write.

The project code includes custom subnet, natgateway and bastion modules are used to create unique green/blue infrastructure within the AWS VPC.

module "ec2_subastion_green" {
  subastion_vpc_id = module.vpc.id
  public_subnet_id = module.subnet_green.public_subnet_id
  manage_subnet_id = module.subnet_green.manage_subnet_id
  private_subnet_id = module.subnet_green.private_subnet_id
  subastion_public_ip = ""
  subastion_manage_ip = ""
  subastion_private_ip = ""

module "ec2_subastion_blue" {
  subastion_vpc_id = module.vpc.id
  public_subnet_id = module.subnet_blue.public_subnet_id
  manage_subnet_id = module.subnet_blue.manage_subnet_id
  private_subnet_id = module.subnet_blue.private_subnet_id

  subastion_public_ip = ""
  subastion_manage_ip = ""
  subastion_private_ip = ""

Description of Terraform Actions

  1. Create a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) called prod in the AWS Region ca-central-1. This VPC will be referenced by other modules - for example the
  2. Re-using the AWS subnet module:
  3. Create subnets green-public, green-manage and green-private, residing in an Availability Zone ca-central-1a (as per subnets)
  4. Create subnets blue-public , blue-manage and blue-private, residing in an Availability Zone ca-central-1b (as per subnets)

TODO - Quick List

  • Expose a t2.XXX variable for setting bastion host size.... https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/
  • Add a environment/aws/kms
  • All module outputs to the environment folder!
  • Move module outputs of PEM files from terraform/modules to the environment/ area
  • In the destroy from aws_bluegreen remove the green/blue subastion keys from vault


terraform modules to build AWS VPC with 'blue'/'green' separation. 2x EC2 bastion instances are started connected the public, manage, private networks in the 'blue' and 'green' environments. Private/Manage networks have Internet access through a NAT gateway (by default).

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 68.8%Language:Shell 23.2%Language:Smarty 7.9%