whenceforth / ethersplay

EVM dissassembler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


EVM dissassembler and related analysis tools.



Create a symbolic link to the Binary Ninja plugin folder. E.g., in macOS

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Binary\ Ninja/plugins
ln -s <your_download_location>/ethersplay/ethersplay .

How to Use

Ethersplay takes as input the evm bytecode in either ascii hex encoded or raw binary format.

To have the bytecode of a solidity file, use solc:

  • solc --bin-runtime file.sol: to print the bytecode of the runtime part of the contract (for most of the cases).
  • solc --bin file.sol: to print the initialisation bytecode of the contract (constructor),

Prefix the output from solc with '0x' and then save it with the extension .evm or .bytecode.

Example using test.sol with following contents:

contract Test {
    uint256 value;
    function Test() {
        value = 5;
    function set_value(uint256 v) {
        value = v;
    function() payable {}

Run solidity to compile: solc --bin-runtime test.sol

solc prints the bytecode to stdout in the format below:

======= test.sol:Test =======
Binary of the runtime part:

Create test.evm with the last part of the solc output prefixed with 0x:


test.evm can be loaded into Binary Ninja

Automatic analyses

These analyses are launched automatically once a bytecode is loaded:

  • EVM Dynamic Jump: Compute the targets of dynamic jumps.
  • EVM Known Hashes: Look for known method ID hashes.
  • EVM Create Methods: Split the contract into methods.


EVM Source Code

Match the solidity source code to the EVM bytecode. The plugin needs the asm json representation source code, created using:

solc --asm-json examples/test.sol > examples/test.asm.json

The source code file has to be in the same directory than the *.asm.json file.

Manticore coverage

Color the basic blocks explored through Manticore (using the visited.txt or *.trace files).

Known issues

  • Opening more than one bytecode file generates the wrong CFG
  • EVM Source Code was tested with solc 0.4.16. It is not compatible with other versions.


EVM dissassembler

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%